O Light that knew no dawn, That shines to endless day, All things in earth and heaven Are l.u.s.tred by Thy ray; No eye can to Thy throne ascend, Nor mind Thy brightness comprehend.


Thy grace, O Father, give, That I may serve in fear; Above all boons, I pray, Grant me Thy voice to hear; From sin Thy child in mercy free, And let me dwell in light with Thee.


That, cleansed from filthy stain, I may meet homage give, And, pure in heart, behold And serve Thee while I live; Clean hands in holy worship raise, And Thee, O Christ my Saviour, praise.


In supplication meek To Thee I bend the knee; O Christ, when Thou shalt come, In love remember me, And in Thy kingdom, by Thy grace, Grant me a humble servant"s place.


Thy grace, O Father, give, I humbly Thee implore; And let Thy mercy bless Thy servant more and more.

All grace and glory be to Thee From age to age eternally.

{tauta soi hemeteroio thalysia, Christe}

Cento from {christe anax, se proton}


Christ, for Thee a wreath adorning Weaves my raptured soul with glee, For from death this glorious morning Thou hast risen triumphantly.


From the tomb behold Him rising, Christ our Lord whose praise is sung.

Death is slain; O power surprising!

Hades" gates are open flung.


Thou for man to earth in meekness Cam"st that he new born might be; Thou upon the cross in weakness Diedst that he might die with Thee.


Thou didst rise--we hail Thee, Jesus!

And we leave the tomb with Thee.

Victor, by the power that frees us, Where Thou art, there we would be.


Hark! the highest heavens are ringing, Choirs angelic lead the strain, And my opened lips in singing Tell the praises forth again.


{Se kai nyn eulogoumen}


Now at this evening hour, O Thou, my Christ, to Thee, Thou Word of G.o.d, Eternal Light, All grateful praises be.


From Thee the Spirit comes, Third beam of peerless light, And in Thyself one glorious...o...b..The triple rays unite.


Thy word and wisdom Thou To lighten man hast given, That he the splendour might reflect That shines superb in heaven;


And having light within, Might see Thine image bright, And daily rise, till he himself Is altogether light.


{orthrios didomi to theo mou dexias}


The morning breaks, I place my hand in Thine, My G.o.d, "tis Thine to lead, to follow mine; No word deceitful shall I speak the while, Nor shall I stain my hand with action vile.


Thine be the day with worthy labour filled, Strong would I stand to do the duty willed; Nor swayed by restless pa.s.sion let me be, That I may give the offering pure to Thee;


Else were I "shamed when h.o.a.ry age I see, Shamed were this board that bears Thy gifts to me: Mine is the impulse; O my Christ, I pray, Be Thou Thyself to me the Blessed Way!

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