{Semeron ho Hades stenon boa}

({stichera idiomela} of the Holy and Great Sabbath)


To-day the groans of Hades rise,-- "Ah, better far for me The Son of Man had never died Upon the cursed tree!

For by His power the fettered souls I held in darkest night, Are carried through the sundered gates Into the realm of light."


Let glory now the Cross adorn, Hail, hail the Resurrection morn!


To-day the groans of Hades rise,-- "My might is overthrown; I took One dead, from "mong the dead, And claimed Him for mine own; But He hath crushed my ancient power; And those I held in thrall Have thrown aside the chains they wore, And He hath rescued all."

Let glory now the Cross adorn, Hail, hail the Resurrection morn!


To-day the groans of Hades rise,-- "My power is gone from me; The Shepherd died upon the Cross, And Adam"s sons are free; The bars are taken from the tomb, Death can no more appal; For He who gave Himself to death, By death hath rescued all."

Let glory now the Cross adorn, Hail, hail the Resurrection morn!

{kai ten phloginen rhomphaian}



No longer now at Eden"s gate The fiery weapon gleams, But from the Cross that leads to life A light alluring streams.


And now the power of Death is gone, His sting is torn away; Grim Hades can no longer claim His silent victory.


For Thou, O Saviour, didst descend Where darkness brooding lies, And bad"st the souls in bondage held Return to Paradise.

{ho monogenes Hyios kai Logos tou theou}

(From the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom)


Thou one Begotten Son, Eternal Word adored, Immortal while the ages run, And our Almighty Lord;


To bring Salvation nigh, To vanquish death and sin, Thou didst in cruel anguish die, And life for mortals win.


Save us, O Christ our G.o.d, Save by Thy Cross, we pray; Thou who didst bear the Father"s rod, And death by dying slay.


Thou art the Eternal Son, One in the glorious Three; Co-equal praise while ages run Shall ever rise to thee.

{Kyrie, anabainontos sou en to stauro}

({Doxa echos pl. d1})


When on the cruel Cross The Lord was lifted high, Affrighted earth in terror quailed To see its Maker die.


Then had the yawning caves Devoured the murderous band, Had not the Crucified in love Stretched forth His saving hand.


Thou gav"st Thyself to die, Dark Hades to explore, To bring to souls in prison bound New life for evermore.


O Lover of mankind, To Thee all glory be, For Thou didst give not death, but life, When hanging on the tree.

{Dia Lazarou ten egersin Kyrie}

({Antiphonon G" echos B"})

When Lazarus rose at Christ"s command, And G.o.d was glorified of men, The children cried Hosanna then, But Judas would not understand.

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