Part 1

All individuals ── make preparations and be on standby for an urgent mission from the executives.

Tenketsu Palace , floor 11.

The Cadet Guard residences were filled with nervousness because of the proclamation from the Guard Regulation Inst.i.tute.

“An urgent mission announcement, huuuh. Ain’t there some more suitable unit other than us for that kind of exaggerated thing? We’re a newbie unit that’s only completed one mission since we formed.”

“That’s for the Instructor to decide. The opponent is a Yuugenshu so the main force will be Regular Guards and the Cadet Guards shall act as support. Depending on the details, we might be recommended by the Instructor.”

Vaiel advanced down the hallway quickly and just behind him was Kagura.

A recommendation from the Instructor ── in the case of a large mission for units of Regular Guards or above, Cadet Guards were chosen as support for them.

“Support, huuuh. I’ll pa.s.s on partic.i.p.ating in that kind of pain-in-the-a.s.s cooperation.”

“This is my opinion, but I don’t think we need to worry about that.”

Kagura said that while confirming something on the floating machine pearl ’s screen.

“If we are recommended by the Instructor, it will not be for communications coordination or as a medical squad but as a direct addition to the Regular Guards’ unit. In other words, a Yuugenshu battle mission.”

“Wha……like h.e.l.l there’s support like that! Ain’t that why it’s a Regular Guard job?”

“It’s rare but there have been cases of orders like that being handed down. On the other hand, there is no chance of us being called out for any missions other than that.”

Units each had their own specialties. Taking that into consideration and recommending the unit most suited to a necessary support mission was the duty of the Instructor.

“Other units cover coordination and medical issues and there was a deciding battle for determining which unit would partic.i.p.ate in the expedition to the Governmental Sector, right? In that decisive battle, Nash’s unit should have been exceedingly above us. Because they have a wealth of experience.”

“……What a hapless recommendation.”

Holding onto his blue steel Iron Fist Protector’s , Vaiel looked tired to the core.

“In exchange for that, the merit points are high. Though there’s still hope as long as you’re alive.”

“And where’s the all-important captain?”

“Already on standby. It’s just that they said they’d be taking a detour, so I a.s.sume they’ll arrive after that’s done with.”

“A detour? They’re d.a.m.ned relaxed for being on standby. Just where did they take this detour?”

Kagura pointed at the ceiling in response to Vaiel’s stunned expression.

“Floor 288, the floor of the second and third Priestesses.”

Part 2

Tenketsu Palace floor 287, emergency stairs.

“Sheltis!? You said to follow you but you’ve just been running along the emergency stairs this whole time.”

“Sorry, Monica, just hurry! We’ll talk later!”

The s.p.a.ce was dimly lit by only the emergency lighting. The pair’s footsteps continued to echo in the emergency stairwell which was filled with cold air.

“You said floor 288, so Meimel-sama and Viola-sama’s floor?”

“That’s right, but those two aren’t who we’re aiming for.”


“……Horn Nova.”

The blinder-wearing Ex Machina. She was versed in using every gun and a shooter who was overshadowed by n.o.body in sniping long distance targets.

“I don’t understand where you’re going with this!?”

“I’ll explain later so just follow me for now!”

A badge’s ID was necessary to activate the elevator specifically for the Priestess floors. If they used the elevator now, it would become apparent that they were ignoring the standby order from the Guard Regulations Inst.i.tute.

──Echoing footsteps.

Running up the winding stairs, he jumped over the last step. He pried open the door before his eyes……

“Just how much will you get in my way……Ymy Ele Soufflenictole!”

Floor 288 lay beyond the door.

When he took one step in, what Sheltis saw was ── Horn who was facing the elevator which led to the surface floor and Ymy who stood before her.

“Get out of the way and disappear from my sight.”

“……No. I cannot allow you to go alone. You should know just how fearsome the Yuugenshu you are pursuing now is.”

“Are you saying that while knowing that I’m a Sennenshi? Are you saying that a Sennenshi is inferior to a single Yuugenshu?”

“This is not a discussion about being inferior or not. It is because you are a Sennenshi that you should uphold the rules more than anyone else.”

The Priestess held both hands out and obstructed the Sennenshi.

Even while being pierced by Horn’s gaze as she approached menacingly, Ymy resolutely remained in that spot.

“A Sennenshi is a Priestess’ partner. While Viola is within the tower, it is your duty to be accompany her.”

“A Yuugenshu has appeared and it is also a Sennenshi’s duty to defeat it.”

“Then please take along your unit. ……When Hyouketsu Kyoukai was broken, you, Ran, Leon and the others did that when holding them back. You absolutely did not fight alone.”

“The situation is different. The opponent is only a single Yuugenshu. Rather than waiting for my subordinates to gather, I will handle it myself. It is my decision as the captain so there are no problems with tower regulations.”

“I’m saying that I’m afraid of how you think of it as ‘only a single Yuugenshu‘.”

Ymy continued while staring at Horn without blinking.

“……I have experienced it first-hand, so I can say this. There are really Yuugenshu that cannot be opposed with the strength of a person. It is too dangerous to underestimate the Yuugenshu.”

“Then are you underestimating the Sennenshi?”

The Sennenshi went past anger and sighed.

“For a Priestess who should be the one that most trusts the Sennenshi to make light of them like this.”

“You’re wrong. I──”

He looked on at that scene while pressed up near the emergency door.


“……I know.”

Clenching his right hand to the point of whiteness, Sheltis nodded with his breathing ragged.

……I know. This isn’t an argument that a Cadet Guard like me can go out and stop.

He and Monica were no more than ten metres away from Ymy and Horn. Even with her back turned, Horn should have noticed them and Ymy was facing them so she must have seen them.

……But from their points of view, we’re not related to this.

A Priestess and Sennenshi were seriously clashing opinions. This was not something that would be resolved by a third party like himself or Monica interjecting.

But. Just before that.

“……That’s enough, Ymy Ele Soufflenictole.”

Horn’s air of intimidation expanded explosively. The feelings mixed into each word had surpa.s.sed anger and were close to hatred.

“Don’t go? Don’t chase it? Don’t underestimate Yuugenshu? Who are you to say these things?”


Horn reached out to Ymy’s collar and tugged her face closer like that.

“To begin with, you and Tessha……”

“That’s right.”

Even with her vestments being grabbed, Ymy’s words didn’t stop.

“It would not have come to this if I could have purified that child’s mateki. That my words would not reach you because of that……I was prepared.”

……Normally……no, really, Monica and I.

……We might have jumped out when Ymy was grabbed.

The reason Sheltis and Monica had not done so and continued to stand there was because Ymy was nothing but resolved.

Even while being held by the collar and showered with harsh words, the Priestess was not wavering.

“I’ve also been doing my best this whole time. You may have said that I went to the Governmental Sector on a sightseeing trip but I went there with the intention of gaining many things. There are things I would not have gained without going to the Governmental Sector and things I could not do without having gone.”

“Aren’t you talking big.”

Horn put strength into the hand holding the Priestess’ vestments.

“And what exactly did you manage to gain?”

“……I will once again try to purify that child’s mateki. If that fails, then I will accept any insults or act.”

“Then quit being a Priestess.”

That sentence.

Was the limit for Sheltis and Monica who were watching so as to not disturb the equilibrium of that place──



He had been about to wordlessly run out but he stopped.

……Why. Why……are you looking at us with those kinds of eyes?

Monica and even machine crystal were at a loss for words. “You mustn’t come here.” was the message conveyed by Ymy’s eyes.

“……You mean to make me leave the tower.”

“You’re the one who said you would accept any act, aren’t you?”

The Sennenshi looked down at the Priestess with her blinder-covered eyes.

“A Priestess who can’t even save a single child is unnecessary. I’ll pa.s.s on being satisfied with just having a Priestess who’s there to fill in the numbers and fails big time at the crucial times. In that case, it would be best not to have her from the start.”

“Understood. I will bet everything I have as a Priestess.”

“───Are you insane?”

“However, I also have a condition.”

“” [T/N: The heck am I supposed to put for only a っ…that thing makes absolutely no sound on its own.]

For the first time, Horn stirred even if ever so slightly. That was because the girl who had only been held by the collar was now holding her wrist with all her strength.

──She’s looking at…………Monica and I?

“A condition?”

Figuring out the meaning of that gaze, Horn turned towards them.

“What about them?”

“You……you will travel together with the unit of senpai whom you called useless. Monica-senpai is absolutely not useless.”

“……! W-Wait, Ymy.”

Before Monica herself could speak up, Horn rebuked,

“Don’t screw around. Travelling with somebody I know is baggage──”

“I’m not s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g arouuuuuund!”

Ymy’s angry roar turned into a sound wave and shook that floor.

“I won’t lose to mateki and Monica-senpai is not baggage!”

Holding fast to the arm grabbing her collar, the Priestess girl returned a glare.

“Even though I’m saying I will bet everything I have as a Priestess but I’ll reject it if you don’t accept my one condition. ……When I went to your treasured orphanage, all the children there said that they really loved you. That you are strong and kind and they really love you. But that’s wrong: you’re just a weakling who can’t love anybody except for the children from the orphanage!”


That instant.

A crack developed in the iron expression the Sennenshi had been keeping until now.

“……And if so?”

Horn distorted her mouth unpleasantly and she spat out.

“I’m a weakling? Even if that’s true, are you trying to say you’re not putting on airs!?”

“……Uu, uu!”

The hand before Ymy’s neck tightened even more and,

“Okay, okay, that’s no gooood─, any more and the Priestess’ vestments will tear. Horn-chan, did you have an interest in such things?”

Surarii ── as quickly as if that onomatopeia could be heard, Ymy’s vestments slipped through Horn’s fingers.

“Ehh, ah. Huh?”

Ymy who was suddenly free again stared in wonder with a confused expression.


“Hey there, it’s been a while, Horn-chan. Been wellll?”

The person who had released Ymy’s constraints was smiling aloofly.

The Sennenshi she was facing also showed a rare obvious grimace. It seemed to be saying that somebody annoying had shown up.

“Oh─, there, there. It’s been rough on you, Ymy-sama─. Did it hurt─?”

“Eh, u-umm……”

“Ah. So─rry, I just treated you like I’sa-chan. ……Ahaha, well, pay it no mind.”

“──What are you doing, Cadres Guard?”

Horn revealed her displeasure at the sudden intrusion and drew closer. Both of them were as tall as grown men and their eyes were at about the same height.

“No, no, Horn-chan, you’re being scaaary.”

“Don’t play dumb. Even if it’s you, I have the higher standing──”

“Eh─? Unfortunately for you, this was a request from your onee-san? When the blood rushes to her head and she won’t listen to anybody, it might work if it’s you, Ishtar-san, is what she told me.”

“……Ane-ue, huh.”

“Oh? As expected, you falter when Viola-sama’s name comes up─? Fumu, fumu, heeeh, heeeh.”

“Cadres Guard, I would prefer it if you were to simply state your business?”

“Mm─. My business was just to cool Horn-chan’s head so I think I’ll call that okay. Rather, don’t you not have much time? That Yuugenshu you’re searching for might conceal itself at any time.”

Fwoosh. Ishtar’s left arm which had a little bit of bare skin peeking out rose up and came to a stop pointing in their direction.

“It’s a waste of time arguing here. You two, how about you go along with her like Ymy-sama said?”


“If Horn-chan defeats the Yuugenshu then there’s a chance that that child’s mateki will also disappear. If so, then the first thing should be for you two to go with her and defeat it. If the mateki happens to disappear, then all the better. Ymy-sama betting her position as Priestess on purifying will come after that. How about it?”

“……I have my misgivings. Taking along unnecessary Cadet Guards for exterminating Yuugenshu is against the tower’s regulations as well─”

“They are useful.”

Completely opposite Horn who was talking on and on quickly, Ishtar had a pleasant and calm tone.


“I said they are useful. It wouldn’t be a problem bringing them along. They’re perfect subordinates for Horn-chan who only likes outstanding subordinates.”

The Cadres Guard showed a daring smile. The Sennenshi stared at that expression enough to burn a hole in it. Time pa.s.sed with both of them maintaining their silence──

“Excuse me, Captain Horn.”

Monica who had been silent until now interposed between the two who were staring at each other. She took out her silver plate-shaped badge and put the LCD screen on its back before Horn’s eyes.

Emergency request.

She thrust out the LCD screen with that displayed.

“A recommendation from counter-measures HQ? You can’t mean that you”

“Just now, we received a request to deploy from headquarters. In accordance with the recommendation from the Instructor, myself and three others shall be rightfully partic.i.p.ating as the supporting unit for this case. With this, there should be no issue.”


The Sennenshi closed her mouth and was silent.

“Truthfully, I cannot understand what is ‘useful‘ about you.”

“I have directly received such great trust from Ymy-sama so I will do my best. Also──”

She exchanged looks with Ymy who was restraining herself.

“If we defeat the Yuugenshu and that child’s mateki disappears, then the talk of Ymy quitting being a Priestess also ends. To that end, I intend on accompanying you no matter what.”

“……So you’re of the same opinion as Ishtar.”

Horn muttered with a voice that let no hint of her feelings in.

“So, how about it, Horn-chan?”

“Time is precious.”

Twisting the corner of mouth unpleasantly, she took out her communications device from the holder at her waist.

“It’s me, put Catria on the line. …………Catria. It’s me, is the gun maintenance I asked for complete? I’ll be heading over within four hundred seconds from now so place those two and the other gun I handed to you on my transport. The crew members will be me──”

Horn turned her head halfway to them.

She looked appraisingly at Ishtar, Ymy and finally Sheltis, then gave a long, long sigh.

“……And a single Cadet Guard unit. No, you’re not mistaken and I didn’t say the wrong thing; I will be acting together with a single Cadet Guard unit. Got it? If you get it, then hurry up and prepare with the remaining three hundred eighty seconds.”

Part 3

At the open-air cafe, ‘The Twins Swans

“Yuto-cha─n, take this cake set here to table five─. Eyriey, you take table seven’s order. After that, clean up table nine and prep table ten.”


“O-Okayyyyyy! A-Aren’t we too busy, Head Chef!? I’m hopeless at this kind of physical laborrrrr!”

The adorable answer from Yuto was contrasted by Eyriey’s shout that bordered on becoming a scream and echoed across the kitchen.

The time was right at noon.

It was the time that they became busy with customers lured in by the smell of the cooking from the kitchen.

“I-It’s already noon! I made a promise to play with friends after noon, you know!?”

“You’re meeting them here, right? Then work hard until your friends get here. Come now, I’ll even pay you double time. Yuto-chan, watch and learn.”

With Sheltis gone, Yuto had now completely become the main helper in the store.

At first, she had just been helping as far as wiping down tables but now she was an all-purpose helper than even took customers’ orders and delivered food.

“Hey, hey, Eyri-nee! Yuto was praised by the customers as amazing!”

On each arm was two plates of a cake set and coffee. On top of that, she had a large tray on her head and she had another table’s lunch set consisting of three plates on there, so it was surprising.

“Eyriey, take a lesson from her as well.”

“……That’s insane.”

She headed out into the shop from the kitchen while holding a large tray.

“Ugeh, what a big line……”

The line that couldn’t fit into the store was lined up outside the store in a coil.


With the refreshing chime of the front door bell, the door of The Two Swans opened. Another customer? Everyone thought that and turned their eyes in that direction──

The store interior seemed to have become separated from the flow of time as it turned silent.

“Excuse me.”

A single girl entered.

Wearing a simple and plain shirt and skirt, she was pet.i.te and had slender limbs. She had a face that still had youth left in it and she was just a little under Eyriey in height. She was not any older than her late teens. At best, she was thirteen or fourteen.

──Everybody forgot words and gulped.

──Her gem-like beauty could even be called a fantasy.

“……Umm, is Eyriey-san here?”

Her moist eyes that seemed sorrowful were a vivid azure.

Her skin was white like porcelain and there was not a blemish upon its smooth surface. And the most eye-catching thing about her was her long hair which extended to below her knees.

Just like seven-colored silk thread, it changed colors beautifully as it fluttered.

The color of reflective water ── with a translucent silvery white like ice as its base, the parts that light pa.s.sed through shined with a compound color made with pearl and gold.

“Ohh, Shasa-chan. Been a while!”

At Eyriey’s voice, the majority of the customers finally came back to their senses.

“It has been a while. ……I’m sorry, it has been a long time since I came to the Living Districts so I was a little lost. Am I late?”

“No─pe, actually you’re right on time. Wait a sec, I can get off work so I’ll just go tell the Head Chef! Ah, you can sit there at that reserved seat!”


The girl sat in the chair with a wide smile. Just that small action gave the impression of an impressive painting by a first-cla.s.s painter.

“He─y, Head Chef, my friend’s here so can I go─?”

“Oh my, it can’t be helped. By the way, your friend wouldn’t happen to be Sheltis, would it?”

“Nope. I met her while walking around observing at Tenketsu Palace and we got along. She’s amazing; she has the entirety of the tower memorized.”

“Ohh. If it’s a secretary from the tower, then I might have met her once before.”


What does that mean? While Eyriey’s mouth was hanging open, the ap.r.o.n-clad Head Chef trotted from the kitchen to the store interior──

“Let’s see……ah.”


From the direction of the store came the dumbfounded voices of the two.

“Oh my. What’s thiiis, it’s been a whiiile! I was wondering who it was but it’s Salah──”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Shasa.”

“……the Quee”

“I’m Shasa.”


“Please refer to me as Shasa.”

“…………Okay, okay.”

After a little while, an uncommon wry smile appeared on the Head Chef’s face and she returned.

“Oh, hey, hey, Head Chef, do you maybe know Shasa? It sure sounded like it!”

“……………………No. I don’t know her at all.”

“What was that unnatural pause!? Hey, wait, don’t turn away!”

“Well, never mind, never mind. So, Eyriey, you’ll be eating with her and then going to play, right? I have two peoples’ portions prepared.”

Sandwiches with plenty of seasonal vegetables used and onion soup in a mug. For after the meal was bite-sized cakes and milk tea.

“Ohh! So with that, sorry for the wait, Shasa!”


She stared at the lunch set upon the table as if it were novel.

“What’s up?”

“Ah……nothing. I always only have meals from Tenketsu Palace so it’s a little different.”

“Hohoh, now that you say it, there is a dining hall at the tower.”

“There is a dining hall but I have my meal carried to my room. And it’s been a while since I had something solid like this. I’ve at most had black tea with honey added.”

“Geh. That’s no good, Shasa, that’s why you’re so thin!”

“Thin……that’s right, isn’t it, like I thought. I’ve always had a lack of appet.i.te though.”

The girl patted her chest through her clothes. The thickness from her back to her chest, as well as her arms and thighs, were thin to the point it seemed they would snap if she were to miss a step on the stairs.

“It’s not like you hate to eat though, right?”

“That’s right. Not having many chances to eat because of work and continuing a lifestyle of not eating affects your body like this.”

“Haa, you sound busy with work. Since you only get to enjoy yourself like this once a month.”

“It’s my job but it’s like my life. ……It is my duty, and a promise.”

Placing her hand to the edge of the steaming mug, the girl’s face reddened slightly.

“But it’s nice to ‘enjoy myself‘ like this as well. It’s somehow nostalgic.”

“That’s right─. Enjoying yourself is important, so eat well, enjoy yourself a lot and sleep well! Look, the soup’s gonna get cold. Eat the sandwich too!”


Shasa gripped the mug with an expression of utmost seriousness.

“W-Well then! I, Shasa Endens Lin Kale, shall now partake of this lunch!”

“You don’t have to be so serious about it.”

“At any rate, it’s been a long time. ……I-I’ll do my best. Eii!”

She timidly lifted up the mug and drank the soup.


“How is it?”

“…………It’s delicious.”

She couldn’t believe it herself. She blinked numerous times and brought the mug towards and away from her mouth.

“B-But I still don’t understand! Once more………………ah…………it’s delicious……”

The girl hid her mouth with her hand and her face went bright red.

“……It’s, delicious.”

“Right─. Our Head Chef is amazing. Try the sandwich too!”


She nodded with a some more vigor than just prior and reached her hand out to a sandwich on the plate──


Her hand suddenly stopped.


“…………My body……is…………after all…………right after the barrier…………transfer, if…………I get careless………………not good…………………………”

Her shoulders slumped and she collapsed off the chair in that manner.


──She’ll hit the floor at this rate.

Her hand that she reached out reflexively wouldn’t make it in time and the girl who had fallen out of the chair had her face make a beeline for the hard floor ── just before Eyriey who pictured that scene was about to scream, somebody’s hand caught steady hold of Shasa’s body.

“U-Uwawawawaa, E-Eyri-nee, help meeee!”

“Yuto!? A-Amazing, Yuto, good job!”

In place of Yuto who was holding up a body larger than her with all her strength, she held Shasa from behind. She sat the girl who seemed to have lost consciousness on the chair once again and steadied her against the back of the chair.

“Pheeew……that was dangerous. I wonder what’s wrong; we should call a doctor.”

“Hey, hey, Eyri-nee, I think Shasa-nee is probably just tired.”

Yuto tugged on the edge of her sleeve and nodded.

“She did say her work was tasking. I wonder if I should let her rest in my room until she gets better……daaarn, I don’t know where Shasa lives.”

It would be best to take Shasa back to her house but she only knew that she worked at Tenketsu Palace . She didn’t know which post she worked either so she didn’t know who to contact.

“Shasa-nee said she had a room at the tower.”

“Oh, really? Yuto, do you perhaps know where Shasa’s room is?”

“Yeah, yeah! Shasa-nee told me last time!”

“Ohhh, good going. You did well!”

It was the first time she thought of Yuto who energetically shook her head as this reliable.

“Should I go get an acquaintance of Shasa-nee?”

“Yeah, please!”


Yuto ran out of the shop door.

……Really, that’s great.

She hadn’t known what to do when she collapsed but it would be one thing off her mind if they could send her back home. The cause was exhaustion so she needed her to rest.

……She purposefully came even though she was this tired.

“Head Chef, I’ll be taking Shasa-chan for a bit───”

“That is a pleasing suggestion but it is not that much of a major matter. I alone will be enough.”

The bell rang again.

“I heard there was someone I knew causing difficulties here.”

It was a woman who was leaning up against the door frame.

Their eyes met and the woman smiled boldly.

……This is an acquaintance of Shasa’s?

……Uwaa, amazing. She’s really beautiful.

She was tall and slender with a sharp face to match.

Her glossy jet black hair was completely straight and definitely without a strand out of place. The beauty of her voluptuous body was also highlighted clearly through her pitch black vestments. Her twin mounds were full to the point that they seemed to be ready to spill out at any moment, her tight waist was curvaceous and it rose up once again at her hips. It was charm that even made Eyriey who was of the same gender gasp.

“It seems that you’ve taken care of Shasa.”

She walked up to the table they were at and indicated the sleeping Shasa with her eyes.

“Ah, are you the person Yuto spoke of? Shasa’s acquaintance.”

“Tsali. To this child……let’s see, I am a friend, quarreling opponent and guardian. We’re not family bound by blood.”

“Ah, like I thought! Ah─ that surprised me. Since your hair and eye colors are completely different. I haven’t heard of sisters that are this different.”

“──As usual, you’re unabashed regardless of the person, Eyri-nee.”


……As usual?

……Actually, did she just call me Eyri-nee?

“Ahh, I forgot to say that that’s what I heard Yuto refer to you as.”

Giggle. Upon Tsali’s lips which had only a bold smile upon them thus far, her smile changed just a little to one more friendly.

“That’s right! Right, right, Tsali-san, do you know where Yuto went off to? Rather, how did that kid manage to call you so quickly? A communicator? No, even if that were true, you wouldn’t have gotten here so promptly.”

“I thought that things would turn out like this again so I was secretly following her. As usual, she’s quite the handful.”

She carried Shasa’s body.

“Yuto will return soon. As for Shasa……let’s see, please play with her again any time from tomorrow on.”

“Ehh. That’s……I’m fine with it, but will Shasa be okay by tomorrow?”

“It seems that one day of rest really wasn’t enough but this always happens. She should be fine if she rests for the entirety of today. It would be fine if you came to floor 290 of the tower tomorrow at ten in the morning.”

“That’s fine with me……”

“Then it’s decided. I’ll also relay that to Shasa.”

She turned her back on Eyriey and walked towards the door──

“Oh, right.”


Suddenly coming to a stop, Tsali turned just the side of her face to her.

A friendly and curious smile. Though her face was graceful and sharp to begin with, that smile was somehow really…………really……like an innocent child’s.

…………Huh, this person?

……This person’s smile……who is it……doesn’t it kind of resemble somebody’s smile?

“I’ll say my thanks.”


“This person here, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, is self-sacrificing and has a habit of reflecting so somebody has to forcefully take her out to relax. Originally, it was supposed to be my job, but it seems that you are better for it.”


The door the woman in jet black vestments pushed on opened easily. The path that was not a path became a path of its own accord and seemed to bless her steps.

“It has been a long time since Shasa made an expression of such enjoyment.”

That was the difference between her and Eyriey.

The words that were heard from Tsali that day were for the girl known as Eyriey and……in the distant future, what bestowed a ‘third possibility‘ upon the floating continent , though n.o.body knew this yet.

Only Tsali.

And Shasa who continued to sleep within her arms, had yet…………

Part 4 of clouds came from one end of her vision and disappeared out the other. The sky was a deep blue all across and continued on forever.

“……With the expedition to the Governmental Sector, this makes the second time we’re using an airship.”

Kagura followed the droplets of gla.s.s clinging to the pressure-resistant windows with her eyes.

“Our destination is the Biotope so there’s not much time to fully enjoying traveling through the air.”

“Fully enjoy, huuuh. The Governmental Sector mission was important so our treatment wasn’t bad but……unfortunately, this time it’s a transport ship so the inside is cramped and the cushions on the seats are worn out.”

Vaiel who answered like that didn’t stop looking out the window or crossing his arms.

“So, Leader. It’s about time you told us about the mission this time.”

“It’s as I said when we left. We were recommended as support for the subjugation of the Yuugenshu discovered in the Biotope──”

“Not that, I mean that over there.”

“Behind the general seating area ── the waiting room established for executive unit members. He indicated with his chin the heavy metallic door that was locked from the inside.

“Even if the support unit was chosen by the Instructor’s whim, why the heck are we riding with the O great Sennenshi?”

“Ah……you could call that her idea.”

Monica hesitated to speak with an uncomfortable expression.

“……Captain’s order: I leave it to you, Sheltis.”


Being elbowed in the side, Sheltis jumped up in his seat. ……I can’t let my guard down. Just when I thought I could just stay silent and listen, this happens.

“……Let me ask this beforehand: should I say the truth or the pretense?”

“Let’s start with the pretense.”

“It’s obviously most enjoyable to keep the speculation fun for last.”

That was the response from the two who turned around in a flash.

“U─m. The pretense is as Monica said just before. We’ll also be partic.i.p.ating in the Yuugenshu subjugation so don’t we have to group up with the advance party on-site? And so the fastest way there just happened to be travelling with a Sennenshi.”

“Okay, next.”

“Next is the real reason.”

“……You know, no matter how much of a public att.i.tude you’re taking, it’d be nice if you were to show more of a reaction.”

He had expected this but it was kind of lonely garnering such a lacking response.

“As for the real reason, you could say a few coincidences overlapped or we got wrapped up in it……there was a little trouble between the fifth Priestess and the Sennenshi behind the door over there──”

“Ah─……that’s enough. I have an idea of what happened.”

“Eh, already?”

“Sheesh, sticking your head into troublesome things of your own accord.”

Vaiel shook his hand, showing how much of a pain he thought it was.

“You probably just got mixed up in it as a mediator, right?”

“I-I’ll just say this beforehand but I simply had business with Ymy! It was Captain Horn who suddenly stuck a gun to me──”

“Umm, if you say it so loudly, the person herself will hear you.”

“……My bad.”

Monica nodded with her head downcast and was silent.

“……I’ll treat you to lunch next time. How about the special lunch set at the large dining hall on floor 248?”

“I’m even willing to add on after-meal coffee?”

“I’ll have milk tea.”

Monica nodded reluctantly and the negotiations were completed.

“Hey, hey, Sheltis, I have one thing I’m curious about.”

“What is it?”

“That pilot kid has been glancing over at us since a little while ago so I wonder if he wants to join in. Ah, it’s the one that just drew his head back.”

Pilot? Come to think of it ── he had noticed someone watching them but it didn’t seem like it would be an issue so he hadn’t paid it much mind.

“Hey, the one at the pilot seat over there, did you need us for something?”

“…………N-Noooo. D-Don’t mind meeee.”

The one peeking out from the pilot seat was a boy still in his mid-teens.

He had greenish-brown hair and brown eyes. He had a thin face, his response was weak, he still had an expression like he’d burst into tears at any moment and his ears which jutted out on either side were also shivering slightly.

……Are those Nell Folk ears?

“What, I was wondering who it was, but isn’t that Catria?”

“……That voice, Kagura?”

The boy who was hiding in the shadow of the seat widened his eyes.

“Seriously. It’s me; didn’t you realize it with this on me?”

Kagura removed the machine helmet which was completely covering her head. Her ears also reached far out to the sides and were covered in warm-seeming fur.

“Mm? Acquaintances between brats?”

“Since the Nell Folk working at Tenketsu Palace have constructed their own independent network. This child is……well, it’s as you can see, he’s more cautious than I am. Though it was unexpected for him to become the third unit’s pilot.”

“N-No. You’re wrong…………I’m Captain Horn’s maintenance worker. Piloting is……an e-extra.”

The boy set it to auto-pilot and stood up from the seat.

“I see. So, what is it? Looking over here would suggest that you have an interest but that’s unusual for you.”


He stayed silent for a moment but the sound of him breathing in could be heard.

“……U-Um……I just thought, you were a really close-knit unit…………”

“Is that so? Isn’t this normal?”

“Probably……I think it’s really rare.”

Having that said directly ── Sheltis exchanged looks with Monica beside him.

“Monica, is that so?”

“I think it depends on the unit. ……Though we’re not on the bad end.”

“That’s because everyone gathered here is a meddler.”

Vaiel crossed his legs and sighed to indicate them.

“…………N-No. ……I-It’s just……well, ……I thought it was nice. …………Captain Horn doesn’t have that feeling to her much.”

“You don’t get it. Then why don’t you switch units?”


The Nell Folk boy narrowed his eyes and looked downwards in embarra.s.sment.

“……But she’s cool.”

“Your Captain, you mean?”

“…………Yeah. ……Also, she always leaves the gun maintenance to me.”

His hands were worn out ── from touching the gun’s rust and oil and they had burns and scratches from injuries during maintenance.

He looked dearly at his hand which was painful to look at.



The boy hopped up in place when Horn, who had come from the rear, spoke.

“This was in my cargo, but what is it?”

It was an automatic handgun painted silver. It was easily two times larger than the guns used by gunners with twin pistols in Tenketsu Palace and a shinryoku carved seal was etched into its grip.

“Uh……umm, it’s a new creation. Production code, ‘Silver King ‘……the gun’s slide and rifling are designed to be larger and it also uses special bullets.”

“Special bullets?”

“Y-Yes! I wanted to make the bullets themselves in a new metallic structure. After making a request to a Priestess many times, I finally got a carved seal with a Priestess’ baptism spell applied to it. It hasn’t been tested, but it shouldn’t be an exaggeration to call it a bullet specialized to Yuugenshu!”

“A Priestess’ baptism spell meaning ane-ue’s?”

“Ah, n-no. Viola-sama was always out of the tower so the best at baptism type spells──”

“……That’s enough. I have a good idea of who it was.”

Horn put the giant one-handed gun into her shoulder holster and sighed.

“U-Umm! Not many bullets have been made so there are only three loaded……”

“I don’t mind. Either way, I won’t immediately use it in real combat. I don’t have a habit of using a gun I’m not used to and increasing the risks.”

“……I see.”

The boy visibly drooped his shoulders visibly and was downcast.

“……I was wondering if I would just barely make it in time for the subjugation mission this time.”

“I believe I told you I didn’t require any useless consideration. Rather than that, return to the pilot seat; aren’t we arriving at the great salt lake soon?”

Speaking back with an indifferent voice, the Sennenshi turned towards them.

“I’ll say this ahead of time. You should just stay quiet and follow. Don’t think about providing support or fighting the Yuugenshu; you should just bear in mind not to get in the way of my battle.”

“……But then there’s no reason behind us coming as a support unit.”

“Don’t misunderstand.”

The words which permitted no reb.u.t.tal brought silence to the airship.

“I took you along because of the Cadres Guard’s suggestion. I will decide everything beyond that. The support unit will abide by the commander’s orders at once upon reaching the site ─── that is what is detailed by the Guard Regulations Inst.i.tute, but is there a problem with that?”


“It looks like you want to say something?”


Monica gnashed her molars and shook her head sideways. Horn seemed to snort at that gesture and quickly turned her back to the pilot’s seat.

“Relax. It’s not like I won’t entrust you with anything. Manpower will be required to track the S vector, eighth cla.s.s. I will have you aid in the tracking and discovery whether you want to or not. ……Catria.”


“How many more minutes until we arrive?”

“Th-The great salt lake is already visible below! We will land now!”

“──It’s finally time.”

As she squeezed out that in a hoa.r.s.e voice from within her throat, both her hands were lightly shaking.

“You bunch, get ready as well. Once we land, we will set out in the direction of the S vector, eighth cla.s.s’ escape route.”

Part 5

A pure white glimmer extended as far as the eye could see on the downhill of a gentle slope.

It was a scene reminiscent of a large snowy valley with many large mountains stretching out. It was not actually snow but countless salt piled up over the course of many years.

“Look, Sheltis, it’s an amazing place.”

Accompanied by machine pearl , Kagura gave a sigh of admiration.

“Water with a little salt content flows here into the basin from the river and evaporates, acc.u.mulates and creates this beautiful scenery. I’ve seen it in doc.u.ments but it’s my first time seeing it in person.”

“Really, it’s like snow.”


Salt grains crunched underfoot. It felt like he was stepping on a lump of snow.

Shantia Great Salt Lake.

It was one of only two salt lakes that had been confirmed in the vast Biotope and was terrain that bore the prefix of ‘Glittering ‘.

“It really is amazing; this is all salt?”

“……It’s not very appealing.”

It was somewhat unusual but Monica and Vaiel who were walking ahead frequently surveyed the surroundings.

“Captain Horn, sorry for the wait.”


Two Regular Guards were bearing a machine gun and jogged over when they noticed them.

“What’s the situation?”

“No changes. With the two units patrolling the vicinity and the two support units, there are four units in total surrounding the great salt lake. To now, there have been no reports of it slipping through the encirclement.”

“Good work. Don’t slacken your caution; I’ll be tracking the ‘S vector, eighth cla.s.s‘. I ordered Scheele to be on standby but have she arrived?”

A girl in vestments walked up after the two Guards.

“I’m here.”

“I have only one order for you. Erase the Yuugenshu’s mateki with a barrier type spell when we find it. I won’t say you need to restrain it, but at least keep it in one spot. You can do it, can’t you.”

“I will do my utmost.”

“That’s good; then follow along.”


Yes. The apprentice Priestess who spoke suddenly stopped moving and stood still. She wasn’t even quivering but only her shoulders shook lightly──

“What’s wrong?”


Without answering Horn’s question, the girl removed her hood.

“Monica-senpai!? Monica-senpai! I-It’s me! Pia!”

“Pia……Pia.n.a.lis Scheele?”

With a glance at the girl’s face exposed to the sunlight, the girl who served as unit captain greatly widened her eyes.

“Wawaa, it really is Monica-senpaiii! No way, no way, why are we meeting here!? Actually, what’s with your appearance? You look just like a Guard!”

“Not just look like, I actually am a Guard. Since moving past being an apprentice Priestess, about three years ago…………h-hey, wait! I get it, so let me go a bit!”

Monica earnestly pried herself loose from the apprentice Priestess clinging to her and sighed.

“……I told you many times to refrain from just hugging people.”

“I’m just that happyyy! Since I managed to reunite with a senpai I thought had retired in this kind of place. It’s not like I’m trying to act the part of a mature apprentice Priestess either───……ah……”

Falling silent and taking care of her surroundings, the apprentice Priestess slipped her hood back on.

“A-Ahem……my apologies, Captain, I lost myself there. As it was a reuniting with a revered senpai, please overlook this.”

“Just give me a brief explanation.”

“Y-Yes! This Cadet Guard here is my senpai as an apprentice Priestess. This is from two years ago, but she advanced as far as the final trial for a Priestess.”

“……Is that so.”

Horn raised an eyebrow at Scheele’s words.

“Yes. Pardon me, but did you not allow her to travel with you because you knew this?”


Without answering the apprentice Priestess’ question, Horn casually folded her arms.

“I see, an apprentice Priestess who made it to the final trial. So that is what the Priestess and the Cadres Guard appraised you on.”


Monica directly faced the Sennenshi who spoke with an implicative tone.

“That appraisal was not mine but my entire unit’s.”

“You sure can talk.”

Horn smiled boldly.

“──Change of plans. Scheele.”


“You will remain on defense of this camp. In this large of an area, we don’t know where the S vector, eighth cla.s.s will appear.”


Watching the apprentice Priestess slowly back off, Horn’s next focus was the girl holding the crossed rods in both hands.

“Your said your name was Monica.”

“……What is it?”

“I’ll have you take responsibility for what you said.”

Ma.s.sive, black machine pistols. The Sennenshi who held one in each hand of these heavy firearms that a normal person would require two arms to hold.

“I will also order you into combat based on the enemy’s strength so be prepared.”

Part 6

In a hallway filled with light.

“……I’m really sorry. Ymy-san and Ishtar-san.”

Fluttering her tunic-styled vestment, the pet.i.te Priestess hung her head.

“If only I had kept Horn in check more.”

“It’s fine─. Viola-sama, you don’t have to lower your head like that.”

With the same aloof smile as ever, Ishtar patted her delicate shoulders.

“I think the location was the great salt lake. Then they should be arriving around now. That’s a nice place─, and the view is also good so it’s easy to spot a Yuugenshu. Horn-chan is outstanding and the Cadet unit travelling with her is also a gathering of individuals with more than meets the eye. Right, Ymy-sama?”


Being urged with a suspicious smile, Ymy’s face unconsciously twitched.

……I wonder what she means.

Monica-senpai as an apprentice Priestess? Or……Sheltis? When I talk with this Cadres Guard, it feels like the inner reaches of my mind are being seen through.

“You can also relax, Viola-sama─. From Ishtar’s point of view, well, they won’t ‘lose‘. If there’s anything to worry about, I guess it’s the enemy escaping? And one more thing ─── Ymy-sama?”

The second question was much heavier and sharper in her look and tone.

“Are you serious about that promise you made with Horn-chan?”

“……I will once again try to purify that child’s mateki. If that fails, then I will accept any insults or act.”

“Then quit being a Priestess.”

“Understood. I will bet everything I have as a Priestess.”

If Horn defeated the S vector, eighth cla.s.s and the mateki disappeared with that, then that was fine. However, in the off-chance that the mateki remained despite the main body’s defeat, she would once again attempt to purify it.

……If she were to fail.


Viola’s voice which was mixed with anger did not permit Ymy’s words.

“I would also like to speak on that matter. I’ve heard that that was basically something Horn decided on her own. It is clear the fault lies with my little sister. ……Ymy-san, you cannot allow yourself to be swept up in the heat of the moment and accept such a thing. If you have awareness as a Priestess, then reconsider this.”


“Ishtar is in agreement─. A Priestess isn’t somebody that can just be replaced with a person if one is gone. I think Horn-chan would also understand if she cooled her head?”


She understood that. She tried to understand it.

She knew better than anybody else that a vacancy in the Priestesses could not be permitted and that Horn’s words at that time were impulsive.


“Thank you, Viola, Ishtar-san. But it’s fine? I don’t have any intention of quitting being a Priestess from this. I don’t feel like failing at purifying the mateki either.”

“That’s sufficient. But then wasn’t there no need to accept what Horn-chan said?”


Ymy shook her head with a smile in response to Ishtar who spoke inquisitively.

“It’s true that I think I need to do it with that much of a resolve.”

A Priestess who can’t save a single child infected with mateki is no good.

My goal is much, much higher.

That’s right. If I compare myself to that child I met in the world of a thousand years ago───

“[Unto me, the only wish of which I am capable……]”

“[Yu/ ris-ia Sophie, Arma-Selah]”

The child known as Shasa.

The more she remembered it, that child’s shinryoku spells were of a different level. Compared to the current Priestesses of Tenketsu Palace ……no, it might even rival that of the Queen’s.

She had a goal.

Not just the personal goal of curing Sheltis’ mateki but a goal as a Priestess. That child awaited on the path to accomplishing both. That was what she felt. [T/N: “That child” refers to Shasa.]

“I mean that you’re the only one who hasn’t changed a bit from three years ago.”

“Change. There will definitely not be enough stimulus for your shinryoku to bloom.”

The words spoken to her at the Grand Sanctuary by the woman named Tsali.

……I might need the resolution to change myself on my own. If I can’t do that, then that’s all the more reason to have the resolve to quit being a Priestess.

“Well, Ymy-sama is a specialist in baptism spells. It’s not Ishtar’s place to stick her opinion in─”

The Cadres Guard shrugged with an expression that was no quite a smile and not quite a bitter smile.

“It’s dependent on you. You too, Viola-sama.”

“……Yes. Ymy-san, please pay no mind to Horn’s words from just before.”

Being prompted by Ishtar, Viola also turned around. The Priestess headed towards her own room and the Cadres Guard moved towards the elevator. Ymy watched both of them go──

“Good change.”

“Say, Ymy. I wonder if you’ll hear my voice soon enough?”

In a far off and distant place.

She heard a nostalgic voice from someone. She felt so.

Part 7

A mirror world.

A thin layer of water stuck to the surface of salt which spread out endlessly, making the great salt lake into a gigantic mirror of the world.

“……Amazing. Everyone’s faces are reflected on the ground.”

Kagura sighed while staring directly down. It must have been fairly curious as she had removed the machine helmet she had been wearing and looked around at the surroundings.

“It’s like the ground is a mirror. A mirror with enough clarity to see every strand of hair.”

“Even if it is a great salt lake, it seems it’s limited to after rainfall.”


With the sound of a puddle of water splashing underfoot, Sheltis turned towards Kagura who was beside him.

“……The problem is that it’s just a little too bright.”

The ground underfoot was a mirror. Because the sunlight was reflected as-is, the reflected light was also strong. If they stayed in that place for a long time, it might hurt their eyes.

“Hey, hey, Sheltis, I have a good idea.!”

“No. It doesn’t seem like they’d suit me.”

He responded bluntly to machine crystal who was swaying at his chest and looked at the members walking ahead of him again.

Walking at the front was Horn with machine pistols in both hands. On her back was a long-range sniping rifle and reserve revolving machine pistols could be seen at her waist holsters.

A little bit away from her was Monica gripping her crossed rods and Vaiel with his iron fist protectors equipped. Kagura followed behind them with Sheltis walking more-or-less beside her.

“……It’s a little bit of an odd order in a certain way.”

A gunner coming up to the front went against the basics of formations but as this was concerning the Sennenshi, Horn Nova, this didn’t apply. She was a generalist that excelled in anything from long-range sniping to hand-to-hand combat. Her combat skills were high enough that she had been attributed as such.

And just before that.

“You are a curious individual.”


She said it with a sigh.

Horn, who had been silent to this point, suddenly murmured with her gaze still fixed ahead.

“You seem to have been quite close with Scheele.”

“……Yeah. We were both apprentice Priestesses so she’s two years my junior.”

Monica nodded, knowing the line was directed at her.

“I had heard from ane-ue that apprentice Priestesses did not form friendships amongst themselves.”

“It is as Viola-sama said. It is well-known. In comparison with the handful of Priestess positions, there are ten times to a hundred times that number in apprentice Priestesses. The fact of the matter is that they are all competing against each other.”

Monica faced the back of the Sennenshi walking ahead and continued.

“Scheele and I are the same. I’m a busybody so I would look after my juniors’ troubles but that was an even more detested act. For Scheele as well, putting aside what it looked like on the surface, there would have been times she would be troubled by being in my care. Looking from her viewpoint, it would be like being pitied by an enemy.” [T/N: The original literally means “being sent salt by an enemy”. It’s when you a.s.sist your enemy when they’re suffering.]

“And in the middle of that, Scheele grew attached to you?”

“That’s……because I quit as an apprentice Priestess, I think.”

She spun together words plainly and without any personal feelings.

“Not being opponents has removed the fence in our hearts. We couldn’t do it as apprentice Priestesses but with the pros and cons relationship gone, Scheele can connect with me honestly.”

“That’s a pleasant irony.”

Horn who was walking ahead laughed.

“There’s no difference between Guards and apprentice Priestesses. The Elite Guards are also like that. They&rsquo

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