The elegant sound of the piano resonating in the empty cla.s.sroom together with the morning light makes it feels like you are in a quiet and beautiful forest.

And this girl is like the G.o.ddess of the forest, the fairy princess.

The girl wears a light blue dress that hanged gently on the side of the piano bench.

From the side point of view, the figure is both elegant and dignified.

The side of half of her face is also perfect that you can’t find any flaws in it.

The girl who is playing the piano is perfect.

The perfect girl is none other than Chi Qian herself.

No one else in the entire Jiangbei Conservatory of Music can match such charm.

Yu Shanshan and her wives who helped take Lin Yuan to where Chi Qian was were all stunned.

Lin Yun also stared for some time because the atmosphere and Chi Qian’s piano are both perfect.

One of Yu Shanshan’s wives’ bag accidentally fell on the floor making a slight noise.

Yu Shanshan immediately put her finger on her lips and hissed, “Be quiet. It is basic etiquette to be quiet when someone is playing!”

Yu Shanshan and her wives couldn’t help but listen very seriously because Chi Qian plays very well.

They can’t dare make the slightest noise that would interrupt such a wonderful moment.

However, Lin Yuan pa.s.sed directly at them and walked gently into the piano room under Yu Shanshan’s surprised eyes.

It is not known whether Chi Qian would not be bothered by the light footsteps or otherwise.

Yu Shanshan’s eyes widened because she was afraid that the footsteps would interrupt Chi Qian’s performance.

Unexpectedly, what they saw surprised them even more!

Lin Yuan picked up a violin from the room!

‘Does he want to play the violin now?"

‘But Chi Qian is still playing the piano!"

‘Is Lin Yuan not aware that it is basic etiquette to be quiet when someone is performing?"

‘Does he intend on interrupting other’s performance directly?"

Yu Shanshan and her wives who saw Lin Yuan’s actions were very confused at this time.

And Yu Shanshan had the silly thought: ‘Isn’t Brother Lin Yuan supposed to be the one playing the piano, and Chi Qian should be playing the violin?’

‘How did the events turn out to be the other way around?"

And in Yu Shanshan’s and her wives’ surprise, Lin Yuan put the bow on the violin strings and began playing.

The brisk and melodious sound came out of the violin in Lin Yuan’s hand.

The melody actually intertwined with Chi Qian’s piano.

Surprisingly, Lin Yuan’s violin did not disturb Chi Qian’s piano at all rather complemented it!

It made Chi Qian’s piano sound even more beautiful!

Yu Shanshan knew that the piece is called ‘Love’s Greeting / Salut d’ Amour’,

The reason why Lin Yuan was able to play the violin without interrupting Chi Qian’s playing was because of the perfect timing he inserted his violin as Chi Qian was playing.

Doing so is actually difficult if you don’t have great violin skills.

You have to judge the rhythm very accurately as if playing it by yourself from the beginning.

Not only does it require superb skills but also a tacit understanding of the piece and many more aspects.

But Lin Yuan really did it.

‘Why is my cousin so good at violin?’

Yu Shanshan looked strangely at Lin Yuan who was playing the violin.

As for when the sound from the violin was heard suddenly, Chi Qian’s expression was calm, and she didn’t pause at all.

Just as earlier, the beautiful sound continued to fill the entire room.

But of course, Chi Qian couldn’t help but glance at Lin Yuan from time to time.

Chi Qian was like the G.o.ddess looking back at something equally beautiful.

The beauty of the moment is timeless.

Lin Yuan also looked at Chi Qian.

The two glanced at each other, smiled at each other, but their hands kept on moving.

Chi Qian continued playing and so did Lin Yuan. Their level of understanding was ridiculously high.

Their rhythms are intertwined which delivered the most beautiful representation and praises of love as the piece ‘Salut d’ Amour’ suggests.

With the two moving as one, Yu Shanshan and her wives became even more obsessed.

Lin Yuan and Chi Qian created a perfect harmony.

It makes people feel like they are in a dream world.

They only recovered themselves when the piece ended, and everything felt like a dream.

The white slender hands stopped playing the piano.

Chi Qian smiled at Lin Yuan and said: “Brother Lin Yuan, I didn’t expect you can also play the violin, and it sounds even better than mine.”

Lin Yuan smiled and said: “I understand a little. The level should be about the same as you.”

“Let me play another piece. This time, you accompany me.” Lin Yuan said.

Chi Qian nodded.

Then Lin Yuan raised the violin once more.

What Lin Yuan intends to play this time is ‘The Devil’s Trill’ which he had played earlier.

Xie Shixuan who accompanied him earlier didn’t do such a good job, so he was not very satisfied.

Chi Qian’s piano skill is very high and they have a perfect understanding, so Lin Yuan wants to try again than regret it later.

As soon as Lin Yuan’s bow began hitting the violin strings, the strange and piercing sound came out again.

Instantly, Yu Shanshan and the others were kicked out of their dreamy world of love.

Chi Qian was also quite surprised because the piece is very difficult and even she can’t play it perfectly on the violin and Lin Yuan intends on playing it.

Although surprised, Chi Qian continued to accompany Lin Yuan with her piano.

Lin Yuan played exactly the same as he did earlier, but this time he felt very comfortable.

This is because Chi Qian’s accompaniment is just perfect, and the feeling is just right and very comfortable.

Perhaps it is because of the tacit understanding between them.

They complement each other very well.

The devil’s trill sound this time made Lin Yuan feel comfortable and refreshed.

However, Yu Shanshan and her wives outside were so scared that their legs became weak and trembled.

But none of them left.

Although the sound was quite scary and devilish, it still sounds attractive.

“Shanshan, didn’t you say your cousin only plays the piano? It turns out he is also very good at violin!”

“He is amazing. I feel that he is even better than a teacher. And he is so handsome. I really like him!”

“Shanshan, give me your cousin’s contact information!”

Yu Shanshan’s face turned dark as she looked at her wives betraying one after the other.

The tacit understanding between Lin Yuan and Chi Qian was uncovered by their performance.

It turned out that not only Lin Yuan discovered it but also Chi Qian.

【Ding! Chi Qian’s favorability +1! Reward 1000 counterattack points! 】

A prompt sounded from the system.

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