At noon, the sun is hot like oven,the sound of wind is weak against the hot sun.

        The air flow in the s.p.a.cious corridor and ruffling the windows and doors of the cla.s.sroom.

  High school, In the cla.s.sroom of third year cla.s.s 2, Zhou Xing is holding English textbooks, focusing on studying English words, a drop of sweat fall from his forehead, temples constantly, slipping, nose tip covered with thin perspiration.

  ”Gulu, grunt?” Burst of hunger from Zhou Xing’s belly sounded.

  A row of gold font emerge from Zhou Xing’s mind out of thin air: forced study state temporarily lifted, please add energy  host.

  Zhou Xing suddenly awakened,his attention is back to the present from foucsed state of studying.

  He pick up the phone and looks at the time is already: 12:45

  His Hungry belly is urging him to eat, however, the rice is probably almost finished, there is no estimated how much food is left in the cafteria, Zhou Xing did not delay, he went out of the cla.s.sroom straight to the school cafeteria away.

  ”Task: learning slag counterattack, Objective: the host simulation test average score must be of no less than: 60 points, the task reward: unknown, the task of punishment: unknown!

  (Task tips: in the future will become a big scientist how can the host studying  is as a weak chicken slag! Start efforts! Juvenile, first set a small target: simulation test average score grid!)

  Simulated test average distribution grid line, there are seven days to simulate the test, the difficulty of this task is not generally large.

  ”Reward unknown, the punishment is unknown, what broken system!” Zhou Xing “see” in his mind of the system cover the task of the system, could not help but curse the sentence.

  ”Host, the big scientist support system will help the host to become a great big scientist, please do not be hostile to the system!” Zhou Xing voice faded, a row of gold font from his brain emerge:

  ”System do you have a consciousness? Can you answer my question?” See the sudden emergence of the text, Zhou Xing was surprised:

  ”Yes! You have any questions? Unrelated content Do not disturb the system!” A row of gold font immediately from Zhou Xing’s mind out of thin air, slowly disappeared away.

  ”You can leave, I’m Okay, I do not bother you anymore!” See the golden subt.i.tles, Zhou Xing could not help but turned a supercilious eyes.

  ”The system has been bonded with the host, until the host life has ended cannot be lifted from the host! Whether the host desire life self-destruction?” Zhou Xing’s voice faded, a row of bright red subt.i.tles from his brain, font red, eye-catching, full of dangerous breath.

  ”No! The system continues to bind, do not lift!” A bright red to see the tips, Zhou Xing face changes, scared shouted:

  ”Do you have any doubts about the system binding cancellation program?”

  See the bright red subt.i.tles to restore the gold, Zhou Xing wiped his forehead cold sweat,with lingering fear, speaking thoughtlessly that he will let his life self-destruction,if f did not answer carefully , small life is not to explain?

  This system is too pit father, and Zhou Xing face face, it seems that in this life cannot get rid of this broken system.

  Zhou Xing did not dare to mention the lifting of the system thing, tentatively asked: “What is the task of failure punishment? Successful reward of the task and what? Can you talk about it?

  ”Host, the system a.s.signed to the task is divided into: the main task, branch task, emergency task, prestige task, …, etc., task failure: deprivation of the host – five senses, organs, health, life, …, Waits, if successful: Reward host, intelligence,skill, knowledge, books .The first task of the host: the main task of the host:studying counterattack , the relevant penalties and rewards to wait for the results of the task of verification, the failure consequences of the task is very serious, the success of the task reward rich , please The host effort to complete the task! “Zhou Xing’s voice faded, a series of golden fonts from his mind continue to emerge:

  ”Is not it! Mission failure, deprivation of organs, life? You are organ trafficker? How can you punish me like this?” Zhou Xing was shocked, frightened to ask:

  ” If The task often failed then the  host is not a good one!” Zhou Xing’s voice faded,

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Mind immediately emerge a short golden font Reply:

  Watching the system short  and powerful answer, Zhou Xingtian silent, emotional system is to use this way to eliminate the host, according to this model to determine the main task did not let him fail many times the opportunity to fail once may also affect Next main task.

  There are seven days to simulation test, with his current results, in addition to  self confidently pa.s.sing language , other subjects Zhou Xing did not grasp, this task is too likely to fail, even temporary cramming is too late.

  Thought of this, Zhou Xing face paled, and instantly feel that he were shrouded in the a shadow of death.

  ”How could this be, why other people’s home system has a lottery, and you did not provide any help, the task is too difficult, you are deliberately trying of murder me!” Zhou Xing face whiten, suddenly stopped, Desperately shouting:

  At this point, Zhou Xing is rushed to the cafeteria on the road, suddenly stopped, standing there alone like shouting like crazy, some mental breakdown of the way, after lunch, one after another out of the cafeteria students, one by one to hide far He looked at him frightenedly.

  ”I rely on! This guy is not crazy!”

  ”What is he?” Who wants to murder him?

  ”It Is the second cla.s.s of Zhou Xing! This kid is probably doing jokes it! Do not tell the teacher!

  ”Is he crazy that he will not suddenly hit me suddenly!”


  More than a dozen students around Zhou Xing, talking about the sounds, the students have to watch, the crowd gathered more and more.

  ”The host, you can use your thought to communicate with me, do not have to say it, do not expose the existence of the system!” A row of gold font suddenly appeared in the minds of Zhou Xing,  warned:

  ”Did not provide any help on the release of such a difficult task, with the murder of what is the difference? Exposure exposed! Anyway, I well be dead sooner or later!” Zhou Xing gloomy face, broken jar shook to shout:

  ”h.e.l.lo, are you all right? Who must murder you! Wants me to help you report to the police!”

  ”Hey, Zhou Xing, how do you play the game is not playing the top?”

  ”Tell the teacher, he’s crazy!”

  ”He is the third year of it! Estimated he collapsed by the pressure of the  college entrance examination ,third year is really terrible!


  See Zhou Xing alone where a person loudly talking about himself, as if the spirit of disorders like, the crowd of students could not help but tense up, talking more and more.

  ”The host, you are not emotionally distraught, I suggest you a to cool a little! This system will not issue a task that you are unable to complete!” Golden font out of thin air in Zhou Xing’s mind, comfort:

  ”With my grades,I have a little hope in the completion of this task, how can you let me relax!” Zhou Xing angrily shouted.

  Simulation test papers involve all the knowledge of the third year  in the high school , he usually score the bottom of the examination slag in each subject test lattice, even if he does not eat or drink, only seven days of review time is not enough This task is simply  impossible to complete Zhou Xing.

  ”The host,  as  you are accustomed to forced learning state, the system will provide a three-day additional state of experience, I hope you cherish this opportunity!” Zhou Xing’s voice faded, a row of gold font emerge out, reluctantly revealed:

  ”An opportunity to experience an additional state?” See the system prompts, Zhou Xing cheeky surprise color, the whole people quietly down at once.

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