I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 184: If You’ve Got What It Takes, Let’s Have a Showdown

Chapter 184: If You’ve Got What It Takes, Let’s Have a Showdown

Two days later, Ye Lingchen received a call from Zhang He. The contract procedures were almost complete. All that was left for Ye Lingchen to do was show up, have his photograph taken, and obtain his basketballer ID.

Ye Lingchen agreed. He found time after his cla.s.s to catch a bus to the stadium.

When he arrived at the stadium, Zhang He welcomed him at the door and led him directly to the basketball a.s.sociation’s second-floor office.

“Ye Lingchen, please face the camera. We just need your profile to be entered into the computer for all the information to be recorded.” Zhang He said with a smile. He was happy at himself for successfully recruiting a basketball star.

China’s basketball truly had hope of rising in the near future.


With the flash of light, the photography session was done.

The staff sorted the materials on the computer, and entered Ye Lingchen’s information one by one, registered them in their records.

Zhang He later took out the contract. Everything took effect automatically once he uploaded a picture of the contract signed with Ye Lingchen. The formalities were thus officially completed!

At that moment, however, sounds of hurried footsteps were heard coming toward them.

The next moment, someone then pushed open the office door and everyone was stunned when they saw who it was. Pan Heng barged in with a red face and angry-looking eyes.

A middle-aged, bespectacled man was following behind him. The man’s square face was inundated with sternness, making others feel very much intimidated by his calm yet august temperament.

“Teacher, President Qin! Why are you here?”

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhang He’s eyes and he exclaimed in consternation.

Qin Yuan, the president of the Chinese Basketball a.s.sociation and the head of the basketball department of the General Administration of Sports, was no doubt a leader in the basketball industry. The development of China’s basketball was closely linked to his support and supervision.

“If we didn’t come, who knows how this a.s.sociation will end up in your hands!” Pan Heng was practically roaring. He glared at Zhang He and said, “I invited President Qin here. I don’t have students like you. I’m ready to punish one of my own today if justice demands it!”

“Teacher, you must have misunderstood…”

“Misunderstanding, my foot!” Pan Heng’s eyes widened. He grabbed the contract from Zhang He without so much as a single word. “Why did you sign a contract with this person? What has the basketball a.s.sociation turned into?! Who’s going to believe that there’s nothing fishy going on in this?”

After he finished speaking, he handed the contract over to Qin Yuan.

President Qin adjusted his gla.s.ses. His eyes were gleaming, but after perusing it page by page, his already serious face became even gloomier, and his brows unwittingly knitted into a frown.

“President Zhang, please explain yourself.” Qin Yuan’s eyes looked directly at Zhang He and his voice was a little cold. “You’ve committed a gross violation of the regulations. This is an abuse of power, and if you can’t give me a reasonable explanation, I’ll report it to the relevant department.”

“President Qin, Ye Lingchen is really a basketball genius. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. He can definitely shoulder the aspirations of China’s basketball!” Zhang He’s eyes were overflowing with sincerity. “Give Ye Lingchen some time. He will definitely prove it to you!”

“Stubborn! I can’t believe you’re so stubborn now!” Pan Heng was so angry that his hair was standing on end. “Thirty years of my life have been dedicated to China’s basketball. Do you think I can’t tell if a person is suitable or not to play basketball? I only see arrogance in this kid. There’s nothing good about him!

“This contract is a joke!”

At the end of his sentence, he was so angry that he balled up the contract and threw it into the trash can.


Zhang He immediately became anxious and there was utter panic in his voice.

“President Zhang, your actions are much too disappointing.” Qin Yuan shook his head. “I will make an application to the higher-ups to temporarily relieve you of the president’s post.”

“If that’s the case, then forget it.” Ye Lingchen, who had remained quiet throughout, suddenly made a remark. He had an indifferent expression as if the matter had nothing to do with him at all.

When he finished speaking, he lifted his legs and walked out of the door without any fond memory.

He walked down the second floor swiftly and headed straight to the gate.

“Student Ye Lingchen, wait!” Zhang He froze momentarily before running out frantically and shouting anxiously from behind.

“Ye Lingchen, wait a moment!” Zhang He lurched forward and stood in front of Ye Lingchen to stop him. By then, Zhang He’s voice was already a little hoa.r.s.e. “Student Ye Lingchen, my teacher has a bit of a bad temper, but he’s really devoted his life to China’s basketballers. I’ll make it up to you. I hope you understand.”

He subsequently looked at Pan Heng and Qin Yuan, then said decisively, “It doesn’t matter if you relieve me of my position, but please let Ye Lingchen join the basketball a.s.sociation. I did not make an error in judgment. Teacher, you have to trust your student!”

That, that…

A look of surprise appeared everyone’s faces.

Pan Heng, in particular, had a rapid change of expression.

What reason was worthy of such fanaticism from Zhang He? How did the kid get such acknowledgment from President Zhang?

“Zhang He, you… You really have gone mad. Wake up!” Pan Heng sighed in befuddlement.

“President, what’s wrong with you?”

“President, it’s not worth all that trouble for this guy!”

“President, are you suggesting that neither of us are on this kid’s level?”

The players in the court were similarly dumbfounded. Every single one showed anger and displeasure.

Zhang He was their president and had always a.s.sumed the role of a judge. He was strict and responsible—he was both their judge and their friend.

Why did he become like that just for an ordinary kid?

From their point of view, it was inevitable that they would feel uncomfortable with it. Traces of jealousy were accompanied by dissatisfaction and discontent.

“President Zhang, thank you for your admiration, but since I don’t have that good of a relations.h.i.+p with the a.s.sociation anyway, we’ll part ways here.” Ye Lingchen said plainly and smiled. “You’re a good basketball coach.”

At the conclusion of his sentence, he lifted his foot off the ground and was ready to leave.


At that moment, a basketball left a residual image in the air and sliced through the air, hurtling straight toward Ye Lingchen’s direction!

The ball moved at extreme speed, and it was obvious that someone threw it over intentionally.

Ye Lingchen c.o.c.ked a brow and caught it with one hand.


He needed only one hand to receive the ball and hold it in his palm.

Did he actually catch it?

Everyone was stunned.

Pan Heng and Qin Yuan exchanged shocked looks at each other and began to re-evaluate Ye Lingchen.

The throw was quite a strong one, and an average person would likely dodge it and be wary of catching it too firmly. However, Ye Lingchen’s feet did not move an inch, yet he could easily grab the basketball with only one hand!

His technique and mentality were absolutely extraordinary!

“Hey, last time you said I was unworthy of being your opponent?” Captain Qian Sen sauntered over and stared straight at Ye Lingchen. “I really want to see what makes you so precious to the president! If you’ve got what it takes, let’s have a showdown!”

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