I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 226: Legendary Record

Chapter 226: Legendary Record

Although Ye Lingchen went directly to bed, the editors did not. They needed to find out Celestial Bane’s results as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, a lot of other people were glued to their screens, waiting for Celestial Bane’s results as well.

“It’s been 10 minutes. Let’s have a look at Celestial Bane’s results,” the chief editor told Yogurt.

Yogurt immediately refreshed the page. Within 10 minutes of publication, Celestial Bane’s initial subscription had exceeded 10 thousand!

“d.a.m.n! This momentum is scary!”

Even the chief editor was stupefied. They thought it was a system error and refreshed the page a few more times. Only then did they confirm that it managed to exceed 10 thousand subscriptions within 10 minutes!

Following that, Celestial Bane did not stop there with the surprises.

[(Gift) User Lonely Seeker of Loss gifted Celestial Bane 1,000,000 coins! This book is amazing! Here’s some support. Hopefully the following chapters will be more interesting!]

A huge banner flew across the site, announcing and showcasing a Silver Lord’s gift as it flew by!

Any gift beyond RMB10,000 would trigger a global announcement across the site!

[Hot d.a.m.n! I knew some rich guy would take part, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon!]

[That’s RMB10,000! So f*cking wealthy!]

[Celestial Bane was just published today. I’m afraid G.o.ds will be felled, blood will run!]

[That poem is worth far beyond that RM10,000!]

Nonetheless, that banner was just the start. The real surprise would soon ensue!

[(Gift) User Long Aotian gifted Celestial Bane 1,000,000 coins! This book is amazing! Here’s some support. Hopefully the following chapters will be more interesting!]

[(Gift) User Lonely gifted Celestial Bane 1,000,000 coins! This book is amazing! Here’s some support. Hopefully the following chapters will be more interesting!]

[(Gift) User Freezing Dragon gifted Celestial Bane 1,000,000 coins! This book is amazing! Here’s some support. Hopefully the following chapters will be more interesting!]

[(Gift) User The One Yearned For gifted Celestial Bane 1,000,000 coins! This book is amazing! Here’s some support. Hopefully the following chapters will be more interesting!]

Celestial Bane’s Lords acted simultaneously!

As though planned in advance, it was well coordinated. They flooded Celestial Banes’s gift chart with red. The banners were unending, floating across the screen on the reading app.

It stunned everyone. They forgot how to type and could only stare in a daze as the bright red gift banners continually appeared.

Five minutes later, the banners were still unending!

[F*ck! Is there no end? Just how long are they planning to send gifts?]

[This is terrifying. Where did all these rich guys pop out from?]

[This is just spamming the channel with money! So brutal!]

People on the site felt numb.

The editors, readers, and even authors were all stunned!

They knew that Celestial Bane would be a hit, but never expected it to blow up to this extent. Moreover with such simple brutality.

The gifts continued pouring in. They then started counting the number of gifts received.

One, two, three…

There were 100 gifts at the level of Silver Lords!

100 of RMB10,000 gifts, that was a total gift of RMB1,000,000!

That was just barely published!

Moreover, the gifts did not stop there!

It was increasing!

[F*ck! This…this…what else can I say?]

[I’m sorry, but I peed my pants and need to change my pants.]

[Come help me up. I’m on my knees and my legs are numb…]

Celestial Ban’s fanbase was huge, with almost a million collections. That was a ma.s.sive number so no doubt it contained quite a number of rich fans.

Furthermore, the blank chapter that was released prior had ignited the fighting spirit within the readers. Such a good novel deserved their gifts!

Lonely Seeker of Loss and Long Aotian further urged the fans in their group to take part. Faced with provocations, Celestial Bane has nothing to fear and they must counterattack with full force!

Finally, the exhilarating flood of gifts slowly calmed down after 15 minutes, allowing them to take a breath of relief.

300 Silver Lords!

That was a total of RMB3,000,000!

300 Silver Lords right on the day of publication! Put aside the big shots, it was impossible even for the platinum authors!

That influence could definitely be considered as terrifying.

Moreover, many others sent gifts apart from the Silver Lords. The novel was just barely published, and its gift had amounted to RMB3,300,000!

[Crazy! It’s f*cking crazy! Money means nothing now!]

[Where did those rich people spring out from? Are they the Child of Wealth[1]?]

[Award! This book will land him the award! I am Y broke the record for gifts collected for a new t.i.tle!]

Such a ferocity was unheard of, it was almost guaranteed to be recorded in the online novel industry’s history.

Even 3Logs and his fans were baffled.

They were flabbergasted by the amount of money.

Over three million! An entire novel in its lifetime might not even get that amount of money. That was insane!

To h*ll with the challenge, they weren’t even on the same playing field!

[Everyone calm down. Our side is not without rich fans too. You guys just send gifts within your ability. We must not show weakness,] one of his fans said in encouragement.

However, some only gave a few dozen RMB. The better ones might gift him with the occasional hundred, or thousand, but none of them showed any signs of flooding his charts.

Even if they had the money, it was not advisable to be spent that way. It was just too wasteful!

His gifts, when compared to Celestial Bane, was like a drop in the sea. It could not even cause the slightest ripple.

“Sir, this…”

Yogurt took a long time to recover from his daze. He rubbed his eyes before finally believing what he saw with his own eyes.

The number of gifts was sufficient to blow countless minds.


The other editors tried very hard to swallow the lump in their throats. They all felt their mouths dry up as they stared at the results helplessly.

If not for them witnessing this in person, they would have never dreamt of such a thing.

“What’s I am Y doing?” the chief editor asked with a hoa.r.s.e voice.

“I think he’s…sleeping…” Yogurt shrugged in his reply. He just messaged Ye Lingchen on QQ, but there was no reply.

“That…that’s just amazing…” The chief editor was stunned.

Suddenly, his eyes popped wide open and roared in a hurry, “What are you guys waiting for? Go check Celestial Bane’s subscription!”

If the gifts represented the number of wealthy fans, then subscription would represent Celestial Bane’s popularity!

Yogurt spared no time and immediately switched to the servers.


Everyone in Yuewen’s editorial department took a deep heavy breath, then started to hyperventilate.

“This…this…” Yogurt’s teeth were chattering, excited to the point where words failed him.

“In half an hour, Celestial Bane’s subscription count has reached 35 thousand! OMFG!” Sunny Day almost glued his face onto the screen. He could feel his heart beating like never before.

“The five-year-long record for online novels is about to be broken today!” The chief could not help but mutter along as his eyes widened.

One should know that the highest record of initial subscription was only at 50 thousand, whereas Celestial Bane managed to achieve 35 thousand initial subscriptions within half an hour. Putting aside the potential to break the record, it would potentially create a legendary new record that would be impossible to surpa.s.s…

[1] ] 散财童子 (San Cai Tongzi / Child of Wealth) – There are various versions of this mythical figure, but based on the context of this t.i.tle, we believe that it’s referencing to the one commonly depicted in Chinese culture where the child was a gift from Guan Yin to a family that was destined to be childless. In this context, the reference has nothing to do with the history of said figure, but instead just a play on its name by being a bringer of wealth. If you feel interested in finding out more about this particular mythical figure, feel free to visit this entry on wikipedia:

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