I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 272: Behold Him!

Chapter 272: Behold Him!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The war of words started under Celestial Bane’s book review.

No one was giving in to anyone, and no one could persuade anyone. Everyone came and went in a rather hostile manner.

Even the book review’s administrator could not keep up with deleting everything.

Just then, a person who claimed to be a literary critic began to comment on Celestial Bane:

[The achievements of this book are indeed eye-catching and it is also making a hefty sum. However, all those online websites as well as the so-called internet must pay attention! We cannot just look at the interests at hand; we must do something for the future of our nation and its people! These substance-lacking things will only consume the time and energy of our current teenagers. It will affect our children’s learning and is considered cannibalism of our national spirit. We must protest it seriously!

1To the author, please search your conscience. Would it not be painful to hurt our teenagers? Please step away from your pen immediately and stop writing!]

That sentence once posted, received a lot of direct attention and naturally elicited another wave of comments.

[F*CK! Where did this stupid c*nt come out from? All that claptrap just to please the crowd]

[He even wants the author to put down his pen? Why is he not dead already?]

[I’m gonna laugh to death! Doesn’t the author need to make a living? You want him to put away his pen so he can support you? Why not just ban people from reading the Four Cla.s.sic Books, watching TV series, and playing games? IDIOTIC C*NT!]

[Celestial Bane does not have any elements of p.o.r.nography. This is a good thing. Celestial Bane is spiritual food!]

[Sorry everyone, I didn’t chain my dog well. Sorry it escaped to bark at you and disturb you.]

Countless readers were looking forward to Celestial Bane’s update, yet people were asking the author to put away his pen, which became the subject of criticism!

However, the opinions in support of those reviewers began to increase gradually.

Someone posted the comments section of Celestial Bane onto Weibo. It shot up the trending searches and laid out the controversial topic in full view of the public.

[I support the banning of this book! This kind of author is a tumor and should be jailed!]

[F*ck! That’s just the kind of thing that made my son refuse to study before his college entrance exam. This is the bane of our life!]

[My son holds his mobile phone and watches these things every day. I’m begging the country to stop these kinds of work!]

[Upstairs, are your brains being short-circuited? Your children will continue to play with other things even if they don’t read this. Are you motherf*cking kidding yourself right now?]

[Idiots, idiots everywhere! This book is so eye-catching! it just shows that it’s a rare masterpiece! You’re all jealous, aren’t you?]

[Even the writer’s a.s.sociations came forward and said that this book is terrible! Ban it! Don’t lead my children down the wrong path!]

[They’re students of Capital University too! I urge the school to expel them!]

[Leave the literary world!]


Those showing the most resistance were usually parents. Swayed by individuals from the writers a.s.sociation, many parents began firing shots and complaining without trying to distinguish between right and wrong.

Although there were also a large number of readers who supported Celestial Bane, they soon disappeared under the siege of parents who came from all walks of life.

Ye Lingchen frowned deeply as he looked at the comments that got more and more out of hand.

That kind of trending search was purely negative, and it was probably cooked by those bunch of people from the cla.s.sic literature. They wanted to harness the strength of the ma.s.ses to remove Ye Lingchen’s presence.

Such negative news was extremely disappointing and would have a great impact on his future popularity. The mood that he so painstakingly constructed was brought down by those slanderous cla.s.sical writers and poets.

The pen name of Celestial Bane’s author was connected to Y and Ye Lingchen was unwilling to let any of the Ys be vilified.

“Professor Wan is here.”

Their present lesson happened to be Wan Yun’s literature cla.s.s, and despite his age, his cheeks were still ruddy and he was as energetic as always when stepping into the cla.s.sroom.

“Time for cla.s.s.”

“Good morning, Professor…” The voice was somewhat listless.

“What’s wrong? You have something to say about my lesson?” Wan Yun glanced at the cla.s.s and realized that the students were all dispirited and somewhat angry.

Someone could not help but say, “Professor Wan, someone is scolding our school online!”

“What’s going on?” Wan Yun frowned slightly.

“It’s about Celestial Bane.” Hao Jian took out his phone and showed those comments to Wan Yun.

Since it was Wan Yun who spoke up in defense of Celestial Bane, some of the comments were directed at him. There were even those who went so far as to say that the professor did not deserve to be called one because he was damaging teenagers’ minds.

“Okay, switch off your phone and pay attention to the lesson!” Wan Yun merely glanced at it insipidly and said very calmly.

“Professor Wan, don’t you care?” Many people could not resist asking.

“You are students of Capital University. Are you going to stoop on their level and quarrel with them if they look down on you?!” Wan Yun had a serious expression as he looked at each student below. “I teach you literature. I never taught you to scold others! Since this is all about literature, the only way to deal with it is through literature! If others look down on you, prove it to them that your literature standards are higher than them!

“Would you earn their respect if you scolded them back?”

Wan Yun’s words made everyone’s breath heavy, with many people hanging their heads low in discontent.

They wanted to prove themselves, but at that moment, they realized that they still lacked a lot in their words and had nothing to show in terms of literature.

One only realized the paucity of one’s knowledge when one needed to use it!

“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” Wan Yun looked at everyone. “You should not be proud of Capital University, but rather, you must make Capital University Proud! If others berate me for the useless things that you learned, there’s nothing else for me to say!”

“Our lesson starts now!”

Everyone looked up and listened to Wan Yun’s lecture more seriously than ever before. Many students asked questions about literature, especially ancient poetry.

Ye Lingchen was sitting in the back row of the cla.s.sroom. He looked at his cla.s.smates and lecturer, then felt his anger disappear in an instant. He exhaled and took out his mobile phone silently.

He registered an account in Weibo as Y.

Under that microblog, he wrote word by word and clicked send!

It was a response to everyone.

[People in this world may slander me, bully me, insult me, laugh at me, look down on me, deceive me, and lie to me. How shall I deal with it?

As long as I am patient with him, let him be, avoid him, leave him alone, bear with him, respect him, and ignore him. Behold him in a few years!]

A simple question and answer, but in tune with the situation at hand. It displayed Ye Lingchen’s att.i.tude toward everything, and at the same time, it was also a response to those who attempted to tarnish his name!

‘Scold, laugh, and despise me all you want, I don’t care. We’ll see who’s laughing a few years from now!’

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