I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 275: The Flying Bike

Chapter 275: The Flying Bike

Was that his imagination?

Ye Lingchen’s heart skipped a beat, he felt uncertain.

He had the Aura Divination ability, and when he looked at Xu Wanqing, he found out that she would face a fatal disaster that day.

At his level, the chances of making a mistake were almost non-existent. Xu Wanqing was in danger that day itself!

Ye Lingchen’s eyes turned serious. Getting up, he stealthily followed Xu Wanqing.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, any sane person would not believe him if he told them. Furthermore, even if he had said it, Xu Wanqing would be powerless to change her fate.

He could only tail her and see what would happen.

The university campus was not within the town center. The area had many parks in its immediate surroundings. Ye Lingchen tailed her silently.

Right then, Xu Wanqing waved her hand and stopped a taxi.

Seeing Xu Wanqing getting in the car, the twitching at the corner of Ye Lingchen’s eyes grew stronger[1].

Something was wrong with that car!


Of all things, he did not expect it to be the car Xu Wanqing got into!

Ye Lingchen’s heart skipped another beat. Looking around, he noticed there weren’t any other taxis around. Meanwhile, that taxi was already starting up.

He must not lose sight of her!

Ye Lingchen was frustrated. If it could unnerve him to that extent, the incident was definitely severe.

He looked around once more, finally focusing his gaze on a mountain bike stopped by the road.

He had no choice but to gamble on that!

Ye Lingchen had a serious look in his eye, then rushed upwards. With just a pull, the mountain bike’s chain snapped. Following that, he jumped on the bike and pumped his legs hard on the pedal, chasing after that car with the bike.

“Ah, my bike!” From a distance, a person peeing by the river had a shocked expression on his face, running over while trying to pull up his fly. When he saw the sorry state of his bike chain, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Fear rooted him to the ground and took away his courage to give chase.

A metal chain was broken just like that!

‘How the f*ck did he do that?’

Moreover, when he looked up once more, the bike s.n.a.t.c.her was already nowhere to be seen. That speed at which the bike s.n.a.t.c.her left was terrifying!

Of course, Ye Lingchen had no time to think about what others thought of him. At that moment, his eyes were locked onto that taxi while his legs pumped like a wheel of wind and fire[2]. He pedaled away with all his strength.

Meanwhile, a couple cuddling by the road felt something zooming past them with a “whoosh”. A figure shot past them with a strong tailwind sweeping by which caused them to have difficulty breathing for a moment.

“Was that a…bike?!”

Both of them rubbed their eyes, taking in a deep breath. The girl was pus.h.i.+ng down on her dress that was almost flipped all the way up.

Fortunately, the road had few people. Furthermore, the taxi driver obviously planned this. He took all the quiet roads and its speed was increasing!

Xu Wanqing should have realized that she was being kidnapped by now.

Ye Lingchen dared not delay, pumping his legs even harder. All that he could hear was the whoos.h.i.+ng sound of air rus.h.i.+ng past his ears. The scenery around him seemed to zoom behind him.

Luckily his Biking skill had reached 100 percent. Moreover, based on his physical condition, which could only be considered as abnormal, he did not feel any exhaustion from riding at such intensity.

Fortunately, his luck was decent and found a mountain bike. If it were any normal bikes, it would have fallen apart long ago.

Along the way, he followed the taxi to a suburb, which then took another turn into a mountain road.

That was already within the Mount Fulong region, the secluded area in Capital City.

Little Mo’s favorite pastime was to drive around. Whenever he had the time, he would drive around Mount Fulong

The road here was wide and devoid of vehicles. It was also far away from the noisy city, allowing him to feel the pressure built up within him dissipate into the air.

As usual, he was driving while humming a tune. The music playing in his car was Someone by Y.

Right at that moment, a taxi zoomed past his side with a “whoosh”.

“F*ck! Are you crazy driving at that speed?!” Little Mo was shocked and broke out cursing.

Just as he finished cursing, another bike zoomed past him with another “whoosh”, turning into a blur.

“F*ck! Biking at that speed? Are you looking for death!?” Little Mo could not help but curse again. However, he was suddenly stunned as he tried to recount what happened.


It was a bike!

Focusing on the sight, he almost jumped out of his car.

All he saw was a person bent over a mountain bike, his legs pumping like a dynamo, generating energy like crazy. His legs were a blur to the naked eye.

That was just f*cking terrifying!

‘To ride a bike like that, you’re f*cking amazing! At that speed, it was possible for the rider to fly using the bike.’ Little Mo thought.

He slammed the gas, accelerating and followed along, barely able to catch up.

Following that, he took out his phone and turned on the camera, then aimed it at Ye Lingchen. After that, he even recorded the speedometer in his car, which was at 120 miles!

The next instant, he pulled over and uploaded his footage to TikTok.

[Discovered biking miracle, riding faster than a car. At this rate he will be riding into the sky!]

As expected, that video immediately went viral.

[F*ck! Is that for real? Are you sure it’s not photoshopped?]

[Amazing. Look at those two legs pumping, it’s like the unbeatable wheels of wind and fire!] [2]

[I’m ashamed! After slowing it down by five times, I still can’t see how those legs cycled.]

[Heaven defying. A bike ridden at 120 miles, this is just illogical!]

[Are you sure this video is taken on earth? Is it not from Mars or outer s.p.a.ce?]

[Oh no, it’s coming to an end. I think our earth is going through some transformation. Is it the revitalizing of spiritual energy?]

Fortunately, that video did not capture Ye Lingchen’s face. However, due to the speed, his image was blurry.

Ye Lingchen was naturally oblivious to the commotion he caused, continuing his chase without stopping.

Finally, they left the main road and the taxi slowed down. It was no longer following the main road, but instead went onto the mountainous roads and quickly arrived at a desolate place.

In front of them was the abandoned amus.e.m.e.nt park, overgrown with weeds. All that’s left were some simple structures that stayed intact.

Seeing that the taxi drove slowly into the amus.e.m.e.nt park, Ye Lingchen stopped his bike and stealthily snuck in.

Luckily it was not an empty expanse. The amus.e.m.e.nt park had several facilities. His body weaved amongst them, hiding in between some rides as he quietly watched the scene unfold…

[1] It’s a common Chinese belief that if one’s eyes/eyebrows twitched, it meant that something was about to happen. It most likely stemmed from the Chinese idiom that said 左眼跳财右眼跳灾 (Left eye twitch for fortune, right eye twitch for disaster). So dear readers, we bless you with a twitchy left eye ?

[2] 风火轮 (Wheel of Wind and Fire / Wind and Fire Wheels) – It may refer to a weapon that resembled a chakram (not for throwing, unfortunately), or Nezha’s mystical equipment that he rode on as a means of travel. Based on the context of this story, we believe it points to the latter as a mean means of exaggerating the speed of Ye Lingchen’s pedaling. If interested in the weapon itself, please feel free to follow this link:

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