I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 353 Rising Popularity!

Chapter 353 Rising Popularity!

Although Survival on Deserted Island came to an end, it had just started to trend online!

Who would have thought that a simple variety show would end up with a hardcore survival challenge, and one with an unexpected miracle!

On Weibo, a post t.i.tled G.o.dlike Man took the top spot of the trending searches!

[Have you heard of heavenly sound? Have you seen someone deter sharks with music? Can you perform a tune with a leaf? The G.o.dlike Man can do that!]

Many netizens could not hold back from laughing when they saw the t.i.tle. They looked at it with ridicule and silently judged it in their hearts.

‘It must be another idiot paying for the trending search. Why would they use such a ridiculous t.i.tle? It’s so fake.’

Nevertheless, the show was rumored to be related to Y, coupled with the fact that it had over 50 thousand comments below it, quite a number of people still clicked into it out of curiosity.

When they saw the sharks, they were all stunned. There were actual sharks, eight of them! The moment they saw Ye Lingchen perform his tune, they were all dumbfounded. This time, their minds blanked out, fully engrossed with the music.

It was too melodious and so good that they had gooseb.u.mps all over their body. It was so enjoyable that they felt their souls s.h.i.+vering!

With just that one short clip, the number of comments went up to over 60 thousand!

[At first, I thought it was fake, but it turned out to be real! Is that something humanly possible?!]

[F*ck! This tune belongs to the heavens. How often does one come across it in the human realm? I finally understand the meaning behind this saying!]

[Wonderful. This is truly wonderful! Singer Y is true to the Y name!]

[Sharks are natural predators that are difficult to tame. With their aggressive nature, death is inevitable when meeting one in the sea! Putting aside the possibility of it being scripted, this is chasing away sharks using music! It’s too awesome!]

[I’m sorry, I didn’t know that the celestials were performing. I didn’t get into a proper posture. Let me kneel and listen to it again.]

[This is too magical. Had anyone considered who these Ys are? They all carry with them some mysterious abilities, each more monstrous than the other!]

[Previous poster, you’ve noticed it as well? What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. Our world is going through a spiritual revitalization and I’m Xiang Yu, the Hegemon-King of Western Chu. As long as you make a transfer of RMB100 to 12345678, I’ll send you a set of martial arts scriptures. RMB100, cheaper than a scam…]

Apart from that, another trending search quickly climbed up the ranks and rose to second place!

The post was t.i.tled “What G.o.dly tune is this?”

[I’m not boasting. This tune is amazing. It works wonders in calming children. My baby cries all the time and makes me worried sick. With this tune, not only did he quiet down, he would even laugh. Ahhh, this is a blessing to all mothers out there!]

The likes and comments grew explosively.

[I just gave it a try. My rascal at home quietened down and listened with rapt attention without making any noise. However, the moment the tune stops, he would throw a tantrum to have it continue.]

[Hehe, you’ve only discovered one of its uses. I’ll have you know, this tune works as a sleeping aid. If you don’t believe me, listen to it as you sleep. I’ve never slept so soundly for the past three years!]

[What’s so special about calming down the kids? My kid is always below par on his intelligence and fails his exams. After listening to this tune, it was like an enlightenment. He can now fully grasp addition and subtraction within ten!]

[This is truly a G.o.dly tune. It’s much more effective than those Buddhist texts and

Diamond Sutra in soothing our hearts!]

[Hehe, you’re all too weak! To be honest, I’m a thief. After listening to this tune, I’m on my way to turn myself in…]

On the other hand, Ye Lingchen’s Uncommon Words had similarly become a hit, appearing all over TikTok. Approximately one out of five channels were using Uncommon Words. Multiple versions appeared all over the internet, fighting to be the designated singer.

Meanwhile, the popularity of the song attracted the attention of the music platforms in the industry. QQ Music, NetEase Music, and Kugou Music contacted Ye Lingchen via Weibo, fighting for the rights to Calm and Uncommon Words.

Finally, Kugou Music successfully bought the rights to both songs with RMB10,000,000!

RMB10,000,000 for the tunes. Even superstars were not given such a treatment. That was considered the highest record of a song’s copyrights.

To say that he was poor, the hundreds of millions was by no means a small sum. To say that he was rich, he could not even afford a single building. That amount was not considered much.

Ye Lingchen apparently still held a grudge from his inability to purchase a building.

It was a misunderstanding on his part. Given a normal location, he could easily purchase a building, yet he was adamant about getting a building in the middle of Capital City. The location made the difficulty rise by a few folds. It was only fair that the price was exorbitant. His ambition was just too big.

Considering that he was still on a leave of absence, he did not go to cla.s.s. Instead, he went back to Hill Spring Residences to count his gains.

Entering the system menu, his popularity points had already reached a total of 500 thousand. It went up by almost 300 thousand popularity points!

Such an explosive gain was totally out of Ye Lingchen’s expectations. However, remembering the effects of Calm, he came to an understanding. Calm was a song that would permeate into people’s hearts, therefore causing a greater effect, and that naturally increased the speed of his popularity growth.

Since he had collected 500 thousand popularity points, he decided to wait a while more and get it to a full million popularity points for second intermediate skill advancement.

Just the thought of the awesomeness of an intermediate skill brought a hint of exhilaration to Ye Lingchen’s heart.

At the same time, within Wanrong Automobile Group’s headquarters…

A middle-aged man was in his seat. His eyes glimmered intimidatingly. Before him was a long conference table, with 10 people seated on both sides. A small portion of them were middle-aged, while the rest belonged to the older age group. However, each of them gave off an air of superiority.

Right then, the middle-aged man held a report in his hands, reading through it page by page. Right at the forefront of the conference room, Ouyang Qing was explaining to those present with her powerpoint presentation on the theory and practical implementations. Her voice was steady, filled with utmost confidence.

“Niece Ouyang, are you sure that the autonomous vehicle technology is fully in our grasp?” the middle-aged man asked in a serious tone as Ouyang Qing ended her presentation.

“Chairman Xu, I’m sure!” Ouyang Qing nodded. “Right now, countless eyes are watching our Wanrong Group[1]. It’s unwise for us to showcase our autonomous vehicle technology. We might be faced with unexpected variables if we’re late! This is why I suggest conducting a press conference immediately and show the public our technology, claiming the achievement as the first company to develop autonomous vehicle technology!”

Her speech brought a slight frown to all those present in the conference, seemingly in deep thoughts. For a moment, everyone quietened down…

[1] 万荣集团 (Wanrong Group). Used interchangeably with Wanrong Automobile Group by the author.

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