I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 258: Paying Homage to Miracle Doctor Y

Chapter 258: Paying Homage to Miracle Doctor Y

After hanging up the call, Ye Lingchen did not hesitate to take a taxi straight to Metropolis Hospital.

The airport was some distance away from Metropolis Hospital. Ye Lingchen waited for half an hour at the hospital entrance. A bus eventually appeared, with Xu Zhen and Ye Jin disembarking from it.

“Dad, Mom,” Ye Lingchen greeted them immediately.

“Lingchen, haven’t you been eating well recently? You look thin.” Xu Zhen smiled as she scrutinized Ye Lingchen all over.

“Of course I have. The one thing that Capital has is an abundance of food. I’ll bring you to the most famous snack street later so you can try all of Capital’s delicious food,” Ye Lingchen said casually.

“Street-side snack food is unclean. You have to eat less of that, okay?” Xu Zhen felt uncomfortable and paused before saying, “But today’s meal is already settled. There will be a big feast tonight.”

“A big feast?” Ye Lingchen looked at Xu Zhen and Ye Jin in surprise.

“It’s a friend of your dad’s in Capital, something like a distant relative. He hasn’t been in contact for a long time since coming to Capital. All of us were poor last time, and it was your dad who treated his sickness for free.” Xu Zhen smiled.

“We’ll follow you to buy some new clothes later, make you more presentable. You’re all grown up now, so you must pay attention to your image. Do you understand that?” Ye Jin also chimed in from beside.

Ye Lingchen nodded bitterly. He made a point to dress down a bit when he went to pick up his parents, as he was worried that he would give his parents a scare if he wore all those branded clothes.

“Yes, it’s important that you dress up nicer. I heard they have a pretty daughter. When the time comes, you can introduce yourselves to each other and have a little chat.” Xu Zhen told Ye Lingchen.

“Mom, I’m still a freshman. It’s too early to be setting me up with someone.” Ye Lingchen was dumbstruck.

“It’s just an introduction. Who knows, maybe you’ll take a liking to each other?” Xu Zhen asked.

Ye Jin shook his head and said, “This family came to Capital long ago to make a living. They later received a lot of money after their house was demolished and they were relocated. They’re very rich. What they’re doing for us now is a token of grat.i.tude for my help in the past. We’re not hoping to get overly close with that kind of family. ”

Xu Zhen did not speak.

“Mom, Dad, you came to visit Miracle Doctor Y, right? I’ll bring you.” Ye Lingchen was incredibly familiar with the place and so walked ahead of them.

Although the Wind-Heat Syndrome Flu has been brought under control, the number of people visiting the hospital showed no signs of diminis.h.i.+ng.

The busy hospital was full of patients.

Along the way, Ye Jin and Xu Zhen marveled at everything around them, utterings gasps of surprise every once in a while.

Capital was far from comparable to Rugao City—the former was a bustling concrete jungle while the other was a rural area. The disparity was a stark one.

They were already shocked enough when they saw how bustling Capital was. The immense difference between Capital and Rugao City was evident when they compared a countryside hospital to a city one.

“Hospitals in big cities are just so different,” Ye Jin said impa.s.sionedly.

Be it the environment, the capacity, or the supporting facilities, every single aspect went beyond his imagination.

Through the corridor, Ye Lingchen took Ye Jin and Xu Zhen to the isolation area.

“That room is where Miracle Doctor Y treated his patients.” Ye Lingchen pointed to a room not far away.

There were a lot of people around, each with grateful looks on their faces. They lined up to visit the room, and most of the parents among the crowd brought their children along.

Ye Lingchen had never been there before, so it came as a surprise when he laid eyes on that scene. He did not expect that so many people would go there just to venerate him.

A mother and her son spoke to each other while lining up in front of Ye Lingchen.

“Mom, is this the place where Miracle Doctor Y saved lives?” the child asked his mother.

“Yes. He wrote the prescription here and it saved you,” the child’s mother said. “You must always be grateful for that, okay?”

“Mm.” The child nodded repeatedly. “I feel pain when I’m sick. Miracle Doctor Y is so amazing, but why doesn’t he tell anyone who he is?”

“He did a good deed without seeking fame. That’s what you call a real doctor,” the child’s mother explained.

“Yes, Miracle Doctor Y a good person. My child and husband both got Wind-Heat Syndrome Flu. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t want to continue living too,” someone from the front turned around and said.

“I came here from Nanling just to thank Miracle Doctor Y. Even though he didn’t reveal his ident.i.ty, we must never forget his kindness,” another professed.

“That’s right, we rushed here from all over the nation. You know, if Miracle Doctor Y named a price, we would still want him to treat us no matter how much money it took!”

“Yes, many doctors will patent their medications and make an insane amount of profit from them. Isn’t that the reason medicine is so expensive now? On the other hand, Miracle Doctor Y is truly selfless and dedicated!”

Everyone had something to say and each discussion spoke well of Miracle Doctor Y.

Ye Jin also took a deep breath and sighed. “This is a true miracle doctor. Not only are his medical skills superb; his ethics are admirable too.”

The sincerity was evident in his tone, and it was obvious that he had great respect for Miracle Doctor Y.

Ye Lingchen kept quiet. He smirked silently and thought, ‘Dad, it’s a bit inappropriate for you to wors.h.i.+p your son like this…’

The line was very long. Everyone went in one by one and came out after viewing the room.

Ye Lingchen and his parents finally went in after several people came and went.

The layout of the room was the same as before, except that the table was framed with gla.s.s. Inside it, a piece of paper was displayed. It was Ye Lingchen who wrote the prescription, and the inscription ‘Y’ was also written on it.

This prescription was extremely well kept, and all of those who went in said a word of thanks to it.

Ye Jin’s wish was fulfilled after the visit. The three of them then walked out of the hospital.

The old man was still in awe when he b.u.mped into a person head-on.


The man had apparently just finished obtaining his medications. The bag in his hand fell and the medicine box slipped to the ground.

“I’m so sorry,” Ye Jin uttered and immediately bent over to pick up.

“I should be the one saying sorry. My legs and feet aren’t any good. I walked a little too anxiously just now and I couldn’t stop myself in time,” the man said.

He had dark skin, and from his looks, he was probably just an ordinary citizen.

Ye Jin picked up the pill boxes one by one. As a doctor, it was only natural for him to be extremely perceptive of any medicine. He smiled and said, “You have sores on the soles of your feet?”

“Yes!” The man looked at Ye Jin in surprise. “How did you know?”

“These medicines are meant for that.” Ye Jin smiled. “It’s just that, this particular one seems to be prescribed a bit too much. Many of the healing effects are duplicated, so it will cost a lot of money.”

Ye Jin paid attention to that when he came in. The patients there basically went home with a bag full of medicine, as if they paid no mind to money.

“It’s all based on the doctor’s prescription. We don’t understand it that much. It’s good enough if we’re healed,” the man said.

Ye Jin didn’t say much, but when he picked up a black gla.s.s bottle on the ground, he frowned sharply and wondered…

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