I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 513 The Poor Depend on Mutation While the Rich Depend on Technology!

Chapter 513 The Poor Depend on Mutation While the Rich Depend on Technology!

“What’s this!?”

Young Master Takesh’s pupils dilated, focusing on the footprint.

The building materials they used for the floor were specially enhanced to be bulletproof, yet Elder Hiros.h.i.+ was able to easily leave a footprint behind. The strength behind that step was absolutely astonis.h.i.+ng.

“Hehe, I’ve been living for 113 years. I’ve experienced and learned way more than you ever could. In the past, I was also a martial artist. An inner force martial artist at that! It’s just that later, I found that human strength is limited, leading me to look for other ways to get stronger!” Elder Hiros.h.i.+ chuckled. “In these 113 years, I’ve discovered many things and obtained a cornucopia of knowledge!”

“Here’s the essence of my wisdom in one conclusion! Remember it well!” Elder Hiros.h.i.+ smiled profoundly. “The poor depend on mutations while the rich depend on technology! Strength is nothing more than that to me!”

Young Master Takes.h.i.+’s eyes brightened. Feeling inspired by his words, he had an epiphany right then. He immediately replied, “The wisdom of Elder Hiros.h.i.+ is truly spectacular. Such wise words!”

“Hehe, it’s unfortunate that I’m already advanced in age when I was enlightened to these words. Otherwise, I won’t be in this state,” Elder Hiros.h.i.+ lamented as though he was born in an unfortunate time.

“Elder Hiros.h.i.+, that brat is rather strong. Could I reach that level?” Young Master Takes.h.i.+’s eyes were focused on Ye Lingchen on the screen.

“Hehe, that’s not difficult! His body has piqued my interest. He can be the test subject for our next phase.” Elder Hiros.h.i.+’s eyes glazed over and stated arrogantly, “How many of my moves do you think he can endure when he has to face me?”

“T-t-three moves?” Young Master Takes.h.i.+ was caught off guard. “I don’t know any martial arts so I can’t be sure…”

“One move! Under my strength, he won’t be able to endure even one move!” Elder Hiros.h.i.+’s voice turned slightly hoa.r.s.e, giving off an impression of him looking down on the world. “However, that’s if he can even face me!”

Tsune Takes.h.i.+ heaved a sigh of relief. Seeing Elder Hiros.h.i.+’s confidence rea.s.sured him. At the same time, he started watching Ye Lingchen’s body with growing pa.s.sion.

Elder Hiros.h.i.+’s confidence was because he had reached the human’s absolute limit. He knew where the limits of a human body lie. In his eyes, no matter how strong Ye Lingchen was, it would at most be on par with his old self. At that moment, he had already broken free of the realm of humankind. If possible, he would call himself G.o.d!

“Elder Hiros.h.i.+, please capture him alive. I want him properly humiliated! So what if he has great strength? He’ll still bow down before me in the end! Just the thought of it is exciting!” Young Master Takes.h.i.+ smiled creepily.

“No problem.” Elder Hiros.h.i.+ laughed nonchalantly.

“Elder Hiros.h.i.+, I’ll leave it to you then.”

Young Master Takes.h.i.+ took a deep breath and licked his lips after answering respectfully.

“Hehe, we’ll talk about that when he reaches me.” Elder Hiros.h.i.+ grinned. “He’s just a martial artist. The distance between us is like a cat to a tiger. We’ll just let him run around for a bit first.”

That was how humans behaved. Ignorant to great strength like a frog in the well. How powerful could martial arts be? ‘He’s being praised by the ma.s.ses just because he knows some martial arts, yet he’s nothing more than an ant!’

“Your junior shall await your glorious victory!”

Originally, Young Master Takes.h.i.+ still thought highly of himself. However, that stomp from Elder Hiros.h.i.+ thoroughly shocked him, changing his opinion to one of genuine admiration.

It would seem that people who were involved with these matters were no ordinary people. Elder Hiros.h.i.+ was a monster among monsters!

Elder Hiros.h.i.+ nodded casually without reply.

He was proud. The strength of his body gave him unbridled confidence. He could not be bothered to fight with others, mostly because he found it beneath himself to take action. As he had put it, he had evolved into the ultimate form of humankind.

“Elder Hiros.h.i.+, the second floor is filled with martial artists that were fused with beasts. Do you think he can survive that?” Tsune Takes.h.i.+ asked curiously.

“Tsk, it’s an overstatement to consider those 10 people as martial artists. They’re only slightly trained with some parlor tricks and are only slightly stronger than regular humans. Although they fused with special traits of beasts, that’s about all they can be. They can’t hold that brat back.”

Elder Hiros.h.i.+ shook his head and a.n.a.lyzed the situation objectively. He then added, “However, if the five on the third floor are released together and cooperated with those on the second floor… Even if the brat survived that, he will surely be at his limits. Both sides might suffer huge losses.”

While Elder Hiros.h.i.+ was offering his a.n.a.lysis, Ye Lingchen had already set foot on the second floor!

It was similar to the first floor. The only difference was there being 10 culture tanks instead. Moreover, the contents were no longer beasts, but humans instead!

However, these humans were different from Number Four and Number Six. They only possessed the sh.e.l.l of a human. Their faces and claws were obviously different. A lot of their human features were changed. Ye Lingchen had even spotted one with a snake’s tongue—the image was horrific.

Crack, crack!

The 10 culture tanks shattered at the same time. Ye Lingchen noticed that similar shattering sounds could be heard on the third floor as well!

Bang, bang, bang!

Before him, 10 man-beast hybrid test subjects stood in a line with their gazes locked on him. They had a vicious and ugly smile on their faces, filled with wildness whilst their claws were gleaming coldly.

Tap, tap, tap!

The next instant, five more people descended from the third floor. They were not empty-handed. Instead, they were armed with katanas and long swords. Under the illumination of the eerie blue light, they were emanating a creepy and vicious glow.

All 15 of them did not act immediately. They were standing there like statues. However, the aura coming from their bodies were growing stronger by the second as they charged up the energy within them!

Up to a point, their aura reached its peak!

They finally moved!

They attacked Ye Lingchen’s various vital points from fifteen different directions, each of the devious and vicious!

Faced with their attacks, Ye Lingchen merely remained in place without any movements.

On the fifth floor…

Elder Hiros.h.i.+ stood there looking at Ye Lingchen. He could not help but shake his head, laughing condescendingly. “This brat is truly reckless. Such typical behavior of youngsters. He dares stand in place unarmed while waiting for his opponents to act first? That’s asking for death! He didn’t even take the initiative to act first when faced with katanas, swords, claws, and fangs. Most importantly, it’s a group battle. That’s equivalent to suicide!”

Tsune Takes.h.i.+ and the others nodded. Although they were not skilled in fighting, they could still understand the concepts.

Weapons could greatly increase a person’s combat efficiency. No matter how strong one’s fists were, they would still be suppressed when met with blades. After all, one’s fists could not rival the toughness of a blade.

Moreover, when outnumbered, such disadvantage would be all the more apparent.

“It seems that he’s not qualified for me to take action personally. Pride is the downfall of men. Youngsters are easily inflated by their pride!”

Elder Hiros.h.i.+ sighed while shaking his head. An expert was often lonely. He lost his interest in Ye Lingchen. He could already imagine him being torn apart by blades and claws…

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