I Am Legend

Chapter 13

"What? You can control parts of my body?" Asked Ryth in confusion. After a short paused he continued, "Why you should control my hands? Can you just tell me what to do?"

"Yeah, I can." Daedalus replied. After a short paused, He continued, "But I couldn"t control it without your permission, since it"s your body. And you can take the control back by simply tell me to. I won"t do anything ridiculous. It won"t benefit me, anyways." Daedalus stopped, he continued, "As for the second question. I can"t do that, if you make a single mistake, the soul stone will explode."

"Ugh... but we really need to do something about these monsters..." After contemplating for a moment, Ryth continued, "Hmmm, I get it. I will allow you to control both of my hands to make those bombs. You already helped us inside the dungeon, so I think we can trust you. But don"t try anything stupid, understand?"

"Easy, boy. I"m already lucky enough to get a skilled partner like you! The way you fought that centipede before, tells me everything about your capabilities! Ku ku ku! Just leave it to me!" Daedalus replied in an a.s.suring tone.

"You really can make it now?" asked Ryth.

"It"s easy to make. It will be done in 5 minutes or so." Daedalus said, seriously.

Ryth knew how strong this thing was. In the game, many guilds with strong background made this bombs for raiding dungeons. As one of the pro player in "The Throne", he"s of no exception.

"Okay, make us some bombs then! Let"s kill them all!" said Ryth as he grinned.

Actually, If Hill and Llyod didn"t lose their equipment, while trying to save Ryth, they would be able to fight monsters directly. But, now that their equipments were really bad. They were unable to use their full strength due to their atrocious equipment. If they did try, their weapons would break since it could not withstand the power. Just like when Llyod used the {Heavy Swing} skill. That move chipped his greatsword. Their weapons and armors" durabilities were very bad, since they haven"t been used for quite a while.

Ryth was worried about the existence of these high level monsters which were in berserk mode. So, he had to think of a way to eliminate them.

"Llyod and Hill. Keep your eyes on them, but make sure that they don"t discover us."

"Yes!" The both of them said in a low tone as they nodded their heads.

"What should I do now, Daedalus?" asked Ryth.

"Give me a moment." Daedalus replied, after a second, a notification appeared on Ryth"s interface.


"Do you want to let Daedalus take control over your hands?"



"Yes." Ryth replied softly.

A command box appeared in the right corner of his interface after he said "Yes". He could terminate the permission if he wanted to. Daedalus indeed said the truth. Ryth heaved a sigh of relief.

"It will be done in a couple of minutes, just wait." Daedalus said.

Daedalus took out the grand soul stone from the inventory. The grand soul stone was about 2 palm-sized. a blue light gushed out from the eye as he scanned the grand soul stone. After some time, a line of yellow light pierced through the grand soul stone. Like a laser, it cut the grand soul stone into 6 pieces.

Ryth bitterly smiled as he saw his hands moving so quickly without him moving them. "I feel really awkward, seeing and feeling my hands move and do something I have no control of..."

The feeling was like, you were watching a craftman on stream. But with Virtual Reality.

"Ku ku ku! Just bear with it, you will get used to it gradually." Daedalus laughed while making the bombs.

"Alright..." Ryth heaved a long breath as he watched Daedalus making the bomb with an abnormal speed.

"You know, Daedalus... you are like M*cGyver!" Ryth exclaimed as he smiled.

"Who is this M*cGyver?" Daedalus paused for a short moment and continued, "Well whatever, judging from your tone, he is a skilled man! Ku ku ku! Just like me! Or maybe, I am better!"

"Yeah, he is very skilled." Replied Ryth with a smile.

After a short moment, Daedalus said. "Done!" Daedalus stopped using Ryth"s hands and Ryth could feel feelings in his hands as he is able to move his hands again.

There were 6 soul stone bombs. Calling it "bombs" was somewhat unfitting. Because it resembled more grenades than bombs, since they were small. Their color was dark purple.

After the grand soul stone was cutted into 6 pieces, its size was only about the same as a thumb.

Ryth tried to touch it but Daedalus suddenly said in a serious tone. "Be careful. I made the surface very thin. So it won"t reduce the explosion damage."

Ryth was slightly shocked. Because in "The Throne" it will not explode as long as it"s on his hand. He tell himself to be more careful since not everything in this world were the same as in "The Throne".

He carefully grabbed one of the soul stone grenades and examined it as he asked. "How does this thing works? I"m pretty curious."

"I need to explain it to you first from the basic knowledge." Said Daedalus.

"As you know, soul stones are used for enchanting weapons and other equipments. It is can also be used for enchanting equipment so that it could have an active skill or a pa.s.sive skill. Soul stones are really rare, not to mention grand soul stones. So don"t waste them. Make sure you hit the six monsters with one of them." Daedalus said. After some time, he continued, "When you enchant a weapon or equipment, you need to write down the spell which you want to enchant to the weapons or equipments. You also need to check the power of soul stone before you enchant it, to make sure that the soul stone doesn"t carry any other mana except its mana. Because if the stone carry other mana, the stone will explode. But you will be able to prevent it by taking out the other mana before the stone turned black."

Ryth nodded his head as he thought to himself. "It work the same as in "The Throne"."

"I need to scan the grand soul stone first because I need to cut its power in a certain area before I can pierced it with the yellow mana. If I didn"t do it before hand, the grand soul stone will explode." Daedalus explained.

"Ah, I see... so how do you use this thing?" Ryth asked.

In the game, you just need to throw it because it was treated as one of magic tools.

"As I said before, if there is any other mana inside the soul stone, it will explode, so-" but Ryth interrupted Daedalus and said.

"You just need to make your mana enter the soul stone, and once it will turned black, you need to throw it right away..."

"Exactly!" Daedalus commended Ryth. If he had hands, he would probably gave Ryth two thumbs up.

"Alright." Ryth thought to himself, turned his head towards Hill and Llyod and said. "Get ready, we will eliminate the 6 of them at the same time. We all need to make sure we won"t miss the target when we throw the bombs at them."

Daedalus then explained to them how to use those bombs.

Ryth also told them of his plan, after they were done, Ryth said. "Okay, Hill, get to your position!"

Hill nodded his head as he jumped up to the tree.

"Llyod, taunt all of them! I will back you up!" Ryth commanded.

Llyod ran to where the monsters were and when he was near enough, he shouted a battle cry!




The six monsters were level 35 just like the centipede from before, but these monsters were in a berserk state.




Level 35

HP : 30000 / 30000


Ryth sneakily hide behind a bush, he waited for the monsters to be in one place. He examined the monsters ahead and thought to himself, "Troll"s defense is high. Normal attack won"t do much damage. But they are weak against fire. Those bombs will absolutely end their lives!"

Llyod got chased by the 6 trolls. Their body was big, so their speed was a bit slow. But, berserk mode trolls were different. Their speed was higher than a normal troll, more like twice the speed of a normal troll.

Llyod tried to put out damage as many as possible to those trolls. He avoided their attacks and charged forward to attack. Although it was only a normal attack, it was still good enough. The trolls"s HP bar was reduced at a visible speed. Some damages were critical hits.




"RARGH!" the trolls screamed. They surrounded Llyod and tried to attack him together, but then Ryth charged forward.

With [Vengeance] on his hand, he ran so fast and use a skill.

"{Stream of Light}!

6 slashes, one on every single troll. Dealing good damages and the [Vengeance] effect started to took a toll to the trolls.


(Slow the target by 30% for 5 seconds)


(Slow the target by 30% for 5 seconds)


(Slow the target by 30% for 5 seconds)


Swordman Skill

{Stream of Light}

Made 6 slashes in a very high speed.

Attack : Multiplied the weapon"s attack by 4

Cooldown : 10 minutes

MP : 120


This skill was very good, it"s attack damage was high enough. But its mana cost was also high and the cooldown was long.

Naturally, swordsman requires very little mana. Their skill only needs to consume a little mana, so this was already considered as high cost mana skill. But Ryth got his status boosted from [Eye of Daedalus]. He has 14000 MP. Even he was stupefied by the INT boost. It was just too OP! As expected of legendary item, indeed.

The trolls"s speed were reduced by 30% which pushed them back to their normal speed. Llyod and Ryth tried to make as much damage as possible to them.

Hill was still attacking the trolls from above the tree and could only deal very low damages, because he couldn"t use a strong skill. If he did, his bow would break. But some of the damage were critical hits.




Suddenly, Daedalus shouted, "Hill, now! Llyod and Ryth, go back!"

Hill took out the 6 bombs and after seeing his teammates already in a safe distance, he jumped to the side as far as he could, he injected his mana inside the 6 bombs and throw the bombs while suspending in the air.




The sounds were very loud. The screams of trolls could be heard as they were burnt by the fire which was caused by the explotion. Their HP fell rapidly and then hit the 0 mark.

+10000 EXP

+10000 EXP

+10000 EXP

The notification appeared 6 times, but on the 4th, Ryth leveled up. He was now level 31.


Name : Ryth Myrad

Main Job : Swordman

Secondary : Archer

Level : 31

MP : 14000


After he had leveled up, his MP was back to full again.

The smell of trolls"s burnt corpses could be smelled as they heaved a sigh of reliefs.

"Finally! This great sword of mine is nearly on its last leg, it could break in any moment!" exclaimed Llyod as he sat on the ground.

"My bow is not in a good condition either." Said Hill, expressionless.

Suddenly Daedalus laughed. "Ku ku ku! See the might of those bombs? Aren"t I great?!"

"Yeah, yeah, you were great." Ryth smiled as he shook his head. Daedalus was a narcissist so he could only bitterly smiled.

But Daedalus did save them a lot of trouble. Although his personality was a bit weird, he was really helpful and reliable in the end.

"You can still see through the bandages right? I don"t want to attract too much attention. This eye is too flashy..." Ryth said to Daedalus.

"Ku ku ku! Do what you want and yes, I can still see through the bandages. No worries!" Daedalus laughed.

"Okay." Said Ryth as he retrieved the bandages from his bag inside the inventory and covered his left eye again with the spare bandages.

It was already afternoon, around 4 PM. The sun is still up, but is slowly getting darker.

"Okay! Let"s go to Mr. Roland"s home. Tomorrow, we have something important to do." Said Ryth to Llyod and Hill as he smiled.

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