I Am Legend

Chapter 41

The anubis sense danger from Ryth. Ryth"s aura was so intimidating that it felt he could kill it anytime he wanted.

The anubis howled, "Huh! That elf girl is really important to you, eh? I"ll kill her first, then." The anubis charged forward towards the pillar where Azalea was receiving treatment.

"You can try." Ryth"s voice was still cold, with expressionless face of his, he ran and said, "Lady Elsa, cast buff skill on me."


Ryth"s body glowed with golden light, text boxes appeared on his interface.

"+10 STR"

"+10 AGI"

"+10 INT"

Ryth activated {Fast Steps}, just when the anubis thrust its spear towards the nearest healer who was currently healing Azalea, Ryth had already appeared in front of it and he used {Deflect} to divert the spear"s direction to his left.


"Stay back." Ryth said to the healer and the healers hurriedly fallback and carried Azalea to where Lady Elsa was.

Ryth advanced to the right side and he slashed his swords.




After that, he spinned off around to the left, the anubis" back was open wide, Ryth activated another skills.




When {Whirlwind} ended, The anubis use {Thrust}, but Ryth took a step back and blocked the spear with {Vengeance] on his left hand and then he activated {Stab}.



Woodgard and Llyod had already stood up and shorten their distance with the anubis to help Ryth, they appeared behind the anubis, Llyod swung his greatsword to the right, while Woodgard spinned off to the left and activated {Dual Stab}.

"BOOM!" the anubis managed to block Llyod"s attack, but couldn"t react to Woodgard"s {Dual Stab}.


"GAAAGH!" it hurriedly formed a sign in the air, a circle appeared above it and a black tube formed around the anubis, a black lightning barrier appeared to protect it from Ryth and the others" attacks. Inside the barrier, it started to form another sigh, a big black triangle appeared above Ryth, Llyod and Woodgard.

"Oh, A level 8 lightning skill?" Ryth calmly stood, turned his head to Lady Elsa and said, "Woodgard and Llyod."

Because the anubis" spell had already been cast, although Lady Elsa is fast, but the time to cast three barriers spell was just plain impossible in this situation. So Ryth told Lady Elsa to cast it to Llyod and Woodgard instead of him.

Lady Elsa nodded her head as she formed 2 signs in the air with her scepter in a very fast speed, she flicked her fingers and suddenly, a bright tubes covered both Llyod and Hill, while Ryth sheated [Ryuujin"s Will], a scroll appeared on his right hand, he poured his mana into it. But then, the anubis howled,

"{Black Thunderstorm}!


Black thunders raging from above, just when it was about to strike Ryth, he disappeared out of thin air, the black thunders struck both Llyod and Hill, but it missed Ryth.

"What?! Where the h.e.l.l is he?!" the anubis was shocked, his level 8 spell didn"t even scratch its opponent at all but he had already taken many damages.

After 4 seconds, the black thunders finally stopped. The anubis" barrier disappeared, but Lady Elsa"s barriers still have another second left, so the anubis couldn"t attack them, the anubis was searching for Ryth"s whereabouts, but it couldn"t find him anywhere. "I will just make a distance with these two insects." It tried to make a distance from Llyod and Hill under the archers" and Hill"s attacks. It spinned its spear nonstop to deflect the rain of arrows.

Because of the barrier, they couldn"t move either, they need to wait for it to disappear, the anubis had already distance itself and it began to form a sign again with its spear, but when Llyod"s and Woodgard"s barriers disappeared, the both of them ran towards it, at the same time, Ryth appeared behind the anubis.

"HOW COME YOU KNOW A DIMENSIONAL TYPE SPELL?!" it was still busy in forming the spell, so it hurriedly stopped it halfway and turned his body towards Ryth, it readied its spear to receive any kind of attacks from Ryth.

Lady Elsa casted 2 solid barriers on the left and right sides of it so it couldn"t use its spear properly because the spear got blocked by the barrier when it tries to lift it.

Llyod and Woodgard activated their skills, they attacked the anubis" back while Ryth use {Cut}, {Stab}, he stepback a step and jumped.

{Half Moon}!



Followed by Llyod"s and Woodgard"s attacks, and after that the three of them fallback, the barriers disappeared, but then Lady Elsa had already cast another spell.

{Tower of Flame}!

The red circle burst out flames, it burn the anubis, it could only howled in pain.


When the flames disappeared, Hill and the archers rain the anubis with arrows.




They exchanged attacks for some time. Finally, its HP hit 40% mark. It shouted, "I"ll KILL YOU ALL!"

The anubis ran towards Ryth, it lifted its spear, black lightning sparks appeared on the spear as it activated a skill.

{Dark Lightning Thrust}!

Ryth readied his weapon, just when he wanted to use {Deflect}, a Wind spell formed in front of him.

{Wind Piercer}!



Ryth smiled and asked, "Are you okay?" seeing Azalea was okay, his heart felt relieved.

"Yes." Azalea was standing near the healers, she looked so mad as she staring daggers at the anubis.

Azalea ran towards the anubis, Ryth also advance forward. Azalea formed a sign as she ran, {Wind Gust}!


The anubis wanted to avoid both Ryth"s and Azalea"s attack, it jumped to the right but suddenly, another gust of wind landed on its body.


Lade Elsa attacked it with her {Wind Gust} to prevent it from backing away further, Ryth"s and Azalea"s swords glowed with blue lights, Lady Elsa hurriedly making many barriers for them.

{Starry Night}!

{Rain Dance}!



Ryth"s and Azalea"s skills ended when they were on the highest barriers, the both of them jumped from it and activated another skills.


{Half Moon}!




The anubis wanted to stomp its foot, it"s an area attack that make any player on its surroundings fly, but Azalea and Ryth both hurriedly fallback, the anubis stomp attack missed its targets, Llyod and Woodgard closing in, Llyod shouted, "You will pay for breaking my favorite armor!"

Llyod howled, "{Rage}!"

On Ryth interface, Llyod"s status rose up. RYth turned his head to Lady Elsa and the berserk-healers, he shouted, "Buff Skill on him!"

They nodded and Llyod"s body glowed with golden lights, his status soared leaps and bounds without restriction.

Woodgard use his {Stealth} and appeared behind the anubis, he hacked his daggers horizontally, the anubis use {Thrust} but to no avail, because Woodgard spinned off around the spear and use {Back Stab}. At the same time, Llyod who was currently in berserk stage with many buff skills casted on him had already shorten their distance, he jumped and hacked down his greatsword with all his might.

{Full Swing}!



"Everyone! Attack! I, Azalea and Lady Elsa will deal with its attacks! All of you just attack it with all you"ve got!" Ryth shouted in the team voice chat fuction.

40%... 35%... 30%... 25% 20%...

When its HP hits 20% mark, the anubis howled, "RAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" it hold its spear horizontally and began chanting.


Suddenly, black lightning covered its body, Daedalus shouted, "Its status rise up! It"s the anubis" berserk mode spell! {Ancient Dark Thunder Wrath}!"

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