I Am Legend

Chapter 5

The heat from the fire woke Ryth up. His head still hurts a bit but it was not as intense as before. He looked around the room until his eyes landed on a muscular man standing near the fireplace.

He remembered what had happened earlier before he went unconscious.

Ryth touched his forehead and said to himself, "How come I am still alive? Didn"t I got hit by a car earlier? Not only that, even if I am still alive, whose body is this?!? What happened? Did I just transmigrated to another world?? And who is this big guy?!"

Ryth tried to understand his situation as sanely as he could. He suddenly coughed, which caught the attention of the muscular man near the fireplace.

"Cough, cough."

The man turned his head and then said. "Awake already, eh boy?"

The man looked like he is in his forties, with his sharp eyes and brown skin like silverq*een chocolates. Even though, he is bald, but he has a long beard, similar like the features of a dwarf that you can see in most games and novels.

Ryth tried to get up from the bed but the man suddenly said "Don"t move your body, just rest for now."

Ryth stopped, nodding his head as he asked, "Where am I? And who are you?"

The man turned his head, smiling as he took a pot, filled with water and placed it above the fire. He said, "There, there, boy. One at a time... But firstly, can you introduce yourself first? Do you remember who you are or where you came from?"

It seems like this guy was the one who found the original owner of the body and helped nursed him to health when he was unconscious.

He remembered that the original owner of this body was ambushed by a group of bandits, and the last thing the leader had said before he fell from the cliff was. "You can thank your stepbrother for your death in the afterlife after spending so many money in killing you! Hahaha!"

Memories of the original body"s owner resonance into his mind, telling him that he was actually a son of a lord. His father was a ruler that ruled a city called Myrad. Like in most ancient times, n.o.bles usually have many wives and concubines and it is the same for his father. His father had two wives. The first wife was his stepbrother"s mother, whereas the second wife was his mother.

The struggle for the rightful claim to the power first began two months ago. This had happened when his father had chosen him as the successor to the Lord position, instead of his stepbrother.

His stepbrother protested vehemently against their father"s decision but their father was adamant in holding on to his decision. Thus, it created two factions among the family; which was his and his stepbrother"s.

However, few days ago, he and his men were ambushed by the bandits hired by his stepbrother. Many of his men died, protecting him, resulting in him falling off the cliff.

"Ah, how rude of me. My name is Myth and I thank you for saving my life. As to where I came from, I apologize as I don"t really remember where," Ryth answered.

Ryth wanted to tell the man the truth about him; his real name and where he came from. But he couldn"t trust the man that easily yet. Ryth needs to know more about the current situation that is happening at the moment and he might be able to gain some information from the man. Furthermore, if his stepbrother were to issue a search for Ryth"s body and no body were to be found, he might get suspicious. Hence, for now, Ryth could only be able to give a fake name to the man.

The most surprising thing about all this was that his name and the name of the original owner is the same. Ryth could not be sure whether all this is a coincidence. Though, now Ryth have a surname, which is Myrad.

The man then poured water from the pot into a cup. He then added some sugar from a jar, labelled "SUGAR", as well as some leaves, which Ryth a.s.sumed to be some kind of tea leaves. The man stirred the tea with a spoon as he walked towards Ryth.

"I see. Nice to meet you, Myth. I"m Roland, your average everyday kind of guy. I lived alone here in the forest until i found you and your friends on the edge of the river with lots of injuries. I found out that you and your friends were still alive, so i tried to save all of you. I am quite surprised that you all managed to survive, despite those heavy injuries that you all have.

He knitted his brows and said to himself. "Friends? Who?"

His forehead furrowed. "Friends? My friends are here as well? Where are they?" asked Ryth, feeling restless. With the original body"s owner"s friends being here, at least, he had allies that he could trust completely. He could gain even more information from them about what actually happened.

Roland grabbed a chair and handed Ryth the cup. "Here"s your tea and drink it slowly, it"s still hot."

Ryth tried to calm his mind and take the cup of tea from Roland, he said. "Thank you for saving us, Mr.Roland." Ryth bowed slightly to Roland.

"No need to panic, boy. Your friends are inside the other rooms. And you are welcome." Roland smiled at him.

Ryth sipped the tea slowly, letting out a soft sigh. "Mr.Roland, this tea is delicious."

"Of course, boy! This is a special tea that someone gave me not too long ago, hahaha!" Roland laughed for a moment and asked. "Can you move your body now?"

Ryth tries to move his body slowly. Although, it still hurts here and there but the pain was not as painful as before he gained the original body"s owner memories. He nodded and said. "Although, i still couldn"t move freely without feeling any pain, but i think I"m fine. Maybe tomorrow, my body should be alright then. Once again, thank you, Mr.Roland"

"Yeah, no problem, boy! But you still can move your body now, right? Come! I will help you walk to your friend"s room." Said Roland.

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