I Am Legend

Chapter 49

Publishedat 8th of October 2019 03:03:15 PMChapter 49

The rain finally stopped . Little dew formed on the leaves of the trees and the ground was still wet from the rain, forming small puddles on the ground .

Ryth had given some of loot from yesterday"s hunts to Lady Elsa, who received them with grat.i.tude .

The rest of the team quickly finished packing their belongings before setting off, with Ryth leading the way .

The loot that Ryth had given to Lady Elsa was his plan to make Lady Elsa disguised herself as a merchant . And the loot will act as her items to be "sold" .

Lady Elsa had placed the loot inside her spatial magic . She did not think there were any flaws with Ryth"s plan, except for means of transportation .

As a merchant, she would need to have a cart for her goods . If she appears without a cart, it would look suspicious and the guards may question her ident.i.ty .

Just as Lady Elsa was about to voice out her concerns to Ryth, someone suddenly let out a piercing scream, not far from them .



"Oh no! Don"t get near me!"

"The cart! Protect it at all cost!"

Ryth and the team immediately went on defense mode .

"Daedalus!" shouted Ryth .


"WOOSH!" Blue light gushed out, spreading over their surroundings . Red and yellow dots started to appear on Ryth"s minima . "200 meters from us! 3 o"clock!"

Ryth turned to Lady Elsa . "Did you hear that, Lady Elsa?! A cart!"

Lady Elsa"s expression turned solemn . She nodded, she understood what Ryth meant . She quickly changed her appearance, using her face-changing spell . Her long elven ears were now hidden and replaced with two fox ears . "All of you ten people here! Follow me!"

The ten men that were closest to Lady Elsa nodded their heads . They too used their face-changing spells to change their appearance . They then followed Lady Elsa from behind .

Ryth hold out his arm when Llyod tried to join in . He looked back at the rest of the team and commanded, "The rest of you will wait here . Let"s leave this matter to Lady Elsa . "


"Ugh! Stay away from us!" Shouted a middle-aged man, hugging his daughter with his left hand . His right hand was swinging a sword desperately, trying to make the monsters to not come any closer to them .

"Dad, I"m scared . . . "

"It"s gonna be alright . Dad will protect you!" Although, his right hand was trembling uncontrollably, he said those words in serious expression . He did not want his daughter to become more scared .

The adventurer he had hired were already dead . The monsters were too strong . He had hired only rank F adventurers because he did not expect the monsters here to be quite strong . The chance of encountering strong monsters was actually low . He was, unfortunately, "lucky" to encounter these strong monsters .

"RAARRG!" the monsters were getting closer to both father and daughter . The father hugged his daughter tightly in his arms . He wanted his daughter to run away while he distract the monsters . Just as he was about to push his daughter away to safety and shout to her to run, a blue circle suddenly appear on the ground .


The man was shocked . He did not know what was the blue "thing" that surrounds him and his daughter . But he could feel the warmth and could sense how safe he was inside the "thing" .

The monsters tried to attack them, but to no avail . The "thing" that protected the man and daughter was very strong, as hard as a rock .

"RAAAARGH!" the monsters screamed angrily . They seems furious that none of their attacks reached the man and daughter . Before the monsters could continue their attacks, there were a sudden rain of arrows pelting on them . After the sudden rain of arrows had stopped, five men in black hoodies suddenly jumped in and slaughter the monsters with their swords . The monsters looked like chickens being slaughtered . They died, falling heavily to the ground .

After the monsters were eliminated, the "thing" that was guarding the man and daughter vanishes into thin air .

With a trembling voice, the middle-aged man asked, as he hugged his equally scared daughter, "Who… who are you people?!"

The five men only stared at him quietly . They then made a gesture towards the woods and announced, "This is our leader . "

Slowly, another person, surrounded by another five men walked out, carrying bows in his hand . That person also wore a black hoodie . He then looked straight at the man to reveal a beautiful face . It was a female!

Her expression was cold and serene, enhancing the sense of calmness around her . The woman elegantly bowed her head and introduced herself, "My name is Rena . I apologise if my men had scared you . I"m a merchant from far away . "

She smiled as she continued, "We were exploring the forests when we heard the screams . We were glad that we were able to make it in time . "

The middle-aged man hurriedly stood up on his feet . Although, he was still trembling, he muster all of his strength, just to thank their savior . He pulled up his daughter to stand beside him . "It"s alright, Rose . Come . Let"s stand up and thank our savior . "

His daughter looked around 6-7 years old . She was wearing a pretty red dress with a flower pattern on her skirt .

The girl gripped the hem of her dress tightly as she bowed down, her eyes still shimmering with tears at the corner . "Th-thank you for saving my dad and me," she said softly .

The man patted his daughter on the head, proud of her bravery and politeness . He then bowed deeply as well, as he held his daughter"s hand tightly . "I"m Yatar . And I too am a merchant . "

"Nice to meet you, Mr . Yatar and little Rose," Rena who was actually Lady Elsa in disguise, smiled at the both of them . "Don"t be so stiff . Do relax . Are you hurt?"

Yatar"s grip on his daughter"s hand loosen a bit . He heaved a sigh of relief, realizing that Lady Elsa and her men were good people . He replied, "No, we"re fine . . . "

Lady Elsa nodded . "Why don"t you go back to your cart and have a rest? You must have been exhausted and still in shock after what had happened . "

She looked down at the corpses of the fallen adventurers and let out a sigh . "We would need to make a proper burial for these men . They were worthy of being brave . "

Lady Elsa then gave a discreet sign to the ten men, who quickly gathered the corpses and looked for a place to bury them .

Yatar was surprised to see how swift they were working . He gestured Lady Elsa to join him," Ah yes, why don"t you come inside too? I know it"s a bit cramped but I hope you don"t mind . "

"It"s alright . " Lady Elsa said as she smiled beautifully . The three of them got inside the cart .

They sat across on another . The man sat next to his daughter while Lady Elsa across them . Lady Elsa opened the conversation by asking, "How"s your daughter? Has she calm down?"

Yatar looked down at his daughter, who was hugging his waist from the side . "She"s still in shock but I"m sure that she will be fine after some time . "

"I see . . . " Lady Elsa paused for a bit, she looked around inside of the carriage . She noticed there were quite a bit of goods at the corner of the cart . She then looked at Yatar and asked, "Where do you want to sell all of these goods, Mr . Yatar?"

Yatar was hesitant to answer at first, before he replied, "I-i want to sell it to . . . "

Lady Elsa tilted her head, acting confused, "To . . . ?"

"To . . . "

Lady Elsa smiled, as she slowly pushed back her hoodie and said, "It"s alright, Mr . Yatar . I"m not human . "

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Yatar saw a beautiful fox lady, her furry fox ears and the gentle expression on her face made her look like a n.o.ble .

Yatar let out a sigh of relief and said, "It seems like you"ve found out about this earlier . "

Yatar paused for a bit and his face started to change . Bunny ears started to appear on his head as he continued, "I want to sell these goods to Griefendell, the high elves" city . "

"Ah I see," Lady Elsa smiled again, "What a coincidence, I too am going to Griefendell as well . I would like to extend my trade . "

"Ooh, I see . . . " Like a lightning struck him, he hurriedly said, "How about Lady Rena go with me? I have a merchant pa.s.s to Griefendell . I can help you to sell your goods . How about it? I still want to thank you for helping us . At least, let me treat you and your men to dinner . "

Lady Elsa paused for a bit, acting like she was a bit reluctant, "Is that really okay? Aren"t you busy?"

"No, not at all! My wife will absolutely get mad at me if she finds out that I did not properly thank our savior . " Yatar said .

Lady Elsa thought for a second before saying, "Alright, then . I"m in your care, Mr . Yatar . "

"Yes, yes, please make yourself comfortable . I will drive the cart later . "

"Okay, thank you . " Lady Elsa bowed .


Not far from the cart, Ryth sat on top of a tree with Skye . He used his team voice chat skill and connected it to Lady Elsa, "How is it?"

Lady Elsa use her telepathy skill and answered, "All in order . "

Ryth pumped his fist into the air and said, "First step is a success!" Ryth said to the team, "Now let"s move to our next plan . "

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