I Am Legend

Chapter 18

As they entered the village, Ryth looked around the area. The houses in the village were built on large trees, where stairs and ladders are placed on the trees as a way to get to the houses. Bridges were built across each tree, as a way to get from one house to another house. The design and concept of the architecture are similar to the ones in "The Throne".

In the middle of the village, there stood the biggest tree, together with the biggest house. Ryth a.s.sumed that this must be the house of the chief of the dark elf village.

Woodgard guided them towards the house and said, "This is the house of our chief. I will bring the leader inside while the rest of you can stay here."

Woodgard walked inside, followed by Ryth. Inside the house, there is a man sitting in the middle of the mat, with two guards standing on each side. Even if he looks like he is in his thirties, one could not underestimate him by the strength emitted from him and the wisdom that reflected in his dark eyes. The man was wearing a black robe, with silver hair unbounded.

Ryth cupped his hands as he bowed his head. "Greetings, respected chief of the Dark Elf"s tribe. My name is Ryth Myrad."

The Chief nodded in acknowledgement. He then swept his hand in front of him, inviting Ryth to sit. "I am Fenar, the Chief of the Dark Elf Tribe. It is very nice to meet you."

Woodgard took a step forward, before his chief, giving a bow in respect. "Chief. He and his teammates have saved the three children from the monsters that had came from the dungeon, when they were playing outside the village."

"I see." Fenar turned to Ryth and said his thanks. He then frowned, his gaze an unspoken question. "However, I just recalled something. Isn"t Myrad the name of a city on the western side of Rysen Kingdom? May I know what is your purpose of coming to our village?" He asked.

Ryth straightened in his seat. "Yes, I"m the young lord of Myrad City." He paused for a bit and continued in a serious tone, "I will be blunt. I request your help in my upcoming battle with my stepbrother for the position of the Lord of Myrad City."

Fenar was slightly surprised at Ryth"s bluntness. He then shook his head. "I see. But I am very sorry. We, the Dark Elf, have never involved in human fights. So, we do not have any intention to join your campaign."

Ryth hold up his hand. "Please, Chief Fenar. Do not decide on it yet," he a.s.sured. "If I can take the Lord position back from my stepbrothers, I will gift you with lands. There are many vacant lands in Myrad City. I will build a home for the elves in the city and give it to your tribe. Of course, you have my word that no one will hurt your tribe in any way, when you live there. That land can be your home in the city. Other than that, I will help with the employment for your people. So, you don"t have to live in the forest ever again."

Ryth took a long breath and said. "Please believe me when I said that I wish to create a city where every races can live side by side. This will be my first step towards this goal."

In Myrad City, it is populated mostly by the human race. So, there are no other races living in the city.

Fenar let out a long sighed as he stared at the young man in front of him. He could see the determination in the young man"s eyes, showing him how serious he is.

The memories of the original owner keep playing in Ryth"s mind. He could see how much care he has for his people. He does not just sit around and let other people do his work. He also tries his best to make his people live a better life.

In this world, similar to the game "The Throne", there are many races, with its minorities. And yes, there is also discrimination against the minorities, not just for the races, but also for religions.

Thus, this pushes the original owner of the body to create a city where there are no discriminations. Ryth also wished for that. He always question why people find it a problem when it comes to diversity. Isn"t diversity suppose to be more interesting, don"t you think so?

Fenar nodded. "I believe you are quite adamant and are determined to see this through. However, our condition seems unlikely now. We only have a few people left in the village. Our village needs more men who can fight against those monsters from the dungeons," he said with a grim look on his face. "We could not possibly abandon this forest, allowing it to be overrun by those monsters."

"I"m fully aware of this matter, so-" Just as Ryth wanted to say something, a loud voice interrupted him.




The ground beneath them began to shake. Sounds of explosion and screams can be heard throughout the village.

"What is happening?!" Fenar stood up from his seat, and suddenly, a guy came running in to the room and said. "Bad news, chief! The monsters are attacking our village!"

"What?!" Fenar and Woodgard gasped in shock.

"I will go there now!" Said Woodgard as he hurriedly ran to the door.

"Hold on!" Ryth shouted as he quickly stood up.

"What? I have to go now!" Said Woodgard impatiently.

"Give me back our weapons. We will help you to fend off the monsters." Said Ryth.

Woodgard thought for a second and gestured to his companions to return back their weapons. "Okay, here are your weapons," he said. "If you are still willing to help, let"s go!"

Woodgard ran out of the house, followed by Ryth. He took a look behind him, as he ran, noticing the serious look on Ryth"s face. "It seems that he genuinely wants to help," Woodgard thought to himself.

Together with Llyod and Hill, who also got their weapons back, they ran until they reached the middle of the village. From there, they could see many monsters breaking into the village.

The Chief, who was behind them, quickly ran to the front. He began to give out instruction to his Dark Elf warriors while Ryth, Hill and Llyod quickly equipped their equipment.

Ryth stood next to the Chief and Woodgard and said that he will take the front line. He only need the elves to back him up. Woodgard and Fenar were surprised at his suggestion. Not wanting to depend too much on these humans, Fenar instructed Woodgard to join Ryth"s team to a.s.sist them.

Ignoring those behind him, Ryth began to concentrate. He noticed that most of the monsters were around level 20. Their levels are pretty much the same as the ones who had attacked the kids before. Daedalus use his scanning skill and the monsters showed up in the minimap.

"There are 70 monsters." Daedalus said, red light glowed from the bandages. Daedalus use the mana tracer skill and continued, "They are not in berserk mode. But something seems off about them. They aren"t hungry either so that is why they are not in berserk mode. However, there are traces of dark mana that are mixed with their red mana!"

"Miasma!" Ryth said.

"Miasma? Is the cause of monsters going out from the dungeon is the miasma? There is someone using cursed magic?" asked Hill.

Ryth nodded his head.

"How did you know? You are a swordman, aren"t you?" asked Woodgard.

"I have a skill that could see the mana flow. I use this skill when I tracked the monsters and found the dungeon before." Replied Ryth.

"I see." Said Woodgard, nodding in understanding.

This is one of the features in "The Throne" when evil being controlled the monsters inside the dungeon to make the dungeon more difficult.

"So that"s how it is. No wonder the rewards are good, the difficulty is quite hard." Ryth thought to himself.

The person who cleared the dungeon and got the hidden cla.s.s scroll was indeed lucky but skilled.

"Okay, follow me!" Ryth shouted.

The four of them quickly jumped down from the tree. Ryth jumped right to a monster, unsheated [Vengeance] and activated a skill in mid air.

{Half Moon}!


A critical hit to the monster. It"s HP fell to 4397, after that Ryth activated another skills.





Because of the level difference, the damage Ryth dealt to the monster was astonomical. The monster fell to the ground.

+30.000 EXP

"Oh, it"s still the same as in "The Throne". The level difference is still intact. But why when I attacked the monster to save the kids it dealt a normal damage without plus from level difference?" Ryth thought to himself.

Llyod use his taunt skill and the monsters swamped around him. Llyod use his skill {Heavy Swing}.

The sword skill hits several monsters.





It hits 10 monsters at the same time, the monsters were dead in an instant. The new sword boosted Llyod"s attack so much.

+20.000 EXP

+20.000 EXP

Ryth got the exp just by being in the same party a Llyod. "Wow, I"m getting a lot of free EXP."

Hill on the other hand, with his arrows gracefully hitting a lot of monsters with just normal attacks. He helped to cover his teammates" blind spots.

Woodgard with his 2 daggers killed every single one of the monsters with just one attack. Using his stealth skill, he doubled the damage output from his attack.

"So strong... I need to level up so I won"t be a hindrance for them." Ryth sighed as he charged forward. He bit his left hand"s thumb.

{Borrowed Soul}!

Another [Vengeance] appeared on his left hand and use another skills.

{Stream of Light}!



He use all of the skills he has, although some the monsters are not defeated instantly, the poison effect from [Vengeance] slowed them down. Hill and Woodgard easily get rid of them.


Rain of arrows pierced the monsters. Fenar led his men from above the trees, shooting the monsters with their bows. Because the monsters are only at level 20. Their HP quickly fell and the numbers swiftly decrease.

After a few minutes of battle, all of the monsters are defeated.

The battle was intense. Although the monsters weren"t that strong, their numbers were still quite a headache.

Ryth almost leveled up to level 32 in just one battle.

"Finally, it"s already done... Oi Daedalus, {Burrowed Soul} isn"t really helpful, it"s duration is too short." Said Ryth complaining.

"Well... I added it just for an element of surprise, so..." Daedalus awkwardly replied.

"Can you make its duration longer?"

"Uhm, I can if you give me a grand soul stone."

"I see..." Ryth replied and then thought to himself. "Once I get the hidden cla.s.s scroll, I won"t really need that skill anymore, so I think it"s fine to leave it as it is."

After that Fenar and his men approached Ryth"s team.

"I thank you for your aid, it will be a lot difficult if you didn"t help us." Fenar cupped his hands.

His men and Woodgard also cupped their hands.

"Yes, no problem. What about the casualties?" asked Ryth.

"We are still checking about that... but two people have died from this battle, trying to protect those who could not fight..." Fenar said with a solemn look on his face.

"So, as you can see, we will have to clear the mess. You and your team will have to wait. Once I and Woodgard finished with those matters, we will continue our negotiation." Said Fenar.

Ryth smiled and shook his head, he said. "No, we will help you out."

Fenar, Woodgard and his men were slightly surprised, Fenar said. "You are indeed different with the other humans. I will accept your helping hand, then." Fenar slightly bowed his head followed by his men and Woodgard.

"It"s okay, no need to bow your head." Said Ryth hurriedly, he continued, "Trust is not made, but born."

Fenar and Woodgard smiled and said. "Okay, men! Get to work!"

They walked and started their jobs, as for Ryth and his team, they followed them and start doing what they can help them with.


It"s already evening when everything had settled. The clouds have covered the moon, blanketing the village with darkness as the wind blows in the air, ruffling few trees nearby. It had become a peaceful night after such an intense battle.

Once they are done with their matters, Fenar, Woodgard and Ryth"s team returned back to the Chief"s house.

"Okay, let"s continue our negotiation." Fenar said.

"Yes." Replied Ryth with a smile.

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