I Am Legend

Chapter 54

Llyod had already gone to the high elves" city after the mages taught him how to cast the face-changing skill. As long as he didn"t invite unneeded attention, he won"t be caught.

After some rest, Ryth, Azalea, and Hill went out to check the secret pa.s.sageway.

"Hey, Azalea," Ryth turned to her. "I"ve been observing our battle this whole time and I notice that no one knows how to combine magic skills with their other job? For example, like the Anubis back then, it combined its spearman skill with black thunder element magic."

"Hmm..." Azalea tilted her head and put her index finger on her lower lip. "There are only a few people here who knows how to do it. But they are unwilling to share the technique. That"s probably why no one knows much about it."

"The amount of Mana they needed to combine their skills are quite high too. So, people who doesn"t have large mana could only give up the idea." Hill joined in.

"Oh I see... so if you have enough mana to do both of it at the same time and for a long period of battle, it doesn"t matter, right?"

"Don"t tell me..." Azalea stared at Ryth with a look of disbelief on her face. Hill, too, turned to look at him, as if he was staring at a monster.

Ryth use his scanning skill to check his surrounding first. Once he was sure that there were no monsters around, he smiled smugly and grabbed his ebony bow and arrow. "Watch."

He made a stance, placing his arrow on the bow"s string. He then activated {Skull piercer} and {Wind Pressure} at the same time and released the arrow, shooting it straight at a big rock.



Hill was shocked. The {Skull Piercer} skill itself was already powerful enough, but when Ryth combined it with {Wind Pressure} magic, it became even more terrifying!

The arrow that Ryth had used pierced through the big rock and 2 big trees behind it. It dug deeply on the big tree behind the 2 big trees.

"Woah! That was amazing! You knew how to combine two skills of two different jobs?!?" Azalea gasped in surprise, her mouth opened in an "o" shape.

"Yeah, It"s pretty easy, to be honest," Ryth replied as he returned his bow on his back. He then continued, "With your second job as a mage, you should have plenty amount of mana. So, I"m confident that you can use this technique too on your [Blue Soul]."

Ryth learned to use the combination skills technique from his friend, back when he played "The Throne" before. He was curious about how powerful the skill is and had wanted to learn.

"Can you teach me?"
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"Sure," Ryth said. He then paused and continued, "But do remember that this skill can only be use with an equipment that has an ebony material and above. This is because the skill is too powerful that below ebony materials might break. It can"t withstand the pressure."

Azalea nodded in understanding. "I see. So, that"s the condition of using the skill. Not surprising at how n.o.body was able to use the skill even if they tried so many times. It turns out that they probably did not have a good weapon," she mused, looking serious in thoughts.

"Yeah, I can teach you later at our base. But for now, let"s just check the secret pa.s.sageway." Ryth said.

"Okay!" Azalea nodded her head and continued to walk.

"As for Hill, if you have enough mana, I"m sure you will become the strongest archer on Rysen Kingdom."

Hill sighed in regret. "But unfortunately, I only have enough mana for my archery skills," He paused for a bit before revealing a rare smile on his face. "But seeing how you have grown up, getting stronger and stronger by the day, I"m content with this. I just pray that you would not lose your sight on your goals and be steered away by greed. With this, I"m sure that you will become the strongest in this continent."

Ryth was slightly surprised by the sudden compliment. A small smile graced his lips, he then said, "Actually, this is all thanks to you and Llyod. If it weren"t for your guidance, I would be nothing."

Hill only smiled again and kept quiet.


The three of them walked for half an hour when suddenly Azalea stopped and said, "It should be around here."

Ryth immediately used his scanning skill to his surroundings and suddenly, Daedalus" voice rang on their minds. "Over there! Below the big banyan tree, there seems to be some kind of mechanism."

"Okay, let"s go there." Ryth, Azalea and Hill nodded their heads.

They rushed towards the big banyan tree. Azalea removed the dirt with her wind magic skill and suddenly, a big heavily locked steel door was revealed in front of them. Ryth ducked and said, "Daedalus."


Daedalus used his scanning skill again, focusing more on the door. Notlong after, he asked for permission to use Ryth"s hands.

"Accept." Said Ryth.

Daedalus began to disa.s.semble the mechanism on the steel door. He then activated [Eye of Daedalus] yellow laser skill to cut certain parts of the mechanism with great precision and in unbelievable speed.

"How is it, Ryth?"

Ryth answered without turning his head, "Daedalus is working on it," He paused and asked, "Status please, Daedalus?"

"It"s 1/4 done. No worries, it will be done soon." Daedalus answered in a serious tone.

"Woah, you"re so skilled, Daedalus!" Azalea complimented with a big grin. Hill stood at back to ensure that there were no monsters around.

Skye was still on Ryth"s head. It was curious to know how Daedalus work. When it saw a beam of light, it became excited.

"Rawr!" Skye growled in excitement as he tapped Ryth"s head non-stop.

"Oi Skye! Don"t hit my head!" Ryth, who has lost control of his hands, could do nothing to Skye at all. He could only shout in protest.

"Oi partner! Stop moving around! I"m still working here!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry. it"s just that Skye can"t stop hitting my head!"

"Hahaha," Azalea giggled. She patted Skye"s head and said, "Hey, you"re disturbing Daedalus and Ryth. Don"t be too excited, okay?"

Seeing Azalea"s smile, Skye stopped hitting Ryth"s head and quiet down, "Rawr!"

"How come you only listen to Azalea and not me?" Ryth felt helpless as he sighed heavily.


"This shameless jaguar!" Ryth shouted in his heart, "Skye! Hop down from my head!"

Azalea continued to pat the jaguar"s head. Skye ignored Ryth as it basked in the pleasure of being pat.

"What happen to your manners? You were so polite when we first met!" Ryth hissed in exasperation.

"Rawr." If one listened to Skye"s tone, one could imagine that the jaguar cub was shrugging its shoulders.

Ryth sighed heavily. Just then Daedalus" voice rang out in their minds. "I"m done!"

"Ah, finally!" Ryth exclaimed. He then turned to Hill, "Come and give me a hand."

Hill nodded his head. He grabbed the right door k.n.o.b while Ryth handled the other k.n.o.b.

"On three. One... two... three!"


"That was heavy as h.e.l.l!" Ryth exclaimed. Hill nodded in agreement.

"I guess pulling the door open is much heavier than pushing it open," Azalea mused. "I remember the door wasn"t that heavy from the inside."

Ryth took a breath and said, "I see... Well, that doesn"t matter anymore. Let"s get inside."


The three of them went in. Ryth and Hill closed the steel door and suddenly, the tunnel lighten up. It appears that the underground secret pa.s.sageway has a mechanism that would light up the torches inside once the door was closed. "Daedalus. This kind of mechanism is using the dungeon core crystal, right?"

"Uh-huh. But look at your surroundings. There seems to be a lot of magic crystals so there should be fountain core nearby. It probably prevent those monsters that got attracted by the power of dungeon core from getting inside this secret pa.s.sageway."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"Did you shut the trap too, Daedalus?" Azalea asked. "Because I believe that when the door was opened from the outside, it would trigger the traps. But seeing how we are inside and there doesn"t seem to be any traps here, it should be deactivated."

"I did," Daedalus confirmed.

Azalea clapped both of her hands in glee. "That"s great, Daedalus! You"re just too awesome! I remember that the mechanism was not something that easy to decipher. But you managed to solve it in less than a few minutes."

"Ku ku ku! It"s only natural. I"m the greatest craftsmen in history! The level of the mechanism is just a child"s play to me!" Daedalus boasted. If anyone could see his face, they would notice that huge smug look on his face.

"Azalea, stop complimenting this narcissistic person."

"Hahaha, but he is indeed skillful. You can"t deny it." Azalea giggled.

"Well, I admit it..." Ryth slumped his shoulder.

"Ku ku ku!"


They strolled inside the tunnel, checking every path that they pa.s.sed by. But since the traps have been deactivated, there were no danger whatsoever. In fact, nothing happened for the past few minutes.

After checking the tunnel for around an hour, Ryth said, "I think it"s enough for now. Let"s head back."

"Mhm, let"s go back," Azalea paused, looking serious. "With this, we can be sure that our way to sneak into the castle is secure. Let"s wait for the others in a week."

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