I Am the Fated Villain

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134: Road to immortal domain but not the road to immortality, bordering the immortal domain

In the current Upper realm, the fall of a background figure was an indescribable and terrifying loss for any immortal force. Especially for some immortal traditions, relying solely on one background figure meant that once they perished, the entire immortal tradition would fade away.

Moreover, many forces have chosen to stake everything on a background figure, hoping to break through to the immortal path and achieve an immortal status.

That required immense courage and boldness, and the consequences, if they failed, were unimaginable.

After all, it’s like a high-stakes gamble, risking the future of their sects and forces.

The situation becomes increasingly chaotic, with even background figures unable to guarantee their own life and death, let alone other beings.

In this period, the manifestation of the Dark Heaven was sweeping the entire world at a terrifying speed, and hardly any force could resist it.

The number of those who have achieved Dao-building expertise in the Dark Heaven was too vast, surpa.s.sing even the most ancient traditions. How can those forces that had lost their background figures resist?

At this moment, only those forces possessing immortal artifacts, with ancestors who have genuinely ascended to the immortal path, have the confidence and qualifications to remain undisturbed and independent in this great upheaval.

This was a thorough reshuffling for the upper realm. Many forces proclaim themselves immortal, but their depth is far from comparable to those of ancient immortal forces and long-standing immortal families.

Therefore, during this time, these traditions inevitably collapse and disintegrate, revealing their background profundity.

In the days that followed, due to the drastic changes in the environment, the rules of the upper realm began to undergo transformations. Some life substances become more prosperous, and peculiar energies pervade the void, even noticeable to ordinary cultivators.

Older generation powerhouses, previously unable to break through their constraints, also rushed away this time. Even some naturally talented cultivators enter a strange state of Dao-building expertise, their spiritual crowns shining brightly as if entering a mythical state of ascendance.

Although the current Upper Realm is in great chaos, it is undeniable that it is more suitable for cultivators to cultivate…

This is a disaster, but it is also an opportunity for everyone.

Many powerhouses show a gleam in their eyes, realizing that this era of ascension is not exclusive to a few but an opportunity for everyone.

The heavens and earth underwent drastic changes as incomplete rules were swiftly supplemented. These changes unfold within varying timeframes, spanning a mere hundred years, extending beyond a thousand years, or even persisting for ten thousand years.

As this period elapsed, there was a possibility of restoring the prosperity of ancient times. During that era, with their apt.i.tude, they might advance, achieve Dao-building expertise, or even covet the immortal throne.

Many geniuses, consecutively through this time frame, boldly seized this opportunity. Of course, some immortal forces inevitably tread the path of extinction. In a mere few months, the forces within numerous star fields in the upper realms diminished by almost twenty percent.

Most fall victim to internal strife and immortal wars, escalating their pre-existing enmities into full-blown conflicts. Blood and fire intertwine, leading to a sea of blood.

Such days persist for months, and then astonishing news surfaces once again. In the depths of the universe, a background figure discovers a blurry pathway resembling the legendary Immortal Road, casting its reflection across vast s.p.a.ce.

The pathway was incredibly indistinct, and it was challenging to discern its authenticity. Nevertheless, undeniable was the immense murderous intent it harbors. Even the background figures feel a chill, hesitant to approach too closely.

Later on, after careful consideration, these background figures attempt to breach the pathway. Despite their current strength being insufficient to reach the realm of immortality if the blurry path is indeed the Immortal Road, perhaps breaking through it might offer a slim chance at ascending to the immortal throne.

Once this idea takes root, it spreads unstoppable like wildfire in their minds. Consequently, a few background figures decide to try, employing their divine artifacts to unleash their vast powers, aiming to pierce through the vague pathway.

If it is the Immortal Road, we will force it open, even if we don’t reach the realm of immortality… there’s still a glimmer of hope.


Ultimately, they collectively take action, wielding a weapon akin to an immortal sword. As its terrible power awakens, immortal radiance washes over the river of time, illuminating the dimensions.

The entire universe trembles, myriad spirits quake, and countless mortal and divine cultivators kneel in awe under that overwhelming aura. The terrifying force, as if rending apart heaven and earth, crashes onto the blurry pathway, causing chaos to explode.

The surrounding s.p.a.ce and all rules and order evaporated instantaneously, giving rise to absolute nothingness.

This scene was too terrifying; even from a distant vantage point, it appeared as if innumerable suns had exploded, blinding and bringing tears to the eyes of many cultivators.

Many ancient realms were close to disintegrating and crumbling into nothingness at the first instance.

The upper realm, which was dormant for countless ages, finally experienced the might of immortality. However, this was only the power the fully revived immortal artifact unleashed. Compared to true immortality, there was still a considerable gap.

Nevertheless, the aura was enough to send shivers down one’s spine, freezing the soul even from a great distance.

In the aftermath of this strike, those who had attained Dao-building expertise instantly exploded into smithereens, becoming nothingness, let alone other living beings. Following this impact, the blurry pathway also cracked open.

Though it was a small fissure, a substance resembling the Immortal Lights flew out, causing the bodies of background figures near the opening to burst open, flesh and blood scattering, with no chance to evade.

The severed bodies that fell were immediately ignited and consumed by chaotic flames, descending into the depths of the universe.

As this news spread, the upper realm erupted into chaos, shocking countless cultivators. Undoubtedly, it was the Immortal Road. There was no other explanation for the appearance of the immortal light that nearly claimed the lives of background figures.

It is indeed the Immortal Road, but not the path to ascension. It seems the drastic changes in the heavens and earth have directly attracted the descent of the Immortal Realm…

Within the Gu Family, Gu Changge, upon receiving this news, was not surprised at all. He knew very well that the true ascending path had yet to appear. The control of the Epoch Dao Fruit was in his hands, and the way to ascension would manifest when he desired.

Those background figures discovered merely a pathway leading to the Immortal Realm, far from the true path to ascension. However, this news prompted Gu Changge to consider a different plan.

If the Immortal Domain suddenly descended, bordering the upper realm, it would significantly affect his upcoming plans.

Initially, Gu Changge intended to wait for further chaos in the upper realm before revealing information about the universe where the Epoch Tree was located. However, upon reflection, it seemed that the time was already ripe.

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