Translator: SumTLMan

"Half-elf template activated."

"Blackleaf Royal Elven Bloodline Potential has been activated."

"Legendary Hero of Mankind Bloodline Potential has been activated."

"The pool of experience available for quests is tentatively set at 1000 experience."

"The property panel has been activated."

William Blackleaf closed his mouth and stopped thinking about the players. However, he didn"t expect his cheap father who walked out on him to have a legendary bloodline.

However, if his father truly had no ability. How would he be able to fool his ageing mother who was already an elven princess.

Now, he just doesn"t know whether his old man is dead or missing.

But according to this principle, an NPC with a legendary bloodline will generally have high luck value and won"t die as easily.

If their strength is in the legendary realm. Such people can often gain n.o.ble t.i.tles or power since the legendary realm belongs to the pinnacle fighting force in the All G.o.d mainland.

"Well, is my old man dead or missing?" William raised an eyebrow as he murmured to himself: "Property panel."

Name: William Blackleaf (Countdown to Version 1.0 Public Test: 364 Days, 23 Hours and 57 Minutes.)

Race: Half-elf

Level: 8

Bloodline Potential: Legendary (Basic Attributes +8%)

Realm: None

Talent: Handsomeness (Pa.s.sive.)

All other people (G.o.ds), animals and plants except the dark camp will have a favourable impression of you which is equal to your charm value. You will receive certain discounts when trading with other intelligent creatures. (The higher the other party"s realm or the higher the bloodline, the less obvious the effect will appear.)

Level: 8 (32 una.s.signed free attribute points, 8 skill points. Each level up will provide +4 free attribute points and +1 to all basic attributes.)

Experience: (0/4200)

Age: 16 (Youth)

Health Value: 270

Stamina Value: 340

Basic Properties:

Strength: 34

Endurance: 27

Agility: 38

Intelligence: 25

Special Properties:

Charm: 43

Luck: 3

Evaluation: Level 8 half-elven youth, a pervert like you is ready to join a human kindergarten.

There is no need to explain what health value means. It will be game over after this value reaches zero.

The stamina value is a little different from other online games.

Any action, behaviour or skill in this world will consume a certain amount of stamina value. Even if one sleeps around, the stamina value will still be consumed.

Therefore, players with low levels that want to carry out some bad deeds, will easily cause the ire of hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and make them come to them from thousands of miles away. From this point on, even their girlfriend will think this person doesn"t have the stamina to do it. This will then lead to a happy life of being single.

Of course, if players want to have s.e.x, their friendship value should first reach 1000 points.


It will take at least half a year.

Therefore, the stamina value should always be kept high at all times and stamina should not be easily wasted performing superfluous actions. Otherwise, during a fight, there will be no stamina left when a critical moment arrives. If someone is unable to wield their weapon at this time, then they will basically be buried.

Strength = Stamina = 50% Base Attack Value.

Endurance = Health = 50% Base Defense Value.

Agility = Movement Speed Value. (This has nothing to do with evasion or critical strike rate.)

Intelligence = 50% Base Magic Defense Value.

But there is another hidden attribute of intelligence. This is spirit force!

In other words, the longer one concentrates, the more spirit force they will consume. One will need to concentrate at all times during a battle in order to hit an enemy or give a fatal blow.

If the duration of a battle is too long, the hidden spirit force will be consumed. When fighting, one will slowly be unable to concentrate during a battle, resulting in a reduction of hit rate, slackening of spirit and so on.

At the same time, intelligence will bring an attack bonus to a mage"s attack skill!

As for my talent, what about handsomeness?

Of course, I am very handsome. Beauty is truth. Combat strength is temporary while being handsome is for a lifetime…

What else can William say about elves who are known for their beauty and the emergence of this talent?

"System, can"t you give something more useful?"

However, there is no need to worry. With the legendary bloodline, this talent will also have a breakthrough when his realm increases. In addition, he can also gain some hidden quests with his increase in talent.

Well, that"s it. All he can now do is look forward to it…

Even though his legendary bloodline seems false, his luck value shouldn"t be so low. Of course, this should have something to do with the early death in his previous life.

Or rather…

With so many legendary Bosses. There are bound to be many unlucky fellows among the bunch. This group needs to send their heads to those coming from thousands of miles away.

In fact, when William saw his property panel. He felt it looked kind of similar to a player"s property panel, which made him feel a little surprised. Fortunately, he stayed calm and resourceful and even felt more fortunate when carefully examining some of his attributes.

This is worthy of a legendary bloodline potential. Being so strong at level 8 with no added attributes is already amazing. If he goes to a novice village right now, he can kill all the level 0 noobs. This is completely like fighting a child with a knife.

The bloodline potential in this virtual game is very important. It almost represents the ultimate upper limit of an NPC. Unlike players, as long as there is energy or crystal currency, they can take a step by step approach and become stronger sooner or later. Although it will still be difficult to advance in the latter stages, they are already more fortunate than NPCs.

"Moreover, my legendary bloodline potential has no half-elf weakness. It even perfectly combines the advantages of both humans and elves. The +1 to all basic attributes can be considered powerful, but… My levelling and adding of attributes must certainly not be done on a whim. I still have to specialize in something. Otherwise, I will end up being buried sooner or later!"

All G.o.ds have divine races in the world.

For example, elves, dragons, demons and so on.

Of course, today"s main introduction is about elves.

They are naturally born with much better attributes than many other races.

Long-range shooting depends on the ability of the race. This is the same as having a scope in one"s mind. Every member of this race is surnamed Lu… Anyway, every arrow fired hits the bull"s-eye. After hitting the target, no one among this race can clearly explain what had happened.

Melee combat ability is also not weak. Whether they are elven warriors, knights, rangers, or even elven mages. Every member of this race has extremely strong fighting capabilities.

As for stamina and health? Whether one believes it or not. How can this race, which is born with thousands of years of life expectancy, have a lower endurance than the orcs?

Those who don"t understand the game called All G.o.ds would dare say that the elves aren"t as strong as orcs. This is total bulls.h.i.t, but relatively speaking, the key is to look at professions and where some of the points are added.

Agility… Hehe. William smiled but didn"t say anything. Flying a kite to an elven ranger is no joke.

Let"s take a look at the humans, orcs, goblins, undead and so on the All G.o.ds mainland to compare. They are all created using leftover materials by nature after making the elves.

Of course…

With the elves occupying so many advantages, they are not without their drawbacks.

The reproductive capability of this race is extremely low.

This is the pain of every elf. It"s difficult to conceive children between pureblooded elves. Every war and every fallen elf is a major blow to the elven race.

If a pair of elves do the deed day and night, completely squeezing the elven male dry. The elven female would be considered blessed by the G.o.ddess of fortune to be pregnant within ten years.

For ten years, ten years of non-stop slapping.

With a hit rate of 1 in 3650. What is this probability??

If the pair were orcs, they would"ve long developed into an enormous tribe in ten years…

At this point, the reason needs to be mentioned why half-elves were born.

During the end of the first era, when the Dragon Age was in decline, the overlords of the second era were the elves. The elves had officially become masters of the All G.o.ds mainland, and other races were considered the waste.

But it is precisely because of their reproductive capability, coupled with other races not obeying the elven rule which set off an endless war. So in the end, the elves suffered no small blow to their population.

Coupled with the invasion of the orcs and demons. The whole All G.o.ds mainland was torn apart, and all the races on the All G.o.ds mainland had declared a complete truce as the world was about to perish in the flames of war.

Otherwise, not to mention the elves, all other races would"ve died out. The scale of war became too encompa.s.sing and was even bitterer than the Dragon Wars during the ancient era.

However, due to these factors of low fertility and endless wars, the number of pureblooded elves have been unable to increase among their race. By virtue of their numerical superiority, humans have occupied the prosperous centre of the mainland, leaving many elves to completely retreat into the forests.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible for humans to see a large group of elves without human caravans first entering the forest.

In the beginning, with facing the joint invasion of the demons and orcs, coupled with the problem of fertility…

The upper echelons of elves and humans thought of a way to solve this problem. That is, intermarriage between the two races because the union of humans and elves produces a higher probability of reproduction, meaning there is no reproductive isolation. As a result, many half-elves have been born from these unions.

However, although most half-elves inherit the ability of elves, and even have lifespans spanning hundreds to nearly a thousand years…

But they also inherited the seven emotions and six desires from humans such as detrimental greed and laziness. Even the fear of death which is extremely offensive to the pureblooded elves have been inherited.

Even though pureblood elves seem arrogant, they never looked down upon anyone.

Even if human beings gossip about the elves showing displeasure or say they look down upon others.

But as long as they mention their elven allies from that time, humans can"t help but all give a thumbs-up in admiration.

Because all pureblooded elves never stand behind an ally.

No matter when facing any enemy or situation.

No matter who they are fighting against.

The "arrogant" elves will only rush to the forefront of the battlefield! (Having the worse casualties among all races.)

Their "arrogance" has forced all allies to stand behind them as they march forward without ever retreating!

Of course, half-elves have also made great contributions during wars in the ancient era, producing many true heroes. But accompanying this fact, they have also had many traitors, which caused the elves to suffer heavy losses. This forced them to eventually be abandoned by the pureblood elves.

Humans are an exclusive race. As the number of those half-elves increase with the pa.s.sage of time, this race can only stand on their own instead of depending on pureblooded elves and humans.

A first-generation half-elf, similar to William Blackleaf, hasn"t appeared in the All G.o.ds mainland for many years. This is because, within the inheritance of every pureblood elf, there is advice mentioning to never trust humans. Some elves have even taken it a step further and cast magic on themselves to cause reproductive isolation, making them unable to give birth to children with human beings!!

So there are very few examples of first-generation half-elves like William in existence.

But aside from poor reproductive capability…

Elven maturity is also a very slow.

If a player chooses an elf as their starting race, then the experience requirement will be twice as much as a normal human player.

In the early stages, he doesn"t know how many players chose to be an elf for their handsome faces and long legs. But after a few months, they all kneeled and deleted their characters to start all over again, which shows how much of a pitfall this race is in terms of experience.

So there was a saying pa.s.sed around amongst the players at that time.

Elves and practising magic are only meant for emperors. Others can only look on from afar but cannot touch.

Then a player will ask: How about becoming a half-elf?

William would like to say that a half-elf still requires 1.5 times the normal experience. But none of them starts out as powerful as him. So a person might as well choose the feathered race and later become an angel in the future.

But it should also be mentioned that the profession change to angel depends entirely on reputation. Generally speaking, a players" reputation doesn"t meet the standard requirements.

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