I Became a Hero in a Pandemic

Chapter 15: Wet dream ★

Chapter 15: Wet dream ★

I had a dream. Extremely rarely I may notice that it is a dream like now.

The reason I notice that it was a dream is because the scenery was something impossible. Funny story, though I may not notice that it is a dream even if I fly in the sky, as for this spectacle――――at the time of good old club activities, I seemed to recognize something more impossible than the fact to fly in the sky.

I fixed my eyes on the mark. In a calm state, I probably aimed at the mark. As for saying perhaps, I can’t move my body to show it. Thoroughly, this is a dream and a reproduction of the past, therefore my consciousness can’t intervene in the past.

7th Joint remark in Verse 8 of Archery Method, release……means, that I calmly shot an arrow.


The moment when I released the arrow……no, shooting from the bow as soon as I was convinced it will hit its target, the arrow had penetrated the center mark beautifully.

To confirm it, I solved my stance and looked toward right. There I see my senpai with an joyful expression. The person who said "Hit" is my first love…….even if I say so, love didn´t grow.

“Indeed, Matoba-kun. You can aim for the whole country” Shikijo-senpai

Partic.i.p.ating in high school compet.i.tions, victory or defeat was decided at the number of times the mark was. .h.i.t. It isn’t necessary to shoot the center like a while ago, but there would be no loss when you can aim and shoot the center.

"……Thank you very much” Matoba

After my younger self lowered his head curtly, I moved my eyes to the mark.

Inwardly, I had the feeling to call out to Shikijo-senpai and raise a joyful cry but I wasn’t able to do so. Because I was shy at high school times……I had no problem with a student, in other words, I wasn’t bullied.

Well, my grandfather was a famous archer, therefore I grasped a bow since before there was a discretion. I never missed the limit point, that’s why my senpais called me first year monk. I was always calm and poised, with a form that can hit everything impertinently.

Well if it’s only that, I would be treated as an errand boy for the time being, but there was one problem.


For an instant, I sneaked a look at Shikijo-senpai who is still next to me.

I sneaked a look at Shikijo-senpai, because her ponytail is nicely bound to her ear and put together with her well-defined and slightly slit eyes, she has the charm of an adult and no one would think she is a high school girl. Her chest is only a little simple, but from her appearance you would think a young actress is here.

In fact, when she had a man-in-the-street interview, she made a slight uproar in the internet and she seemed to be invited many times to enter the entertainment world.

……Well, Shikijo-senpai who is the president of the archery club is one of the beautiful girls who can fight in j.a.pan and you can say she is similar to me……oh, this is because she is really skilled. She is a shooting star.

If I add what the third year senpais said it is clear, because they said”Hitting the mark 100 times in a row, I heard she can hit everything”. Of course, I can’t do such a G.o.d-like act. What the senpais also said is that this would be because she stirred up the men who were full of ulterior motive.

……………The G.o.d-like act, I have done it two days after joining the club. Even someone tells me to do it now, it’s impossible. My physical strength didnt last and when even a gust of wind blows suddenly, I sometimes lost my perfect state.

But, I have done it. Even if the words are said by the third years and I didn’t hear it, all senpais knew it and only the newcomers including me weren’t conscious of it. Even Shikijo-senpai seems to be conscious and I in front of all said “Nee-kun, is there something you want me to do? I do anything that I can do for you?” to her.

I think you can expect that my life seemed to end already from that day.

A thumbtack is still good for indoor shoes. Fate was attached properly, therefore I was. .h.i.t a lot behind the school building. When I walked in the corridor, some of my seniors. .h.i.t my shoulder seven times on purpose. These seven hits are literally a combo, because 7 seniors. .h.i.t my shoulder at the same time. Of course, it is a 8P Lynch in the back of the school building.

Since they did archery, they are trained and their muscles are intended to pull a bow. I was brainwashed by my grandfather since I was young……therefore there is no case that I who was educated by him used violence against my senpais at all and was. .h.i.t one-sidedly earnestly.

As expected, when such days continued, both my mind and body which were forged were heartbroken disappointingly. Judging from that conclusion, I quitted the archery club and also moved and transferred.

I spend peaceful days without doing archery in my new high school, I entered a university and I found a job in a common company. I got rid of my only special ability and hobby called archery, so I became an empty and boring human.

I also sometimes have another dream. A dream from the time when I did archery.

Winning the championship at the national compet.i.tion, I a.s.sociated with Shikijo-senpai……imagine myself as a main character, it becomes empty.

I gave up becoming a main character. Now that I’m an adult, I don’t know how often I thought that I couldn’t do anything in those days. And it is trailing me all the time.

「――――Kun, Matoba-kun!"

"Eh!? Ah, yes!"

After whether she worried about me who didn’t move while keeping a pose and a balanced heart, Shikijo-senpai looked into my face. Very close. It is the distance that the tip of our noses almost touched, but I retreated unconsciously. ……That?

“You don’t seem to be able to concentrate very much recently, is there something?"

"No, Nothing……"

“Mouu! It may be difficult to consult about girls with me and though I am inferior to Matoba´s ability, I’m the club princ.i.p.al! Come here a little!”

"He? Ah, just a little!"

I was led by the hand by Shikijo-senpai and we left the archery ground. The point where we go to……is it probably the locker room?

Because the number of boys is few, the small locker room of the archery club belong to the boys and the big locker room next to it to the girls.

……Was there really such a situation?

"Saa, come in, come in"

"Cho!? Isn’t this the girl"s locker room!? Isn’t it bad here!”

"Don’t worry about it. It is before school end and everybody should practice till late……Probably”


I am pushed by force, so I have set foot into the locker room while stepping on grouper cod. It had some good smell and in many places there are skirts and shirts laying around. There are also underwears laying around, however a skirt thrown off is already very erotic.

"Shikijo-senpai, as expected……"

"All right all right. It is only a mere interview we two do now. It is n very important interview between the club president and the new ace”

"No, but……"

“Al, already! Will you be a boy!? Stand firm!"

"Ye, Yes!"

After I roared, I kept my chin up and answered. ……Uh, I don’t have such memories or?

“Hey, sit down there”

I"m called by Shikijo-senpai and sit down on the stool which was in the locker room. Senpai sat straight in front of me. There is only one chair and it is direct in the ground.

"Well then, let’s start the interview at once”

"Ah, yes"

By all odds I see it so that she was talking with my son, however I drove that outside my mind and answered.

"Just a little or we wouldn’t be able to have an interview”

"Ah, I´m Sor――――rry"

Gabaa! Shikijo-senpai opened both my legs. I didn’t understood the meaning at that point, but Senpai went for a more reckless action. Surprisingly, she had a hard time with my zipper, before she has begun to lower it.

"Wh, What do you do!?”

When I catch the slim hand of senpai in a hurry, she stared at me with an upward glance.

I as a kouhai can’t defy her and without understanding it well, I “I am sorry……" apologized before separating my hand. When I said it and Senpai lowered the zipper till the end, she took out my p.e.n.i.s while making a great effort from there. By the way, her view is shut out with both  my hands and she only can sympathized with the touch. She wouldn’t be able to look at it.

"Uwa……it’s large"

Because I was touched by Shikijo-senpai who I yearned for, my son was already in battle mode.

"Hey, Matoba-kun, when did you e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed the last time?”

Senpai asked so, while stroking my son gently.

"U……oh, the day before yesterday"

Still I don’t remember when I m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed for the first time, well, these days it is everyday. Probably I have shot a bullet early in the morning, strangely……it’s unclear whether I say so, because it is sure that I tell a lie.

"Eh!? Not good Matoba-kun. If you don’t take it out every day, a p.u.b.escent boy like you will destroy his physical condition!”

On earth I want to question her closely when it is any knowledge, but the speed to brandish accelerated and I wasn’t able to say something.

"Uwa……your b.a.l.l.s are flabby and is this spot filled with baby juice?

Senpai"s left hand grasped my b.a.l.l.s while her right hand is stroking my p.e.n.i.s. I haven’t m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed yet while I grasped my b.a.l.l.s by myself, but my consciousness which seems to experience an unknown pleasant sensation is kept from leaving strenuously. Besides, that Shikijo-senpai who is pure and innocent fires dirty talk……from my mental fulfillment I counted down until  the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.

"Se, Senpai……you"re well experienced”

When I asked her whether she has experience, Senpai grasped my b.a.l.l.s with a smile.


“I will tell you what, Matoba-kun. Everybody says that I’m like a virgin who doesn’t know impurity, however I also have a s.e.xual desire, because I’m normal and I am interested in such a thing. Because I was interested, I saw it in a magazine carelessly……However I need to say that I try this for the first time……!"

Furthermore, her strength increased when she pressed my gold b.a.l.l.s. Before she opened her mouth in a hurry to defend herself.

"Ah no, such……it feels good too……"

"……Huuh, so it’s comfortable”

When I nod every time, senpai looked happy and she had an expression that she is my girl on her face.

Next she grasped my son and took it in her mouth.


From her slim touch, my waist almost pops unintentionally, but I endured it somehow.

Shikijo-senpai pushed her tongue aside with taking my d.i.c.k in her mouth and the tip was traced so that I might make sure of its shape.

She didn’t seem to endure it any longer.

"Matoba-kun……you may take it out anytime!”

Her figure which looks in my direction, resembles Honjo-san for some reason.

"……That reminds me senpai, was this your first kiss?”

When it’s heard so at the last end, Senpai nodded while her eyes became densely red.

After I caught the back of Senpai´s head with my right hand, I draw it closer slowly.

"N!? ……Npu……Nnn!"

As expected, there is a resistance to swallow it all, that’s why Shikijo-senpai tried to block my p.e.n.i.s using her tongue. But for the last push――――

“Shikijo-senpai, I will e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e now"

I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside Senpai´s throat with full strength.

Byururururuu, Dobyuu, Byuuu, Byuu, Byuku……


I woke up. Well, I understood it by myself. It was a dream.

No, from a feeling it was that. I had a wet dream. ……for that, I´m thirty years old soon. Besides, before sleeping yesterday, did I do it three times with Aya-chan? As an embodiment of l.u.s.t of an Incubus, such…………hmm?

My bottom……specifically my son who had a wet dream was seen.

"N, Nchu……chu"

Aya-chan who had heart marks in her eyes was there.
……The cause that I had this dream seemed to be this erotic girl.

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