I Became a Hero in a Pandemic

Chapter 29: Hanahaki disease

Chapter 29: Hanahaki disease

Such hips. Aya-chan´s white hips aren’t inferior to a lily. She has tanned skin from the root of her feet……which whitens just a little only.

The borderline of sunburn is also vague and the cultural a.s.set that had to be protected was going to be lost.

"……Because I get a swimsuit for you, let’s go to the sea in the summer no matter what”

I make up my mind solidly and take out the suppository from the bag. Inserting in the back……there are no cases where you can put it in somewhere else. At present I can see her a.n.u.s very clearly and I found out that there is no better body posture than that.

However, I´m a little confused from this a.n.u.s that is different from the one I have seen in a AV.

Of course this wasn’t the first time that I saw such a pretty narrow hole, but I never saw how something was inserted.

Aya-chan’s a.n.u.s is really pink and narrow without any pubic hair.


When its expanded by my finger forceful, then a small hole that wouldn’t accept even a little finger showed itself. Will it really enter in this?

I try to insert my little finger that I wetted beforehand with my saliva, but it doesn´t enter.


The suppository had began to melt by my body temperature and an unpleasant stickiness is felt. This might not work anymore, so I throw it in the garbage box.

I wipe the medicine which melted with a tissue and face her pink narrow hole again.


I crawl my tongue inside her a.n.u.s and Aya-chan run wild suddenly. I suppress her with both hands, while I force my tongue inside.

Especially the taste is mysterious for men.

The bottom is opened left and right and the center is poked by my tongue, but I don’t seem able to break through the enemy’s defense with my fragile tongue.


Originally it shouldn’t be so difficult to insert a suppository. If it isn’t so, then all parents would break open their child’s a.n.u.s to insert a suppository. Indeed, there are no such reasons.

In that case, Aya-chan will be the cause. If I put emphasis on her shame hole, then it will drag on and the damage will be bigger. When making up my mind, it ends in a few seconds…….

When it’s so, I have to take the last means. which is a lotion.

Of course, it’s a natural thing that can be taken from Aya-chan´s body.

“Ah, it’s already wet. Does Aya-chan also like the bottom actually?”

I can’t do a intense caress to a child with a cold, so I tried to challenge this unreasonable difficult problem slowly, but Aya-chan´s p.u.s.s.y was full with honey already.

After I scooped out her a.n.u.s with my finger, I could bury my index finger gradually with some effort.


Although she groans a little painfully, my finger had only been inserted in the first joint.

This tightness with only one finger. Can a p.e.n.i.s really enter inside?


Didn’t the idea leap sh.o.r.eless now? Calm down. I insert the suppository now.

A new suppository is taken out of the porch and is hold against Aya-chan´s thin and narrow back hole. When a finger was forced just as it is, I understood that it went in easily so that I was a little disappointed.


The moment my finger reached the second joint did Aya-chan groan painfully. And after the important task of inserting the suppository was accomplished, I pulled out my forefinger slowly, after waiting until she calmed down a bit.

I a.s.sumed that irregularity is only a little irregular, because Aya-chan is a sick person and it wouldn’t be so by Kurumi-chan. Afterwards I wiped her lower part politely and put on her underwear and pajama, before I put her to sleep in the bed like before, when suddenly the door was knocked.

"Is it alright now?"

"Eh!? Ah, uh. Alright!"

I looked at the bed shortly, but nothing suspicious was found. When I judge that it would be no problem in the world of a comma, I have returned intention of acceptance.

"May I come in"

When Shizuyo-chan enters indoors bowing good-mannered, she suspiciously looked at me, while inclining her neck.

“Is there something wrong?”

"No No, nothing at all"

I who judged that it was dangerous to put the eyes together just as it is looked at the vase displayed on the headboard casually. When Shizuyo-chan was allured into that or put the vase in her sight, too, she made her face come unsewn and began to talk.

“A beautiful flower! A lily……right?"

What was said momentarily has not been understood.


I wondered certainly. Where on earth did Shizuyo-chan obtain this flower?

"Wait a minute……Shizuyo-chan didn’t you prepare it?"

Its certain that it wasnt me or Kurumi-chan. There is also not a chance that it was Aya-chan. So naturally after the elimination phase only Shizuyo-chan remained.

"Eh!? It wasn’t me……"

"Such……then who……?"

Is there another person in this house?

While I think now like a detective, Aya-chan has begun to vomit suddenly.

"Shizuyo-chan, wash bowl! Aya-chan is already enduring a little"

"Ye, Yes!"

When I rub her back, Aya-chan gasp and she moves her mouth from side to side. Without being able to communicate about such a problem at such a time, I noticed that Aya-chan who can’t speak wants water.

"Water……one minute"

I tried to stand up in order to go to take water but I notice that there is a water flask on the floor. Did Aya-chan prepare the vase and the water flask? But where did she get that flower…….

"Hey, drink it slowly"

I poured the water into a gla.s.s and make her drink it. Then Shizuyo-chan who has the washbowl has returned with an impatient expression.

"Senpai, here is the wash bowl with water!"

Because she hasn’t vomited yet, I glanced at Shizuyo with an alright meaning and received the washbowl.

"Ah, thank you"

When I put the washbowl on Aya-chan´s side, she couldn’t endure it anymore and vomited――――Just before she drunk the water there was a white petal.


Water, saliva and several white petal fall into the washbowl. It’s the same as the white flower in the vase on the headboard.

I couldnt understand the spectacle that happened just now. I heard that there is a case where body´s calcium become a stone. However I never heard that petals are produced. Although the story of a person who eats petals has been heard, it wouldn’t be such a reason here.

"Aya-chan this――――"

“It’s the Hanahaki disease!” (TL note: This disease is only a fiction. The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. It can be cured without side effects only when the feelings are returned.

Shizuyo-chan said so with surprised eyes.

"Hanahaki disease? What’s that?"

"Don’t you know!? Its famous in the internet, a woman who has unrequited love vomits lily blooms. It’s a strange disease without an treatment method and you will vomit lily blooms until mutual love, then you will be cured……however……mutual love……white, lily blooms……?"

Shizuyo-chan and I look alternately at Aya-chan´s lily blooms. It is repeated several times and a satisfied smile is floating on my face, when I try to go out of the room.

"Tsk, stop! Stop!!"

Shizuyo-chan surely misunderstood it. Although it probably isn’t a mistake, but Aya-chan´s hasn’t vomit blooms until now. At least in front of me.

a.s.suming that Aya-chan has the Hanahaki disease, then she has vomited finally what should have been vomited a long time ago.

"My apologies, Senpai. An excuse is meaningless ahead of the fact”

“Calm down! Aya-chan vomited white blooms twice which means she is cured――――"

The door was closed immediately with a bang. And the noise of something locked is heard, though our room has no key.

a.s.suming that’s good……it isn’t good, if she still vomits white blooms and isn’t completely cured, then the contradiction which has occurred twice can’t be overlooked.

Is this related to Aya being a zombie? Or does this strange disease called Hanahaki disease really exist in this world……?

I knew from where this white blooms are. But mystery calls new mystery and also involve me and twine complicatedly.

“What has happened to this world……"

Unfortunately there is no person who can answer my question.

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