I Became a Hero in a Pandemic

Chapter 30: Second treatment ★★

Chapter 30: Second treatment ★★


When I returned to the room, Aya-chan already slept with a calm breathing.

As expected for the effect of the suppository to appear quickly it will be clear by the fact that perhaps the petal is spat out.

But if we a.s.sume that, is the cause of temperature this petal? Or as a result of the high temperature was the petal vomited?

"……I think it’s useless"

I´m not a legendary doctor who knows everything so I can’t think about an answer. This world slips out of the frame of common sense, while my consideration hasn’t slipped out of common sense yet. And the lack of common sense only becomes common sense to the last, which can’t be the way around. (TL: I´m not sure if this last sentence makes sense. for the readers who know if it’s right or wrong could you comment it please)

When I look outside the window, it was raining and my spirit becomes weak a little. It’s still afternoon, but the sound of the rain and the sleepy sound let me become drowsy.

Especially, while I have nothing to do, I can take a nap. When the weather clears up I will go to a bookstore or game center to look for things to kill the freetime.

"Let’s sleep for a bit"

I lay down next to Aya-chan and started to sleep. Now since the temperature has fallen because of the rain, it is warm which is just right for the futon.

I left the difficult things to the future and only thought about games and books before I fall asleep.

I awoke after some time from hearing water flowing. When I see the clock on the wall it is noon soon. Apparently I was so tired that I hadn’t noticed it and it seems I have slept ten hours.

I get up and looked through the window where the rain didn’t stop yet.

The rain isn’t heard. The water sound that I hear certainly comes from the bathroom which means that someone is in the shower.

When I left the room and faced the living room, a letter with『Please put it in the microwave and eat』was on the table together with a wrapped dish.

My belly rings instinctively. However the majority of our meals is canned food because we couldn’t obtain other things. Although such a dish isn’t bad and I didn’t thought much about it, but when a girl can cook then the charm and withering are real.


At once I put cooked rice into the microwave and it becomes a small late-night dinner.

Somehow, I didn’t notice when I ate the boiled rice and with Aya-chan’s occurrence that there is also a dish for Aya-chan.

I have the feeling to also eat Aya-chan who is laying down and would welcome me……however, because the meal was delicious, such a thing became trivial.

“After all, from books and games to no ingredients”

The amus.e.m.e.nt is important. However, food is more important than that. This is only a delicious canned food, but if there is a seasoning from a tidy ingredient, it would be more delicious.

On the side note that I need to defend, I thought that these sisters can defend themselves. We are above to the last……I can’t deny that I have such a thought. However, actually we are helping each other and both are already necessary existences for me.

"……Thank you for the meal"

While appreciating these two, I completed the dish.

After I slept soundly, there is no drowsiness at all, but nothing can be done here. Unintentionally a television is attached, but no sender is streaming any TV programm.

It can be expected that this situation exist in entire j.a.pan. However, how are other countries doing? If this is a bacterial terrorism perhaps, other countries are safe……and above there is no sign of a foreign country in Tokyo so the line is thin.

Terrorism is left to terrible people, which let sweat running down my back.

Although I thought so, I noticed that no one went out of the bathroom.


The image by which Kurumi-chan is cutting her wrist in the bathtub is erased from my head.

Desperately in such a world『I want to live』struggling person won’t commit suicide. Kurumi-chan is in a safe place, perhaps her parents might be dead, but her elder sister survived. Or does she really think about suicide in that situation!

I thinks so because I am a man. As a comparison a man often says “If a girl is violated by a gay, the girl’s feelings are understood”……I think too much and our feelings can’t be shared so easily.

There are also times where I don’t understand anything.

When I judge so and face the bathroom……there was Kurumi-chan. The thing that I said from the conclusion and imagined isn’t here, because she is safe and sound, however her head seems not to be okay, because she stares at the bathtube.

She soaks her hands in the hot water and the hot water completely painted the benignancy.


Reacting to my voice, Kurumi-chan lifts her face quietly, which had no expression.

Aya-chan’s body is remembered closely from our intercourse.


Has she become a zombie? Or is Kurumi-chan in the boundary of a zombie and a human, somehow a state where she is alive?

If it is the latter, time will solve it. However, in case of the former――――

"……Ah, ……Kazuya-san"

Her m.u.f.fled voice isn’t caught easily from the echoing. But Kurumi-chan surely called my name. Apparently, she didn’t become a zombie yet.

"My head, ……did I…………I, ……became a zombie……or what……?"

"You aren’t a zombie without question. Kurumi-chan is still a human"

Certainly she is dizzy, because her face has crimsoned.

"Safe……I……not a zombie……safe……lie, lie. ……I’ll be a zombie soon……"

Her body is shaken from her anger boiling over.

Up to now Shizuyo-chan was the support of her mind. But in her current state she can’t reply to this existence and her mind screams. Frankly speaking, she is unpalatable.

However, a result must come out ahead and Kurumi can’t be saved by my words. I"m still an existence of her on the surface, moreover, the surface trust also has disappeared since I raped her. I can’t save Kurumi by words no matter how she struggles.

……Then, I can do nothing but to act.


Both of my hands hold her face and I s.n.a.t.c.h a kiss by force. Kurumi thrusts out her arms by reflex action, while I trace the gums and moved my tongue.

Did she forget to breathe through her nose or didn’t she understand it because she is in a daze and relaxed her shut mouth. Of course, I made sure not to miss such a chance and our tongues twine instantly.

Although it is a little unpleasant that the saliva that dropped down wet my suit, we exchanged our tongues intensely with each other.


In the end we both are inquired to swallow the saliva.


After some time we separated our mouths and I saw Kurumi-chan breathing for oxygen.

My clothes that are completely wet and are taken off are thrown into the empty washing machine.

Although Kurumi understood what I did, she still is looking at me with a little frightened expression, but she now has some light in her eyes unlike before.

I think that at the time I committed the rape on her she completely forgot about the fear becoming a zombie. ……Though I don’t understand whether the thing to be frightened off or the rape case is better.

"Come here"

After I told so, Kurumi hesitated momentarily, but she gave up and moved towards me.

"Sit here"

When I indicate that she shall sit on my knee while I sit on the toilet, Kurumi-chan hardened and didn’t move.

Because sitting on the knee is a little childish……and it becomes impossible for her to move because she saw his soaring bottom. Kurumi-chan has only one time experience and with kissing a little she didn’t get wet. In such a state she will surely split if it’s inserted……so I need to think about a solution.

Of course, I am not a devil……but well, struggling in this state, I need to be an ogre who dominates others.

I who isn’t such a devil have to put on such a nature, because her femoral are pleasant and I want to insert my son soon.


I partly make her sit by force on my lap and her c.l.i.toris and my p.e.n.i.s rub against each other, while she leaked a small sigh.

Her young lovely voice sounds in the closed bathroom and she only looked down because her face is crimson red.

Kurumi-chan got gooseb.u.mps, when I bit lightly into her ear.

Next I lick up the scruff of her neck, while her body trembled by reaction. Her reaction is so obedient and lovely.

“Is it pleasant?”

I purposely asked her, before I licked her ear and groped Kurumi"s big chest with my hand.

Her heart beats restlessly. Feeling it like a alarm bell when her chest is ma.s.saged, she released a restrained panting voice that has no satisfaction mixed inside.


Kurumi also raised a cry, when I poked her pink v.a.g.i.n.a.

My thumb and forefinger play with her v.a.g.i.n.a that is already releasing love juice, while Kurumi-chan feels it neatly.

Although I was going to sequentially attack her, she already seemed to enjoy the caress.

"……Move your waist"

When I stopped playing with her chest and her nipples stiffen, she started to shake her body. However, Kurumi doesn’t run away and her head is put on my shoulder, before she began to move her waist a little again.

Her body that has started to get colder from applying hot water which has been warmed unnoticed again by me.

May I already insert it slowly or shall I caress her a bit more?


Her body that leaned against me is pushed up and I licked her exposed nipples. Kurumi can do nothing but to endure the effect of the height difference and the painful body pose.

Her nipples have already erected to the point they became very hard and Kurumi-chan’s sloppy face loosens.

Slaver has dripped down from the gap where our mouths piled up again and we intertwined our tongues.


Her waist is slightly pulled while answering the movement of her tongue. Kurumi who intertwine her tongue with mine doesn’t notice that the tip of my thing is attached to her wet p.u.s.s.y.

I pushed my waist forward and the tip was easily swallowed for the second time, while I thought it was impossible.


Kurumi-chan has a startled expression and pushes my shoulder away so that only our lower parts remain connected. On the contrary, by the fact that the center of gravity changed, the lower half falls on this side――――and both waists stick to each other.

Kurumi’s v.a.g.i.n.a tightens diligently, when I relaxed my guard and I needed to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e at once.

Kurumi and I are still connected and she put her hands on my chest while shaking her head suddenly., while I move my waist repeatedly.

My p.e.n.i.s becomes bigger again from the movement and Kurumi raised a painful cry. Though it seems to become a repet.i.tion, I can’t help it. If I mention the thing which is possible, Im already about to c.u.m.

"N, ……ouch……ah"

Kurumi raised her waist and dropped down again, before she raised her waist again.

The inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a is already overflowing with love juice even though it’s only her second time. Is the voice she raised because of pain or of pleasure.

Her v.a.g.i.n.a entrance is sloppy and makes a vulgar sound.

When I look at the connection part, it’s swollen red even though she didn’t bleed the skin on her c.l.i.toris is torn.


Her v.a.g.i.n.a shrank by the pain of touching her wounded c.l.i.toris.

"Not good Not good Not good! That point!"

The skin is gently peeled off and it rubs up and down until it change into something that squeezes and tightens.

"Ah painfuuulll"

Her upper body rages, while her lower part is tightening tightly, so that I moved away from her c.l.i.toris.


Kurumi-chan is staring at me while panting. The pleasure is only a little strong, so that she seems not to have been able to recognize that it was pleasant. Her mind doesn’t seem to have accepted it yet, while her body react wonderfully by releasing love honey.

"I´m really sorry for looking so much"

My hand is attached to her cheek while apologizing and I stick fast to her lips, before Kurumi-chan´s body lost all its strength. Apparently kissing is her favorite.

In order to be able to concentrate on the kiss, I moved my waist slowly and went out of her womb and rub my son against her hot entrance.

"Do you understand? Kurumi-chan. You say if you want my sperm and if I shall release it inside your womb"

My waist is shaken small when I whisper so while knocking against her uterus, which is tightening strongly so that it differs from her painful tightening before.


Suddenly it past through my head that I have intense raw s.e.x with Kurumi-chan.

One month has already pa.s.sed since I was bitten by Aya-chan into my shoulder and nothing happened to me as far as I know. Is it because I don’t know if Aya-chan truly became a zombie……but from that fact, I know that Kurumi-chan is different from Aya-chan because she can bear a child.

I try to pour my s.e.m.e.n into her after sleeping and finishing my meal.

With the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n not to understand whether to conceive really, the excitement level is different when I can e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e inside her v.a.g.i.n.a.

"Ah! N, ……Huu!"

I instinctively accelerate my waist movement.

"Naa, u……wait……Kazu……ya, ……san…………ah!"

Kurumi-chan might have understood from the experience last time that I’m starting the last spurt until e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n. Although Kurumi-chan twists her body to stop me, I can’t stop because it’s important for me to c.u.m inside her v.a.g.i.n.a.

"It is not good……!! ……Kazu……nnn!!"

I shut up her noisy mouth and push up my waist.

The countdown has started and she should understand what will happen so I don’t need to say it purposely.

I reached the depth of her womb with the tip and e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed momentarily.

"……U…………coming out……idiot"

Shedding tears, Kurumi-chan abused me.

However such a day will continue from now on. Sooner or later she will become accustomed to it.

We will know if she becomes a zombie after one week……but until that day, let’s a.s.sume that I will be disliked by Kurumi-chan.

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