Translator: Flowingcloud    Editor: XSSpeed    Proofreader: Arocks141

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Chapter 3 [I Became a Witch. Starting With Appearance For The Time Being]

If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator"s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry ?

A month has pa.s.sed since the start of my survival life in the plain.

Although I defeated slimes and other small-fry monsters in the plain with a disposable fireball staff, in the end, it was more efficient to use physical strength to defeat them with the spent staff to raise my levels.

As a result of continuing to eat the Seed of Magic every day along with raising my level, my mana has now risen to 1200.

"Well then, let"s create a more decent item this time."

I survived the plains, and now the area in the surroundings have been cleared away by my fireball staff. I treaded down on the area and set up my tent. I thought about creating a fortress with magically created wood and rope, but it"s quite inefficient.

Honestly, because of my now childish around-12-year-old girl"s body, I felt that my hands and feet were a bit short in length.

"Children"s bodies are quite inconvenient. Well, I"ll eventually grow up."

In order to grow bigger, I should stretch. Though, for the time being, let"s prioritize establis.h.i.+ng this surrounding location as my place, and create some equipment with [Creation Magic].

"What"s necessary right now is stronger equipment—->!"

A pitch black robe was created.

I was in an unduly wide plain, so I could use it as a sunshade and it looked just right to wrap around myself on a cold night.


Followed by a beautifully polished oak staff.

It"s thicker, more durable, and easy to strike with compared to the [Fireball Staff] I used up until now.

"This is sort of embarra.s.sing. My chuuni-like appearance." 1

When put on, the robe with a hood is a magic item that has a heat and cold resistance effect.

I had the image of having improving magic control and power effects when creating the beautifully polished oak staff. Also, safe for hitting as well.

As a result of my entire figure being clad in black, I look suspicious, but my abilities should not be any worse.

"Hmm. Come to think of it, I care freely use [Creation Magic], but I can"t use any other magic at all."

Because I"ve been activating magic and loading it into a created item, I haven"t really used magic like a mage.

"Umm…… How do I active magic?"

As I try to follow my senses and the flow of mana when I use [Creation Magic], I gathered mana at my palm.

"Uu! —->!"

Poof—-a small flame appeared from my palm for a brief moment, then disappeared.

Just this used around 10 mana, so I can"t use it at all during combat.

"Muu, magic is something you practice, to get better at, and used only in combat I see. When you think of it like that, the fireball staff sure is convenient.

Well, let"s practice little by little.

If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator"s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry ?

If you somehow don"t know what chuuni is, it"s 8th grade syndrome.

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