I Bought a Girl

Chapter 34 Method of making chocolate

IBAG Chapter 34 Method of making chocolate

34The year has changed, it is now February.

In Hokkaido, snow festivals are taking place.

I also though of going. Right now, Ruri-chan is quite restless, though she doesn"t seem interested in playing with the snow. Well, I am preparing for student examinations, so every day I return home late, so I though I would relax on my day off and take it slow.

If you wanted to know why Ruri-chan was restless, then it would be that she is looking forward to the National evens rather than snow festivals this February.

In other words, Valentine"s day.

When I was in elementary school I was always nervous on Valentines. Well, I never got any chocolate. Is Ruri-chan going to give chocolates to Reo and Hiroto-kun? I"m envious.

Moreover, it seems to be handmade, I am doing simulations to try and make a recipe from a page on the net called, "Basic truffle, anyone can make", I printed it out and have read the page many times.

In my kitchen there is, a rubber spatula, eggbeater and Baking paper that just seems to multiply. Will I ever use this stuff again?

I have started to give 1000 yen a month pocket money to Ruri-chan, she is ama.s.sing money to pay for the ingredients for chocolate. To use your own money and make them yourself with your heart beating. It"s a girl in love isn"t it?

… Isn"t it too early for a 4th grader to be in love? Recently they say that elementary students are getting into relationships early… No, no. I would be worried if Ruri-chan got together with some run of the mill person. Ruri-chan is adult-like, obedient, I will become the best so that, it will become impossible for the to settle for a run of the mill person. Yep. Surely she is preparing lots of obligatory chocolates. Yep.

My heart is thumping whether or not I will receive the first one.

And I have come up with a strategy to get Ruri-chan"s first chocolate.



"Do you want to practice?"


"Yeah. Practicing making chocolate."

"But, there are no ingredients."

I though she would say that.

"That"s why I bought another set of ingredients."

I bought the same chocolate, fresh cream and cocoa powder that Ruri-chan bought on the way home yesterday, and put it in the refrigerator so that she didn"t notice it.

So, my strategy to get chocolates is to get them through us practicing.

Because it is practice for Valentine"s day it doesn"t entirely count. Although this is a futile strategy, it is better than not getting any and crying on my bed.

It seems that Ruri-chan was a bit annoyed by my words.

… why?

"Thank you. Then I can practice making chocolates?"

"Ah, of course!"

Like that, Ruri-chan stood up and entered the kitchen.

Recently I have been learning little by little how to cook, so I can confidently wield a kitchen knife. I also made curry with no problems. Sweets require super precises measurements, but you do not have to worry too much about the amount for truffles. Actually, it seems so easy to make that practice doesn"t seem necessary.

After Ruri-chan put the chocolate on the cutting board, she finely carved the chocolate. This is only practice, so we are using one bard of chocolate. There is also lots of fresh cream.

After chopping the chocolate, warm the cream, mix it with chocolate, cool it a little, mix lightly, scoop with a spoon of a suitable size, line up on a dish with oven paper and cool in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, I begin on the chocolate coating.

Remove the chilled chocolate from the refrigerator and roll it.

Lightly warm the chocolate for coating and mould it around the inner chocolate, finally cover with cocoa powder.

We finished making the chocolate in about an hour.

None the less it turned out great after my week of simulations.

It seems that Ruri-chan could open a pastry shop.


To think I would be able to eat two of Ruri-chan"s homemade chocolates.

"Why did you eat it!"

"Because we have to taste the practice ones to make sure they are good."

"That"s right, I guess I was mistaken…"

No way such a result…

To me who had become despondent, Ruri-chan ate one of the remaining chocolates and gave me the last two.

"Since I am already full, I will give the rest to you. They may not be tasty due to them being practice chocolates."


I threw both chocolates in my mouth and hugged Ruri-chan. Ruri-chan was undoubtedly surprised. But, I am so happy to be able to raise such a gentle child!

The impact of hugging Ruri-chan was that I did not taste the chocolates properly.

IBAG Chapter 35 method of giving chocolates

Today is Valentine"s day.

Since it is a weekday, I fulfil my duties as a teacher as usual.

It was supposed to be as usual, but since when did I become popular?

Just before the start of second period.

"Yes Takeda! Because you are the one my heart desires!"

"Oh. It"s quite nice."

"You don"t even know what they look like."

As I entered the cla.s.sroom, Amano ran up to me and gave me a flat rectangular box. Because Amano is a good cook, so I am sure it will be great.

"No, I was talking about the box."

"I guess it"s a beautiful box? That"s not it! Praise the chocolates if you are going to praise anything!"

"I can"t eat the chocolates now, so I praised the box instead."

"Oh, is that so."

As expected of Amano. You can coax her by saying the right things. What a simple girl.

"For now, thank you. I will eat them at home."


With a satisfied smile, she went back to her seat while humming a song.

Well, because she was smiling in front of me I also smiled.

After the lesson where Amano smiled the whole time, after the cla.s.s ended I turned to leave.



As I turned around I spotted Nakamura.

"This is an obligatory chocolate."

"Thank you. Why two?"

"Ruri-chan"s share. I think it is sad to eat alone."

"Thank you very much for your consideration."

Nakamura smiled.

How every after Nakamura stayed over she has been coming to school every day.

Amano seems to be doing better as well.

"K-Kae? Perhaps… Stealing a match?"

Amano had appeared out of the hall way looking for Nakamura while saying "No way. My annual income…".

When I looked at Nakamura"s face I saw that it had a hard look on her face.

"What? Did you think I could lose this poor cooking?"

"Ha, my chocolates are delicious! It has really amazing ganache!"

Is it not melting?

"I"m joking! With the exception of Amano, I will not get close to anyone. Especially Takeda."

"That"s cruel."

"… It Is, isn"t it! That surprised me!"

"But, Amano, weren"t you on the verge of crying?"

"Was not!"

"Ahaha, Amano is cute."

They seem to be better friends than before. That"s good.

Next is in the staff room after school.



"This, because I am always indebted to you."

"Ah, thank you very much."

It is a box that appears to have cake in it.

"Do not worry, I don"t expect a return gift, right? It"s merely my feelings."

"Okay then. By the way, what"s inside?"

"Yule log."

Oh… good taste.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Yes, thank you for your hard work as well."

Takatsu-sensei walked off with a pitapater.

When I got pocked from behind.

"Here"s some obligatory chocolates."

Looking back, it was mixed chocolates. It was in a stylish bag, it is only a small gift compared to Yule log.

If Akiyama=sensei"s chocolate is wine from a convenience store, then Yule log is a vintage wine.

Akiyama-sensei ended his work quickly and went home as usual.

"I"m home."

As I entered, Ruri-chan was as usual studying at the table.

"Welcome back."

"I"m home. Did you give out your chocolate?"


"That"s good."

"… What is that?"

"This? I got it from my colleague. It"s Yule log."

"Yule log?"

"Yep. I do not know much about it, but I am sure it is amazing. Um, this is from Nakamura."

I handed the chocolate I got from Nakamura to Ruri-chan.

However, Ruri-chan seems a bit upset."


"I got chocolate from everyone."

"Ahhh. I got one from Amano, so I got three this year."


"What"s wrong?"

Ruri-chan stood up silently and took out a box from the fridge and presented it to me.

"This is from me."

"This? Can I open it?"

Ruri-chan shook her hear vertically.

I got permission and opened it quickly.

The contents was a large amount of truffle chocolate.

"Th-this is…"

"I am very thankful to Masachika-san, I though it would be a good reward, but then I saw that chocolate."

"Eh!! I can!? Really!? I am super happy!"


"I am glad, I though I would not get anything from Ruri-chan! Thank you!"

I"m really glad. There is no regret within me. I am sure I will go to bed smiling.

It seems that Ruri-chan pulled back a bit. I"m so happy that I can"t help it.

"Can I put it up as a decoration?"

"… Fufu. Please eat it."

It was a different Valentine"s day than usual.

After eating it, I opened the Yule roll.

"It"s amazing…"

It" was so amazing that I was shocked.

If it is like this, then it is on the level of a cake shop.

"I will not lose next tear."

It seems Ruri-chan"s fighting spirit was ignited.

I will release about 1 a week cause Lys is being mean and forcing us to have release schedules. Also sorry for making you wait a month.

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