I Bought a Girl

Chapter 42

h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo! It"s Onion again.

Sorry for the huuuge delay. I"ll do a , don"t worry.

Since n.o.body"s uploaded a new chapter of this in over a year, I decided to pick it up. If someone wants to take over, though, feel free, but just let me know so we can avoid conflict (just send me a comment in my status post or something). Keep in mind, I don"t intend to snipe, but this series is too fluffy to ignore.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!
Translator: Onion

Editor: Onion

The Way to Say What You Feel

[TL Note: This is a PoV, of the friend, Reo. I think previous translations have him as Leo, but the way they"re p.r.o.nounced is actually a little bit different in English, so I"m sticking with the "R". And I"m not sure if anyone specified, but Reo uses "boku", so I think both friends are male.]

Hiroto, Hasegawsan and I went to the cla.s.sroom earlier in the morning than usual, waiting for Sasaki-san to arrive.
Hiroto and I were just there to cheer Hasegawsan on, or something like that.
I firmly told the usually loud Hiroto to not speak, so he just stands there with his arms crossed.
And, finally, Sasaki-san entered the cla.s.sroom.
Hasegawsan looked at Hiroto and my faces, and seeing us both nod, walked over to Sasaki-san.

"Ara, Hasegawsan. Morning."
"Good morning. I need to talk to you about something."
"Talk to me?"
"Yes. I"ve stopped ignoring Reo-kun and Hiroto-kun."

While listening to Hasegawsan"s words, Sasaki-san looked over at us, biting her lip.
She probably thinks we got too involved. Well, that"s right, though.
Yesterday at Hasegawsan"s house, we talked about today"s plan.
After discussing, we decided on three important things.
Arrive at the school earlier than usual.
There, we talk to Sasaki-san in the cla.s.sroom.
And to be sure to say what you want to say.
Those are the three things.
The first, about talking in the morning, was Hiroto"s suggestion. He said that talking would change the way the day is spent, so it"s better to do it early.
[TL: If you don"t understand this, don"t worry. I don"t either. And I"m actually confident in my translation…]
The second, about talking in the cla.s.sroom, was my suggestion. Speaking there, you can express your intentions to everyone else.
The third was that she never says what she really wants to say, so this time we wanted her to do her best, both Hiroto and I suggested.
Hasegawsan listened closely, promising to us she would do it properly.
And now we"re here.
Sasaki-san looked back to Hasegawsan.

"Is that okay? I won"t be your friend though?"
"The two of them told me. That I can make friends even if I don"t do that, and even if I made a friend by ignoring someone, there are better ways to make friends."
"It was the first time I was told something like that, so I was happy. I was happy that I had friends that got mad at me when I did something wrong. So, I think Sasaki-san"s way is wrong."
"W-what about it is wrong-"
"So, will you be my friend?"

Not just Sasaki-san, but Hiroto and I also spoke without thinking.
If I just heard things right, Hasegawsan just said "Please be my friend" to Sasaki-san, who was basically bullying her by telling her to "ignore us".
But Hasegawsan shouldn"t be joking at a time like this, and had the same serious face as usual.
So basically, I did hear things right?

"You can"t?" (Hasegawa)
"W-what are you even saying? Why say THAT? Isn"t it normal to be angry at me for hara.s.sing you?"

Sasaki-san also probably doesn"t know what"s going on. She even admitted to bullying her.

"Is that so?"
"But, I want friends, so…"

I see now. Hasegawsan misunderstood.

When Hiroto and I said "That way of making friends is messed up," we meant "It"s probably better not to be friends with someone what makes you do that," but Hasegawsan probably thought it meant "If you"re going to go that far, then just ask them directly".


I laughed without thinking.
Hasegawsan is really interesting. You have no idea what she"s thinking, and she always goes beyond my expectations. I"m glad I became her friend.
Hiroto seemed to jump and look at me, but I ignored him and kept looking at Hasegawsan and Sasaki-san.

"Why do you want to be friends with me?"
"Well, I mean, I did terrible things to you, right? So then, why?"
"I was happy when you said you"ll be my friend."

"You were happy?"
"Going to school for the first time, meeting lots of new people, having Reo-kun and Hiroto-kun be my first friends, every day has been fun. And Sasaki-san told me you"d be my friend, but I had to ignore them for a day… But I wanted friends so I ignored the two of them. But in the end the two of them got mad at me. But even so, I wanted to be friends with Sasaki-san, who told me you"d be my friend. Is that weird?"

It wouldn"t be strange if she was just being sarcastic, but when Hasegawsan said it, there was this mysterious weight to the words.

"It"s weird. Really weird."
"I"m sorry…"
"…But, I"m a little happy, I guess."
"Then, you"ll be my friend?"
"Yes, it"s my loss. I"ll be your friend. But let me say this first. This one was my fault. I"m sorry."
"Mm! Thanks."
"…You"re not angry?"
"If a friend did something wrong, it"s a friend"s job to tell them, or so I was told."

Hasegawsan looks at me and Hiroto.

"Haa… Really, you"re too benevolent." (Sasaki)
"It means a "too nice"."
"Y-you think so?"
"Why do you get all embarra.s.sed there? Well, take care of me."
"Mm. Please take good care of me too." [1]

Sasaki-san, a little embarra.s.sed, bows her head slightly. Hasegawsan bows fully.
And, like all our other cla.s.smates, Hiroto and I looked at each other and shrugged.
I"m sure we"re all thinking that we won"t be a match for Hasegawsan from now on.

Author note (not mine):

Thank you for reading this far.
I would be happy if you commented your thoughts.

Phew, I"m glad, I"m glad!
I"m glad it all ended nicely.
But I"m sorry this was longer than usual.
I started writing and it suddenly got long, it can"t be helped, right? There were too many things I wanted to write.
But it"s 100x better than not writing anything, so please take a look lol

Look forward to next time!

And that"s the end of this chapter! There are some weird lines but I hope I did the original justice. The "lol" in the Author note is there originally (it"s a "w" which is basically our "lol") so please don"t hate me for that. Otherwise, I"ll just do the TLNs, then get out of the way!

Ooh, only one TLN this time? Besides that one I inserted in the paragraph, I mean. Oh well.

[1] – CTLN 3, and at the end it"s the whole "yoroshiku" thing that I could translate well if I was less tired. But I"m tired, so…

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