I Don't Want To Defy The Heavens

Chapter 600: Tragic Lula

Chapter 600: Tragic Lula

“Human, don’t be too arrogant. You should know who you are currently facing.”

The three primitive G.o.ds were furious. They had never thought that the small blood food would dare to speak to them like that.

What they didn’t know was that Lin Fan didn’t know who they were and treated them as evil G.o.ds.

If Mo Fu was by his side, he would have recognized them of course. They were more terrifying than evil G.o.ds.

Didn’t legends say that they were gone?

Where did these three come from?

Lin Fan said, “I don’t care who you are. I am saying the same thing; if you have b.a.l.l.s, then show yourself. I don’t care how many evil G.o.ds you send, I will take you all on. What skill do you have to deal with normal people. That is what the weak do.”

He really didn’t know where to find these evil G.o.ds now.

If they dared to tell him where they were at, he would find them and wouldn’t give them such a chance at all.

“Human, you will pay a price for your actions.” The three ancient evil G.o.ds roared in rage. Even if it was just a projection, it shook the entire area.

“Keke, if you have b.a.l.l.s, then bring it on.” Lin Fan raged. He didn’t take his threats to heart.

In the deep abyss, a bunch of evil G.o.ds communicated with one another.

The main thing was that they didn’t scare him off. Instead, Lin Fan infuriated them. They didn’t expect that things would end up like that.

They already knew that the new blood food world was a problem.

There was an expert there that had been looking for them and wanted to wipe them out.

When they heard the news, they just wanted to laugh.

It was impossible to kill all of them. They were indeed undead.

Even if they were killed, they could revive in the deep abyss and just needed to pay a small price.

But Gomon and Nackya’s death made them pay some attention to Lin Fan.

Experts appeared in Blood Food World.

He could kill the evil G.o.ds and that affected the process of which they enjoyed the blood food.

But why did they appear with the faces of the three primitive G.o.ds? Naturally, it was because they were the top evil G.o.ds and they thought that they could scare him off.

What a waste…

He wasn’t scared off at all.

“d.a.m.n, these fellows are so cunning.”

Lin Fan was impressed.

Even when they came to find him, they didn’t dare to use their real bodies. They really were cowards.

But it was okay.

He was already prepared to fight the evil G.o.ds to the death.

He was just waiting for Mo Fu to give him the address.

He would then find them one by one and he didn’t believe that he wouldn’t be able to find one at all.

A few days later, the things he ordered his disciples to do were all done. Each strong disciple all brought statues to place in the various cities.

To those people in the city, the statue was foreign. Even if someone told them to believe in the G.o.d to get protection, not many people would believe them.

He had to do something.

Normally when one just placed the statue there, it was near impossible for one to be able to believe in the G.o.d.

Thoe statues connected with one another and the faith within the Darkness G.o.d Domain was being consumed bit by bit. The light barrier formed helped to block off the evil G.o.d energy.

City of Hope.

“Are you prepared?” Lin Fan asked.

Mo Fu grabbed a leather map, “Sect Leader Lin, are you sure?”

“Of course, would I be lying to you?” Lin Fan said.

Those evil G.o.ds were bullies.

He was living such a good life and had someone serving him no matter what he did. Now, he had to run all over. He might have had high cultivation but it was just really tiring.

Mo Fu pa.s.sed the leather map to Lin Fan, “I have marked out the coordinates. These places are based on stories and legends. Maybe there are maybe there aren’t. But no matter what, please be careful. There are weak but some evil G.o.ds are strong. You musn’t offend them; they are omnipotent G.o.ds.”

Lin Fan opened the map and looked at it closely.

To Mo Fu and the others, they understood the map right away.

But Lin Fan was foreign.

“Thank you.” Lin Fan said.

Mo Fu patted his shoulder, “It is a long battle against them. It is not something that can be solved in a short time.”

Lin Fan said, “Let’s not talk about that, I will head over to take a look first.”

“Good luck.” Mo Fu knew that whatever he said was useless. He just hoped that Lin Fan could find them. He had battled the evil G.o.ds for so long and was a little numb. But he had hope for the future. Although the hope was small, that bit of hope allowed him to hold on until now.

When their world was invaded by evil G.o.ds, someone was unhappy and went to find them, to question them about why they were treating them like that.

But there was no end to that.

No one knew whether he was dead or alive.

More people believed that the person who questioned the evil G.o.ds was dead.


In a pitch-black mountain range…

The mountain range was naked with no tree at all. There wasn’t even a beast on it. It was like a forsaken land.

At that moment, a person appeared in the mountain range. The fat body was c.u.mbersome and really eye-catching.

“This should be the place, the smell here is the thickest.”

Monster Emperor sniffed and he smelled a familiar scent. That scent was of the tentacle that he swallowed into his mouth.

He followed that scent to this place.

Monster Emperor lifted his hand. As it was too big and fat, it seemed short. He then hollered and punched into the darkness.

A terrifying power exploded.


The mountain range shook and the ground cracked. A deep crack appeared in the ground.

Deep in the ground.

Within a palace.

A giant being was sleeping. The sudden movement woke it up and it slowly opened its eyes.

“Who dares to disturb the n.o.ble evil G.o.d’s sleep?”

“The awakened evil G.o.d will bring destruction.”

Evil G.o.d Lula stood up and a terrifying aura spread out, forming a storm that struck the area all around.


Monster Emperor shattered the mountain range. An aura surged from below and his face was filled with joy.

“As expected, it is here. I have been searching for so long.”

He knew that the person he found was strong but he didn’t care. He hollered. There seemed to be something swelling in his body which caused his body to grow and swell up.

“It is you, you small blood food.” Evil G.o.d Lula appeared from the depths and his huge body stood tall in the area.

Octopus head, human body, a giant pair of wings on its back.

Monster Emperor looked at him, his blood boiled and directly punched towards Evil G.o.d Lula.


Evil G.o.d Lula was stunned. He didn’t expect that a small blood food would ignore his strength and charge forth right away.

Shortly after, he was furious. The small blood food dared to provoke him and that was an insult to the n.o.ble evil G.o.d.

Desires burned in Monster Emperor’s heart. He wanted to swallow him. One tentacle was not enough. He needed more blood and flesh.


A war exploded.

Evil G.o.d Lula was obviously not weak and was indeed quite strong.


Monster Emperor’s body was pierced by the tentacle and blood flowed down. The pitch-black ground was being dyed red.

“Small blood food, this is the outcome of you challenging an evil G.o.d.” Lula hollered in rage. He had never seen such an arrogant person. He was so ignorant, so now he would let him pay a heavy price.

But suddenly, something shocking happened.

Monster Emperor grabbed evil G.o.d Lula’s tentacle, opening his giant mouth and biting down with a maniacal expression.


Evil G.o.d’s blood splattered.


Lula cried out in pain.

What kind of person was he? Only Evil G.o.ds swallowed others. He had never been swallowed by others before.

Monster Emperor felt that the evil G.o.d was about to retract his tentacle. He obviously couldn’t let him do that, “You want to run? Stop dreaming.”

Monster Emperor just wanted to swallow the evil G.o.d. He desired the evil G.o.d’s body and even his strength was rising.

At the same time, he could complete the missing parts of his body.

Evil G.o.d’s blood and flesh had something that he lacked.

“Small thing.” Lula hollered. Its tentacle tore through the dimension quickly and instantly stabbed numerous holes in Monster Emperor’s body.

Logically speaking, even after suffering such heavy injuries and even if Monster Emperor didn’t die, he would definitely suffer heavily.

But Monster Emperor looked like he was on drugs.

He allowed blood to dye his body while he laughed out loud.

“All of this belongs to me, your entire body is mine.” Monster Emperor shouted. He tore the tentacle that stabbed his body before jumping up and swallowing it. Shortly after, he landed on evil G.o.d Lula’s body.

“Small thing, scram off from my body.” Evil G.o.d Lula shouted in rage.

Monster Emperor raised his head and his mouth opened infinitely huge. The maniacal color in his eyes became more and more obvious. He bit Lula’s neck and there was a sound of blood being bitten through.

Si la!

Monster Emperor shook his head and bit off a large piece of evil G.o.d’s flesh.


Lula reached towards Monster Emperor. Although the monster emperor was not small, compared to him, he was too minute.

Monster Emperor was really quick. He dodged left and right and quickly ripped off a lot of flesh and blood from Lula’s body.


Lula screamed.

Could he scold someone now?

d.a.m.n, where did this person come from? He even dared to eat evil G.o.d’s blood and flesh. Wasn’t he afraid of dying from all of that?

Lula felt like there was an ant biting his body. Large amounts of flesh and blood were being bitten off. Even if he wanted to crush this guy, he couldn’t do so.

“More, I need more of that.” Monster Emperor’s eyes flashed with excitement. Excited, he was too excited.

He could sense that the blood and flesh being digested was filling up what his body lacked.

He thought that the evil G.o.d’s form was the final form.

But now, he noticed that it wasn’t, that wasn’t the final form.


“Hahaha, I caught you.” Lula laughed out loud. But shortly after, he screamed.

Heart-wrenching pain spread out from the hand that grabbed Monster Emperor.

That hand was disappearing at a visible speed.

When the hand was released, several sharp mouths appeared on Monster Emperor’s body. Those mouths bit Lula’s hand until only some bones were left.

Shortly after, in this desolate mountain range, screams spread out.

Within the screams, there were chewing sounds like someone was eating something.

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