Chapter 9.1

I was shocked by the fiancé announcement first thing in the morning so I began my day feeling blue although it was my long-awaited birthday.
But at least this engagement was still at the verbal agreement stage and wasn’t formalized yet.

「It had to be Alvin-sama, out of all the people! Amongst the 5 men, it had to be Alvin-sama who is the number 1 or 2 brute! It is like my life is barreling down the road of S torture, group play rape route in a straight line. Hey, Sebastian, are you listening seriously?」

Wearing a dress that was relatively easy to move in, I was clamoring while aiming for a gap in Karl’s defense.
It’s the usual combat training and today we were mainly doing close-combat.
After yesterday’s compet.i.tion(?)with Neil-sama, as expected, Karl had agreed with the opinion that it was indispendable to know how to fight without weapons. (TN: That question mark was part of the raws)

「It’s Karl. I am listening, that is to ojou-sama’s numerous remarks which are inappropriate for a lady.」

「But it is the truth so it can’t be helped, right? I can live like a quiet ojou-sama without talking dirty if I wanted to, you know. (TN: Okay. I totally guessed this line. Take a whack at it? わたしだってできることなら汚れなきお嬢様としておっとりと暮らしたいわよ)」

「I think “quiet” would be impossible. Because Ojou-sama is too rash.」

「You have to be rude each and every time, huh!」

Karl avoided my kick, seamlessly closed in, and landed a hit on me.

「Move your body rather than your mouth. Your defense is weak.」


I couldn’t defend against Karl’s strike which came flying suddenly and received a blow. I fell over and toppled onto the ground.

Curling up my body while grimacing in pain, I cast a recovery spell using the last of my MP and the pain gradually subsided.

Demon, devil, ruthless demon king*!
Can’t he go easy on a girl who has received such a shock?!
Don’t hit me so seriously to the extent that my breathing stopped for an instant!

「You do not have enough skill that you have time to waste your breath on idle chatter with me. You seem to really like rolling on the ground like a worm. We will stop here for today as no matter what I say, it will be pointless towards a fool who can’t even grasp her own abilities.」

Karl said while looking down at me with eyes filled with disdain.
I glared at the back which had promptly turned back towards the mansion, leaving the downed me.
And all the while, my tears spilled due the pain and vexation.

Karl was acting as if yesterday’s thing didn’t happen at all and was calmly doing his work as always.
Of course, this morning’s training was merciless too.
I exhausted my magical power and strength as usual and let Ellen take care of me as I kept my tears at bay whilst succ.u.mbing to the frustration of being completely defeated again. After removing my muddy dress and washing away all the sweat and tears, I was clad in a different ojou-sama-like dress.

This afternoon, there will be a private celebration for my birthday.
After a light meal, this time I changed into a party dress and my hair was done up.
In this world, one is recognized as an adult when one becomes 18. Therefore, there is a formal debut into high society.
A fiancé is often decided when one turns 18. However, by no means would I have imagined that I would be informed precisely on the day of my birthday, ne?

TN: I realized that Flora only seems like she works hard because she has been training daily for years and is always thinking about fighting (even when she shouldn’t), but actually, she’s a coward and complains a lot. How can you improve if you want Karl to go easy on you and cry every time you go down? Also, I noticed she casts her healing spells without restraint for every little thing.

Ugyuu! ⇒ Sound effect of being hit. Like Ugh! Or something like that.Demon, devil, ruthless demon king! ⇒ In order, it said: Oni (which can also be devil or ogre), (which can also be demon), Maou (it says devil king in the dictionary but stories usually translate maou as a demon king, like the one that needs to be subjugated by a hero)

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