I read in a books that when your meeting an alien, you should show no hostility and responded resolutely, while also thinking that you are the representative of the planet.

As for these words, There is also a theory that based on the instruction given by the captain to the crew of the ship who found the New World during the great voyage. But when we a.s.sume that, then it may be the words that started to be said around Spain.

I remembered that, this is the first contact for humanity (Excluding the Goat) and I became so tense.

But it was a turtle that appeared.

However this is a turtle no matter where you look, it is nothing but a turtle.

This is tough! I did not a.s.sume it at all.

The first contact with the alien (excluding the goat after all) was to be in this way!

I was desperate for a while and hesitated, but I came to a conclusion.

Is this an alien I cannot be hostile with? Yes, so just act properly as a representative of the planet!

For me who slowly step forward (only for turtle) I brought my right hand to his throat.

"Warewareha chikyuujin da [What are you doing!]"
(TN: Outside the [] is written in katakana. So i just write the romanji)

The deadly throat chop-type aliens greeting, called the first killing, failed instantly.

"Warewa [Stop!]"

I thought about the possibility that I did not hear it well so I try it again, and the Tsukkomi was earlier this time. In spite of being a turtle.

"Wa [Get angry]"

I"m sorry. The third time it was in tune. I am not an entertainer in Osaka, so I will not accept it as much as I repeat.



One man and one animal glare for a while.

.... Tsui.

It was me who give up first, and averted my eyes. Don"t say loser. I just have no experienced to glare at a turtle.

"You - speak - j.a.pa - nese, - right?"(Minoru)

"Why broken language?"(Turtle)

There is no particular meaning. I have already make a lot of mistake. As I did not think that the conversation was established at the very beginning…… I decided to dodge it. 

"I am Daviehun Rougdie, the languages ​​you use have already been transferred by Fudierit."(Turtle)

It was good because I was curious about what to do with the conversation. It seems like a j.a.panese proficiency kit is made and packaged.

That must be it.

"Are you Minoru-dono?"

"Yes, I am ... um ..., Da.. Davieyhun-san?"

"It is Daviehun Rougdie, If it is difficult to say, you can be Davy."

"Yes, thank you"

By the flow of the story I registered a call with the turtle.

"I am doing an investigation of many ruins specially ancient ruins. Our team is excellent. They will be heading here by s.p.a.ceship, but they will arrive three days later. It"s rare for us to come here because there are just few manned planets in the western star region, it was quite an ear to hear that there is a ruin in this star."

Indeed, is this place in the western star region? I do not really understand.

"How long have you been researching on ancient ruins?"

Although I did not want to know, but as I heard what the turtle said, I decided to ask.

"Well... I think approximately about 2000 years"

Amazing longevity, certainly he can be an expert as long as he continue studying .

I will recognized this turtle as professor turtle, in short Prokame.
(TN: Kame = Turtle)

I changed my wrist registration information of him to Prokame.

"I feel like I"m being insulted at some point"(Prokame)

"It"s just your imagination"

There is no tension on contact with an alien already.

"... Anyway.
Guide me to the ruins already"

Right, there"s no point wasting time in talking in such place.

As the turtle came closer, I lifted him with both of my hands.

Hold the turtle"s belly right in front and look into the tail from the bottom.

"... What are you doing?"(Turtle)

"Nothing, there"s no hair hanging[b.u.t.t hair]"

Well, after all they don"t have. To an old turtle.

"Why are you saying such rude things!"

"It"s just your imagination"

“Do you just check the presence of b.u.t.t hair all of a sudden!”

It seems that he will continue complaining if I it leave this way, so I decided to teleport at once.

……【Move Point】。

The scenery switched instantaneously, we appeared in the ruins.

"Ho.. Is this the ruins"

Although his feelings is hurt, when he saw the ruins, Prokame gave a cry of admiration.

"So how is it?"

"For now, it"s seems an architectural style I have not yet seen. I do not think there are any ruins discovered like this in a thousand years "

"It"s unexpected ... is it quite old?"

"In this wall surface, it was paint by the mucus of a worm species. Although it seems rare, once solidified, it has characterization that will stop aging. Besides, it seems there"s no air flow here. So there is a possibility that it is an older ruin than I thought because it has a weak environment."

Worm type ... It is the same as Mongolian Death Worm which is said to be in the Gobi desert. That is a UMA though.

"That"s why were investigating it"

"First of all, I conduct a preliminary investigation. There is no need for you to be here. I mean it will be dangerous. But I will a.s.sure you that it will be safe, so please rest a.s.sured."

After all it is dangerous.

"If it"s dangerous, should it be better to be not alone?"

"There is an investigation procedure in such things. I do not intend to enter in the first place anyway. It is many times dangerous for those who do not know anything, to wander around it."

Is it such a thing? If so, then I should return.

"The ship coming after three days, right?"(Minoru)

"Well, is there a s.p.a.ce that allows s.p.a.cecraft to land outside of this?"

"I think that the wilderness is spreading, so I think it"s okay."

"If so, communicate later so that they will get off directly.
Oh yeah, I do not mind whether you come here to see it if it did not disturb me particularly."

Is it OK to visit? As it seems interesting, I will come back to see you guys in three days.

"Are all the people coming later will be the same race?"

"Yes, because they need to live long, and a desire to learn, race that are good for exploring are rare"

I see, will the turtles come one after another?

Some of the hair may be stretched by as much as this one. I"m looking forward to it.(TN: b.u.t.t hair)

Prokame-san said he would measure the length of the building and went somewhere.

I decided to come back to earth after deciding to come here after three days later for the time being.

Author"s Note

What this .... the story is not progressing.

I wonder if there are such times as well.

The size of the turtle is about 30 cm, please think that it is like a green turtle rather than a tortoise.


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