Chapter 4

Few minutes later Fei Liang entered the room looking after Xiaxia.

Where is she *smirk*

She got probably jealous when she saw me with FaiFai and ran away.

Well, whatever I don"t care about where she is, all I wanna do know is taking a shower.

When he enterd the bathroom he saw me laying on the ground...

Oh s.h.i.t Xiaxia, wake up Xiaxia

*shakes my body * oh no she is getting a fever, her body is hot!

He left me up to the bed...

And began to shake my body.

How long will she be unconscious.. *sigh*..

I shouldn"t do that to her...*Sigh* I"m... Sorry Xiaxia.

Where am I? I asked
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You are in our room of course!

Oh... Where is your girlfriend...why don"t you just go to her??

*ignore* walks to the kitchen.

What an a.s.shole and a cheater!

Sure, do whatever you want ignore me and go to your girlfriend, you player

I stood up and walked towards the bed, took a book about love and began reading.

As soon as I opened the book my phone rang which means I got a message I looked at it and it was Mark!

- Hey babe, why are so angry, come to the beach I"m waiting for you.

- Nothing... WAIT!! you are here.. I"m coming, I missed you so much oppa*

I quickly ran to him without realizing that I have fever I was so happy.

I searched after him and as soon as I saw him I rushed and hugged him

Oppa I missed....I cut off and hugged Mark as soon as I saw Fei Liang with that women walking towards me without noticing that I was standing in front of them...

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