I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1260 Envoy-cla.s.s Stars.h.i.+p

Chapter 1260 Envoy-cla.s.s Stars.h.i.+p

After the conversation with Verdell Taylor, the a.s.sistant walked in and placed a cup of fragrant coffee on his desk.“I have already added sugar, please drink it slowly.” With a charming smile, the a.s.sistant said gently, “Is there anything else?”

“Nothing… um, can you please send these doc.u.ments to CEO Xia’s office?” Jiang Chen looked at the doc.u.ments that had been signed on the table and pa.s.sed them to her. “Let her… Ha, please ask her to send the file coded N101 file for Future Heavy Industries to my mailbox.”

Because he was too sleepy, Jiang Chen couldn’t stop yawning.

When his eyes met with the grin of the a.s.sistant, Jiang Chen immediately knew what she had in mind, so he stared back.

The girl immediately hid her smile and lowered her head. She held onto the doc.u.ments and secretly spat out her tongue before she left the office in quick steps.

He looked at the closed door, smiled and shook his head. Then he sipped on the coffee.

“Not too bad.”

He put aside the slightly hot coffee and opened the holographic computer on his desk.

Soon, an email was sent to his computer via Jean.

[No. N101, Security Level S]

The content recorded in this email was the highest level of confidentiality for Future Heavy Industries. However, the information won’t be confidential in a few days because the world would soon learn the contents contained in this email.

When he clicked open the email, the pale blue lines emerged from the holographic screen, and a three-dimensional image was interwoven in front of Jiang Chen.

Suspended in the air was a long and magnificent s.h.i.+p. The streamlined hull gave off an unparalleled sci-fi vibe. The giant engines that occupied the entire rear of the s.h.i.+p and the frightening guns located in the front all fulfilled a young boy’s dream.

The s.h.i.+p looked like something from a movie.

Of course, it was not model from a movie.

At this moment, at the s.h.i.+pyard outside of Celestial Trade, the million-ton s.h.i.+p named “Envoy-cla.s.s” entered the final commissioning stage.

With his fingers extended, Jiang Chen gently clicked on the figure of the stars.h.i.+p, and the transparent text box immediately appeared beside his hand. A line of light blue text emerged in the form of a textbox and the parameters of the stars.h.i.+p were detailed in front of his eyes.


Envoy-cla.s.s Stars.h.i.+p.

s.h.i.+p Name: Unnamed

Tonnage: One million tons.

Main Weapon: Ma.s.s Accelerator (located at the head of the s.h.i.+p, capable of installing electromagnetic catapult carrier, can be used to launch electromagnetic acceleration ma.s.s sh.e.l.ls.)

Sub-weapon: None.

Staff: 2000 Personnel.

Main Engine: One Lightning 01 Engine (nuclear fusion engine with magnetic constrain nuclear fusion technology, located at the rear of the s.h.i.+p, providing longitudinal thrust for the entire stars.h.i.+p in cruise mode.)

Secondary Engine: Two Shuttle 09 engines (the improved version of the original Shuttle 07 engine, using ion propulsion technology, located at the front and rear section at the bottom of the stars.h.i.+p, providing omni-direction thrust for the stars.h.i.+p in non-cruising mode.)

Completion: 100%


In accordance with the plan developed by the Earth Defense Alliance Committee, this Envoy-cla.s.s stars.h.i.+p did not mount any weapon module except for the ma.s.s accelerator almost the same length as the hull, located at the axial position of the s.h.i.+p.

It was no exaggeration to say that the tonnage of the Envoy-cla.s.s stars.h.i.+p could outcla.s.s an entire aircraft carrier battle group.

Unlike marine s.h.i.+ps, stars.h.i.+p allowed for more creativity in design. As long as the strength of material permitted and the engine power was sufficient, without considering the cost, Future Heavy Industries could double the tonnage of the stars.h.i.+p, but it would be unnecessary.

The significance of the “Envoy-cla.s.s” was mainly to achieve a breakthrough from zero to one. The s.h.i.+p would be the training ground for the officers and combatants of the future Earth Defense Alliance fleet. The current tonnage would be more than sufficient for this task.

What’s more, increasing the tonnage to the stars.h.i.+p would not necessarily have a positive impact on the combat effectiveness. The key was to use every inch of s.p.a.ce available to maximize the power per tonnage.

Therefore, future million-ton cla.s.s stars.h.i.+p would be based on Envoy-cla.s.s and further modified. Once the design was optimized, the tonnage would be increased to the next threshold.

It was also the direction Jiang Chen gave to Future Heavy Industries.

“Jean, search in the database for me. Look at how long until the completion of the Envoy-cla.s.s,” Jiang Chen leaned back against his chair and said to the air.

The signal light of the watch flickered, and the holographic appearance of Jean appeared beside his hand.

A stream of data flashed through Jean’s pupils, and she quickly replied.

“Based on the latest information on file, the main engine circuit review has been completed. Only the last two inspection steps are needed. It is expected to be officially completed in mid-April.”

Jiang Chen nodded.

“What about Future Military? How is the progress on the weapon module?”


Another stream of data appeared.

Soon, a list was presented to Jiang Chen.

When Future Heavy Industries built the fleet, Future Military was also busy working.

From missile launchers to s.h.i.+p-borne electromagnetic pulse cannons, to weapons such as high-power laser beams beyond this era, even plasma torpedoes that were still in the experimental stage… Any weapons that Pan-Asia Cooperation once thought of, Jiang Chen established corresponding projects.

Although based on the plan of the Earth Defense Alliance, this first-generation stars.h.i.+p was designed for training and designing purposes with no weapons installed. But when necessary, the stars.h.i.+p could be fully equipped with weapon modules that rule the Solar System.

Just as Jiang Chen appreciated the results of Future Military, there was a knock on his door

His index finger swiped in the air, and all the holographic screens and three-dimensional images were gathered together. Jiang Chen then looked to the door.

“Please come in.”

The door was pushed open, and a rare guest, Dr. Amos, came in.

“Is there something you need?” Jiang Chen looked at him in surprise.

“It’s about Project 071.” After he grabbed a chair, Amos sat down. It seemed that he felt that he was a bit too casual as he looked at Jiang Chen apologetically and asked, “Umm, you don’t mind right–”

“Of course not, just sit down.” Jiang Chen laughed. “Compared to the small details, I’m more fascinated with what you discovered.”

“I found the lost drone.”

“You found it!?” Jiang Chen looked at him, astounded, as he immediately sat up straight.

“Yes.” Amos nodded and said seriously. “Not just that. I also found some special things in the ruins through the drone. Perhaps those things can explain why we encountered those monsters on Mars.”

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