I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1444: Typhoon “Banyan”

Chapter 1444: Typhoon “Banyan”

At noon, a layer of dense black clouds covered the originally vast blue sky above Penglai.

The air felt damp and dry, and even the sound of the sea tides was mixed with a bit of hoa.r.s.eness. The pedestrians quickened their steps to the subway as they hoped they could return to their home or the hotel they stayed at before the storm arrived.

The majestic Penglai stood tall upon the ebb and flow of the tide, just like the mythical island that shared its name, the city was like a fairy mountain floating on the ocean.

As the crystallization of the best technology in the world, the combination of the greatest achievements of architecture and materials science, this city that floated in the vast ocean was undoubtedly the brightest pearl on the Pacific Ocean. More than three million tourists were active in this futuristic city and the permanent population was more than three times that number.

With a pair of AR gla.s.ses, the distance from the virtual world would be infinitely close to zero inside this city.

People were fascinated by the freshness brought by the next era and admired the technology of Future Group. Whether it was the countless holographic screens or the drones that constantly flowed above the city, every detail of this city was so captivating.

“Cordis, look over there, it’s amazing, how did they come up with the idea to use these gadgets to deliver packages? G.o.d, are they not afraid of things falling down and hitting people?” A female tourist from Sweden yelled out as she pointed at the series of drones that pa.s.sed through the tall buildings.

While she had seen the scene on the news before, the astonishment she experienced with her own eyes was far greater than the images on TV.

In the years when Freemasonry was in confrontation with Future Group, few products pa.s.sed EU’s product quality and safety law, let alone courier drones. Many Europeans didn’t realize the seriousness of the disconnection between their country and the times until they had been to Xin or the surrounding countries.

“Built by Future Heavy Industries. Those who can work there are monsters. I wouldn’t be surprised by anything they design… d.a.m.n, the weather is so hot, babe, should we go back to the hotel soon? It looks like it’s going to be a heavy rainstorm,” The man with curly hair looked at the dark clouds in the sky and said lethargically.

The weather forecast yesterday said it was sunny, but this clearly did not look sunny?

At this moment, the holographic screens around the street suddenly changed. The news anchor in a suit and tie reported.

“Reporting on an updated weather forecast.”

“Typhoon ‘Banyan’ has pa.s.sed through the Mariana Islands ten minutes ago and is expected to travel northwest along the Pacific Rim’s volcanic belt in the next ten days, pa.s.sing through the Philippine Sea, and reaching the Dongsha Islands. According to the latest information from the Xin Meteorological Bureau, Banyan’s central pressure index is expected to exceed 10 million pascal, and the maximum wind speed near the center is expected to be 35 meters per second, which can be categorized as a category 5 typhoon.”

“The route originally scheduled for December 25 is temporarily canceled. Penglai will move along the original route to the northern waters of Coro Island. The Xin Meteorological Bureau is reminding citizens and tourists to minimize marine sports in the near future to avoid potential accidents.”

After the anchor spoke in the official language Mandarin, he repeated it in different languages.

About five minutes later, the interrupted weather forecast was finally over, the holographic screens in the streets and alleys returned to normal, and the temporarily suspended programs continued to be shown. However, Cordis and his girlfriend stood there in a daze as they listened to the discussions around them.

“Oh, d.a.m.n, our Christmas may have to be spent in the rain.”

“Typhoon? How did a typhoon suddenly appear?”

“I don’t know, maybe someone from the Meteorology Bureau has misread the satellite cloud pictures? It’s not like it has never happened before.”

What surprised Cordis was not the typhoon, but the att.i.tude of the people living here. Even with a typhoon approaching, the way they spoke about the typhoon sounded like they were just discussing ordinary “bad weather”.

So nonchalant?

This is a typhoon!

Although Cordis had never seen a typhoon in person, he could still feel the horrifying power of the typhoon based on the news. However, the people on the streets only sped up to avoid the potential heavy rain, they did not have more reactions and did not panic at all.

Cordis did not understand, all the tourists who came to Penglai did not understand.

For people that lived here for a long time, breaking news weather forecasts were common. As for typhoon and hurricane warnings, they were nothing new.

There was nothing to worry about at all.

Even if the typhoon was moving in their direction, it was as simple as making a turn for Penglai. The only pity part was that with only a dozen hours left before Christmas, they would have to spend it in the downpouring rain.

A hundred nautical miles from the Mariana Islands, a cruise s.h.i.+p undulated in the rough sea. The flag hung on the mast was blown loudly by the gusting wind, and the people on the deck grasped tightly on the railing, for fear that they could be blown away at any moment.

Zhang Yaping looked at the lightning in the distance dumbfoundedly. As his attention slipped for a second, his mouth was filled with heavy wind.

He lowered his head and patted his chest for a while before he finally got his composure back and squeezed a sentence from the slits between his teeth.

“…The person who designed this weapon must be crazy.”

It was the closest location to the edge of the typhoon and the closest location this cruise s.h.i.+p could approach. Although the wind was strong, it was generally safe. If they were a few nautical miles further in, the deck would be unsafe.

Zhang Yaping was forcibly dragged here from his Presidential Palace by Jiang Chen. At first, Zhang Yaping was curious about this trip, but now the only thought in his head was to get out of this place.

“Crazy? Haha, perhaps! But it is said that this thing was designed to avoid economic losses caused by natural disasters.” The howling wind blew up the hair on his forehead. Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes as he focused on the plaster-like milky white air ma.s.s at the horizon, he raised his voice and shouted, “And we just amplified, amplified, and then amplified its function! And with proper guidance, natural disasters can appear in specific areas, and it will become a weapon.”

“It’s said that?” Zhang Yaping tightly grabbed onto the railing with both of his hands as he looked at Jiang Chen unexpectedly.

It is said?

Didn’t you make this thing?

“That’s right,” Jiang Chen nodded in the strong wind, and even though it was not easy to do so, he still squeezed a smile from his stiffened face, “It is said.”

In fact, including the Holy s.h.i.+eld System, many dark technologies before 2150 were designed with good intentions. It was not until the economic crisis that hit the world that they gradually deteriorated under the influence of some ambitious schemers.

“What I want to ask is how far can this thing affect?” Zhang Yaping laboriously spoke against the howling wind, “Don’t tell me that we have to create this giant thing in front of our door every time and then push it out.”

“Of course not!” Jiang Chen laughed, “Every inch of land, ocean, and glacier shrouded by the atmosphere is under the interference of our ‘weather forecast’! As long as I want, I can create a sandstorm in the Sahara Desert on the other side of the Earth! The only question is how much energy is needed!”

“This is simply…” Zhang Yaping swallowed down the dry lump in his throat

“What only G.o.d can do, you want to say this, right?” Jiang Chen laughed and patted Zhang Yaping on the shoulder, “Let’s go, I’ve seen enough. It’s time to go back!”

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