I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 899: Completion of the Underwater Tunnel

Chapter 899: Completion of the Underwater Tunnel

Translator: _Min_ Editor: Rundi

“At nine o’clock on November 6th, a SUV that drove into the Synagogue located in Pilsen, Czech Republic, caught on fire. When the SUV crashed into the church, the vehicle exploded. The Pilsen Fire Department dispatched immediately, but when the fire engine arrived, the church was completely swallowed by flames.”

“A total of 31 people were killed and 57 suffered burns of varying degrees. The vehicle was remotely controlled and contained highly adhesive fuel. At present, the Pilsen City Police Force has initially determined that this incident to be a terrorist attack against Jews. The Czech President made a speech in front of the media, declaring the Czech Republic to enter a state of emergency and Pilsen to be placed under martial law. When asked how long the martial law would last, the Czech President did not explicitly give an answer. He only said that martial law’s duration would be further discussed at parliament…”

The news on the television showed the horrific incident that occurred in Czech Republic and once again was another blow to the Western world deeply traumatized by terrorism.

In contrast, the gunfight that took place on Venice Street in Los Santos was forgotten by the media.

After all, the death of a group of UA and Xin citizens was far less compelling compared to what happened here.

In particular, there were exactly thirteen chairmen of European conglomerates that were praying in this humble church…

Ayesha, with a plate, walked next to Jiang Chen. She gently placed a gla.s.s of milk and golden fried rice in front of him.

A follow-up report of the Pilsen Attack was shown on television. Ayesha’s expression didn’t look any different, as if it had nothing to do with her.

“The FTSE 100 Index opened at 7,121 points, diving 4.3%, the French CAC40 index opened at 4,441.7 points, down 2.0%, the German DAX30 index opened at 10,610.8 points, a substantial plunge of 5.7%.” While drinking milk, Xia s.h.i.+yu concentrated on the newspaper, “Shanghai, Shenzhen, and the Nikkei rose slightly, and the Dow Jones Index rebounded slightly after being down at the open…”

With a sigh, she put down the cup.

“The economic crisis has already begun.”

With half a half cup of milk down, the corner of her mouth was still stained with white milk. Perhaps she realized this, she subconsciously licked it with her tongue.

The action was especially seductive, although she did not realize this, Jiang Chen who sat next to her closed his legs.

Xia s.h.i.+yu noticed that the way Jiang Chen sat seemed a bit unusual. She looked to his side with a puzzled expression.

“Any questions?”

“No, no! Ahem, speaking of this… Economic crisis, is it related to this?” Jiang Chen hurriedly pointed to the report on TV, and followed her last sentence to change the subject.

After listening to Jiang Chen’s question, Xia s.h.i.+yu nodded approvingly.

“There is no direct connection. This economic crisis is due to causes from a long time ago. From the recent soaring oil prices, it is a glimpse of the cause. But to some extent, this attack could be considered the tipping point.”

As Xia s.h.i.+yu explained, she spread the newspaper in her hands and turned to another panel. She did not know the connection between the attack and the Los Santos Incident, the Freemasonry, Jiang Chen, and Ghost Agents. She just a.n.a.lyzed the issue from an objective point of view.

Looking down at Xia s.h.i.+yu’s slender fingers, Jiang Chen saw the t.i.tle on the newspaper, which seemed to be about European inheritance taxes.

“The key lies in the people who died in this attack. Among them are the Chairman of the Krupp Group, the Director and CEO of Luxembourg’s Albed Steel Group, the Executive Director of Siemens… and even the second order of Rothschild Bank. In addition to the last one, these people are the real power figures of the European capital.”

Speaking of this, Xia s.h.i.+yu pushed up her gla.s.ses and a flash of sharpness showed in her eyes.

“The unexpected incident has made the European economy, which is already stagnant, even worse, and even pulled down the North American economy. In contrast, the long suppressed Asian market has rebounded. If we look at this from this perspective, our departure from the European market appears be a correct decision.”

“Are you not going to praise me?” Jiang Chen joked.

“You just got lucky.” Xia s.h.i.+yu glared at the c.o.c.ky Jiang Chen and scoffed him.

Jiang Chen shrugged and did not deny this point.

After the start of the war with the Freemasonry, many people in the group opposed the complete abandonment of the European market and excessive investment in Asia, but only he insisted on making this decision.

Even now, this decision was absolutely without support. If it were not for the fact that he was the only on the board, this decision would not have pa.s.sed at all.

But as a result, this decision became worth celebrating…

Xia s.h.i.+yu finished her milk and looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s almost time, should we go to the company together?”

“I have a completion ceremony to attend to in the afternoon. I’ll be free in the morning. We can go together and I’ll just ride in your car.” Jiang Chen finished the remaining items on the table and looked at the plate in front of Xia s.h.i.+yu, “is it really okay for you to eat this little?”

Other than drinking the cup of milk, she only had an egg. It was only half past seven and more than four hours away from lunch

However, Xia s.h.i.+yu didn’t seem to mind but instead looked at Jiang Chen in confusion.

“Is it not a lot? But I’m already full.”

In mid-November, the underwater tunnel linking the Pannu nine islands was finally completed. In the future, citizens would no longer need to transfer to a ferry to travel from Coro Island to Ange Island. The journey would be completed through the highway connecting the nine main islands

The underwater pipeline made of graphene material was like a transparent crystal corridor. In this crystal corridor, the colorful corals, sh.e.l.ls and tropical fishes could be seen by lifting ones head. Even people with deep-sea phobia did not need to worry as cold lights were installed inside and outside the pipeline, enough to dispel fears caused by the deep ocean.

As for safety, the ability to withstand pressures over millions of pascal was indicative of the strength of graphene material at the depth of up to two hundred meters. The inner surface of the graphene pipe was coated with a fireproof layer, which also eliminated the danger that a car accident may cause fire. After all, fire was one of the few weaknesses of graphene material.

The Xin’s submarine highway surpa.s.sed the record of 123 kilometers set in the Bohai Bay underwater tunnel and became the longest underwater tunnel in the world!

As an investor in the highway, Jiang Chen partic.i.p.ated in the completion ceremony organized by the construction party.

In front of the crowded media lenses, the ribbon was cut.

After the cut, it was the opening ceremony.

Not only were the construction party and Future Group executives in charge of the project invited to attend the ceremony, the President of Xin, government officials, celebrities, and even foreign guests were also among the partic.i.p.ants. More than 70 guests partic.i.p.ated in the ceremony, boarding a fleet of vehicles that consisted of more than 30 luxury cars.

With the media following closely, Jiang Chen led this special fleet to complete the first trip on the submarine highway.

It was an extremely glamorous and extravagant ceremony!

The company that received the most highlight was the new energy automotive company Luer. As one of the sponsors of the ceremony, all vehicles were provided by either Luer or companies connected to Future Heavy Industries.

It was not just an opening ceremony. Rather, it was a large-scale promotion for pure electric vehicles. The auto market in Xin, in the past, had been very sluggish, and the reason nothing to do with per capita income. The main reason was transportation. If a car could only run in one city, there was really no need for a middle-cla.s.s family to buy a car.

However, the need would be different after the completion of the underwater tunnel.

In the foreseeable future, Xin’s automobile market would surely welcome a period of explosive growth. The focus of Future Group’s promotion would be on new energy vehicles!

Future Group planned to build thousands of wireless charging stations distributed throughout Xin, with an area of coverage even greater than gas stations!

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