Chapter 1071: Use Force

More than forty armored vehicles drove into the infected area, and when everyone thought it would be a military show put on by the UK, the situation took a dramatic turn in just a few minutes.

No one knew how intense the crossfire in the infected area was, but almost the entire world witnessed the result of this exchange of fire. Five out of the forty armored vehicles returned intact, and all the infantry units were lost. The rifles and cannons lost against bugs. Colonel Moston, who commanded the battle, could not accept this ending.

It was not only him, but the people all watching this event unfold also couldn’t accept this truth.

From City K to Yoto, the phrase “biohazard” repeatedly struck the fragile nerves of the global community. The concept that was originally thought to appear only in films and games turned into reality, and easily attracted global attention.

And panic…

On Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and other social platforms, the discussion about X2 bacteria intensified.

“The last time was the T virus, this time is the X2 bacteria? G.o.d, are the capitalists crazy? Is there any good for them to research something like this? The state should legislate to ban these dangerous experiments!”

“Unbelievable, it was really the British army that entered the zone. Are the British armored vehicles made out of paper? It’s just a group of mutants, just run them over! Could their teeth really pierce through the armor?”

“The Doomsday Survival Handbook, a decade-long doomsday enthusiast teaches you how to survive in the event of a doomsday. Quant.i.ty is limited, buy as soon as possible.”

“Send a peacekeeping force. This is not a national issue anymore. It’s a issue for the entire world…”

“I’m very curious now. Is there a research inst.i.tute in every Arrow military base?”


Colonel Moston couldn’t see what was being debated on social media. He was worried about how to explain this disastrous defeat to the Parliament and the Ministry of Defense. Two companies were lost inside without causing a splash.

G.o.d, the prime minister counted on him to deal with this with elegance and pull Finland into the family of NATO. Now, he was pale. He didn’t have the courage to develop a battle plan and didn’t want to send a single troop inside.

A division of force may not even be enough!

The Finnish government was anxious and even threatened that if they couldn’t handle the nest, they would contact Celestial Trade for a solution.

Moston sneered at the Finnish government’s statement, because it was not a question of combat effectiveness at all. If the armored vehicle could be melted by the acid, was the kinetic skeleton of Celestial Trade really harder than the armored vehicles?

The better plan was for scientists to study the X2 bacteria. Morton had a hunch that as long as scientists could develop something that could kill those spores, these mutants would vanish.

“I admit that we underestimated the strength of the nest. It is the wrong choice to send troops to the infected area rashly.” Standing in front of the media, Moston explained under pressure, “The research team from London is already studying the DNA structure of the spore. I believe it won’t take long for a method to be developed to inactivate the X2 bacteria.”

The reporter asked, “Colonel Moston, does this mean the Britain will give up military aid to Finland?”

“NATO will never give up on any friendly partners, but now this is not something that the British alone can solve.”


“G.o.d… look! What is it!”

Just as Colonel Moston was busy explaining to the media, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd next to him. A female reporter with a terrified expression, pointed at the infected area.

A “fireball” descended from the sky.

Even from a few kilometers away, the fireball breaking the sound barrier could still be clearly heard.

The lens previously focused on Colonel Moston zoomed to the airs.p.a.ce. Almost at the same time, the tremor was felt underneath everyone. While it shocked everyone’s eyes, it also shocked everyone’s mind.

Not surprisingly, it was the first time Celestial Trade’s s.p.a.ce-based weapons appeared in front of the media.

Moston was glad that the lens was not focused on him. He knew that at the time, he must have looked dumbfounded.

Far away in Murmansk, in the Presidential Suite Hotel, Jiang Chen sat on the sofa was his legs crossed, overlooking the battle through the holographic screen and remotely commanding the battle against the mutants.

s.p.a.ce-based weapons dispersed the spores outside the military base for a short period of time. After a round of bombardment, Jiang Chen saw the ground shatter through the satellite map.

“Hmmm? It didn’t collapse?” Staring at the holographic screen, Jiang Chen grunted.

In theory, even if the underground bunker was more than five hundred meters deep, it wouldn’t be able to block the attack from the tungsten bomb. The tungsten fell from the geosynchronous...o...b..t. Even if the five hundred meters were made of reinforced concrete, everything should have turned into dust by now.

The nest was indeed weird.

Jiang Chen’s eyeb.a.l.l.s moved around and issued an order to Ivan.

“Continue to bombard! Bomb until he shows himself!”

The mutants were resilient. Ordinary minor injuries only required a few seconds in the spore atmosphere before they could regenerate rapidly.

Although the British army carried out several rounds of bombing at theary bases, it did not cause many casualties to the mutants. Broken arms and broken legs may be fatal to humans, but for the organized mutants, they could recover by simply lying in the nest.

Even if the mutants were killed on spot, the body could be dragged back and turned into organic matter and re-hatched into new mutants.

What’s more, most of the aliens are hiding underground.

The operational plan formulated by Jiang Chen was very simple and very direct, it was to fatigue the enemy. Launching s.p.a.ce-based weapons constantly! As long as their defense could be broken, he would bombard until the nest is exposed!

This tungsten bombs were not aimed at the mutants but aimed to destroy the underground bunker. All the attack points converged to a ten-meters radius. Even with the incredible regeneration of the nest, the s.p.a.ce-based weapons’ vertical penetration ability was not to be matched!

Jiang Chen did not know that his simple and direct plan made Carmen suffer.

The first round, the second round… one round after another, the tungsten core bombs dropped down from the geosynchronous track. Jiang Chen burned money, and Carmen burned organic matter. Both sides were bleeding, but Carmen with limited resources, was more distressed.

Soon, the nest wouldn’t be able to repair itself.

Jiang Chen could see it visibly from the satellite image.

As the dust dissipated, the soil layer had completely been blown apart, exposing the staggered roots. Undoubtedly, the roots reinforced the underground bunker, and the soil reinforced the roots to create a concrete-like defense.

The nest vainly released spore, attempting to cover up its weakness, but Jiang Chen did not miss this opportunity and ordered Ivan to take advantage of this opportunity.

The bombardment from the orbit continued to strike down on Earth. When the Stingray C-1 deployed dropped the last tungsten rod, the tentacles covering the underground bunker also shattered. The nest without defense exposed the flesh bubbles hidden underground.

Jiang Chen knew that the opportunity had come and immediately ordered Ivan to move.

“The nest has been exposed, stop the bombardment. Order the Third Power Armor Brigade to airborne!”

“Roger!” Ivan shouted with confidence.

The constant striking stopped, 15 minutes already pa.s.sed since the first tungsten rodlanded. The reporters, soldiers, and townspeople in Paltak were still dumbfounded. Their head looked up, staring at the clear airs.p.a.ce.

Colonel Moston opened his mouth but couldn’t say a word. The Finnish Defense Minister, who was standing next to him, was full of regrets. He wished that he asked Celestial Trade to do the deed from the start. As for the reporters, they were thinking what rhetoric they should use to narrate the destructive “air strike.”

Everyone was still immersed in a state of amazement.

Just when everyone thought that everything was over, rows of flame trails soared down from the clear sky…

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