I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1191 The Battle Of Non-Humans

Chapter 1191 The Battle Of Non-Humans

Blue electric arcs began to spark out from Old Luo’s arms. The silver ray between his fingers instantly liquefied when the electric arc pa.s.sed through. Liquid began to flow out from his sleeves and formed into a s.h.i.+ny spear in his hands.

Lu Sen’s pupils shrunk, and in the eyes full of rage, there was the slightest anxiety.

The implausible event that just unfolded in front of him was beyond his knowledge.

Wan Peng, standing in the back, narrowed his eyes.

“Liquid metal and hidden genetic code of electricity? Or… are you a modified human?”

He heard about a form of liquid alloy that could undergo solid-liquid transformation under a certain voltage.

“Who knows? Maybe it’s magic? Spells? Not sure.” Old Luo laughed, as he spun the spear in his hands, then he pointed it at Lu Sen who had transformed into a mutated human. “I am afraid this is not a simple carbonization. This layer of carbon is probably stronger than graphene.”

Wan Peng chuckled and his right hand hid in his sleeve, as if he was holding onto something.

“Magic? Haha, a lame joke. Lu Sen, kill him!”


The roar seemed to create sound ripples.

Lu Sen ran to the maglev rail. Both of his hands grabbed onto the steel bars used to pin down the rails.

With an angry low-pitched roar, the bolts on the steel bar popped off from the immense force. The concrete foundation underneath began to crack as the three-meter-long steel bar was yanked up!

“Oh, interesting.”

With another spin of the silver spear, Old Luo swiftly dashed forward and aimed directly at Lu Sen’s chest.



With the fierce spear penetrating through the air, it was met by a crisp clank. The steel bar and the silver spear clashed together, but then quickly separated again.

Old Luo had a look of shock in his eyes, without stopping his next attack, he pushed the spear three times in a row, but received three “clanks” in return.

The steel bar hundreds of kilograms in weight was spun by Lu Sen like a propeller. With a speed no inferior to his, Lu Sen dashed toward him. The furious stance was like a berserker and he used his steel bar as a battle axe!

The situation seemed to have reversed.

Old Luo was forced to defend and was caught in a downturn. In the violent attacks of Lu Sen, he could only move back in defense

Suddenly, he seemed to have lost his balance, as if he had stepped on something, and then tumbled two steps back.

Lu Sen did not let go of this opportunity as a viscous sneer formed. He swung the steel bar and knocked away Old Luo’s spear, then he used the momentum to raise the steel bar above his head, then slammed down at the tumbling Old Luo!


The spear was bent significantly.

His feet also seeped half an inch into the soil. Old Luo was forced to kneel on one knee as he used both hands to hold onto the spear to parley the thunderous swing.

Blood rushed to his mouth and dripped out from the corner of his lips. He was not in the best state

“Hahaha, where are you hiding now?!” Lu Sen laughed violently, exerting more force down.

The outcome was determined!

However, when he thought victory was inevitable, he did not pay attention to Old Luo’s troubled face. Old Luo suddenly smiled as if his plan succeeded.

“Why should I hide?”

The blue arcs exploded. Before Lu Sen could react, the electric arcs rushed from the silver spear to the steel bar and into his arms.


The jumping electric arc flowed through him, forcing every inch of his hair to stand up. With the same posture of swinging down the steel bra, Lu Sen collapsed stiffly on the ground, unable to move his body due to paralysis.

Can’t move!

A drop of sweat dripped down from Lu Sen’s forehead.

Just when he was desperately trying to move his body again, he saw that Old Luo had already stood up with the support of the silver spear.

“Go to h.e.l.l.”

There was no nonsense this time, and the silver spear formed a beautiful mirage in the air.

The electric arc danced at the tip of the spear. Like lightning, the spear penetrated the carbon layer and created a giant hole in Lu Sen’s left chest.


Blood gushed out from Lu Sen’s mouth. His trembling hands moved to the spear in his left chest as disbelief widened his eyes. His swelled muscles could not move even a single bit.


He previously tested his own carbonization ability and it could resist bullets from an anti-equipment rifle! How could it be penetrated by a spear!

“Off you go…”

Muttering to himself, Old Luo stepped on Lu Sen’s chest and his hand jerked backwards.

The silver spear was pulled out from Lu Sen’s chest. With blood gus.h.i.+ng out two meters high, the mutated warrior, with his eyes wide open, slowly collapsed to the ground and no longer breathed.

Old Luo took two seconds to catch his breath before he loosened his grip and the silver spear formed into countless droplets, returning to his sleeve.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he turned around as his entire body wsa shaking, and looked at Wan Peng standing still.

“Manager Wan, you’re next.”


The endless explosion, followed by tremors, came from under everyone’s feet.

The CCCP soldiers who were inspecting the ground and the walls inch by inch with detectors stopped their work and looked at the deep, dark end of Line 27.

Yegor frowned and looked to the front on the tank turret.

“That’s the direction of Line 2,” Sminov said. “It should have been from that direction.”

“Yes, and no.”

“Well?” Sminov looked at the commander in confusion.

Yegor’s battletested expression showed a shrewdness that did not belong.

“Dear Comrade Sminov, try to recall the sound just now. Did you not notice anything odd?”

Sminov looked at his commander, dumbfounded.

Yegor shook his head and did not explain himself. He looked at the engineer soldiers outside the tank and ordered.

“Check the wall on the right hand side!”


The engineer soldiers saluted and rushed in the direction pointed by Yegor. They took out the detectors and pushed them against the wall.

However, after a while, the detectors did not show any abnormalities. The parameters all showed solid dirt was behind the wall.

“Report, no abnormalities found!”

Yegor sneered.

“No abnormalities?”

No abnormalities is a abnormality!

The sound was clearly coming from right along the ground, but the wall did not transmit any sound. This sound insulation effect was superb, but why would there be a soundproof wall used in a subway tunnel buried under hundreds of meters? Are they worried about disturbing people?

I am afraid there are other mysteries hidden behind this wall.

Yegor waved and signaled an engineer soldier to walk up. Then he whispered a few words to him before gesturing.

The engineer soldier immediately jogged forward, found a position on the wall, painted a large red cross with a marker, and then threw a burning rod on the ground before he quickly retreated to a very distant position.

Yegor pressed on his headset as he looked at the red cross.

“…All tank units, replace the ammo with bunker destructor, and aim at the target position.”

The muzzles of the twelve tanks moved slowly, aiming right at the red cross on the wall.

“Three, two, one, fire!”

With Yegor’s order, twelve gun barrels fired simultaneously.

The deafening sound of the cannons echoed in the tunnel, and the half-meter thick concrete wall collapsed and fell backwards.

A hidden pa.s.sage appeared behind the broken pieces of concrete blocks.

With an ecstatic expression, Yegor smiled.

Finally, I FOUND IT!

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