Happy Chinese New Year

Editor: Hotaru

On orders from the local alien, Yi Ti quietly searched for "toys".  Her heart was very sad. “Hey, Cecil, do you really think this type of thing is for me?” What does he see her as in the end eh?

Cecil replied, “Age ranges select young children.”

Yi Ti: “…”

Tears p.r.i.c.ked her eyes.

“This is it.”

She looked at the object pointed to by the tentacles and read out the name of the object: "Thought Converter". The introduction stated that it was to transport pictures to the mind to help the child better understand the world.

Sounds like a high-end, but in the end what did that mean?

Yi Ti then asked: “Why should I buy this?”

“When you read a book, you always say, ‘I wish this were a comic,"” Cecil replied, ” I thought it might help you.”

Not all races in the universe were blessed to be able to learn by receiving information directly to the brain. Instead, like Earth, many species must "learn". For those species, this technology came into being specifically to improve learning efficiency.

For example, when an adult “Jelly Star” teaches children a word or concept, if the word or concept can not be explained clearly, you can use the thought converter.  The concept is beamed as a picture directly to the brain on a type of "screen" that the child can see.  To show mastery of the word or concept, the child can then imagine it and the teacher can check it on a receiver.

“It sounds awesome,” she responded at once, so it seemed to be true! Basically, someone could show something directly to her mind and she could show someone her thoughts?

“It"s not as convenient as you think.” Cecil shook his tentacles, “In order for it to work to the extent you want, you have to adjust the machine.” He had gathered information that day to learn what comics were. That primitive and special expression may be preserved only on Earth, as opposed to other planets that can easily make short films by with the aid of tools. Although the picture is still, but you can feel the silent movement.

“Adjustment? How do you do that?”

Cecil"s voice was full of pleasure: “I will take care of it.” Although he has no talent in medicine, he can help her in this respect. “However, my tools are back at home. Help me buy a simple kit? ”

“No problem!”

Thus, with a “thought converter”, a “mini-tool kit”, and some postage, the remaining points were spent.

Yi Ti was a little worried about this, but she was more excited about her exposure to these new things.

After handing over the converter and tool kit to Cecil and telling him not to use energy, Yi Yi sprinted into the cave, sprinkled the new seeds, and began to water them with Essence water. After she had exhausted all of the essence water, tired, she went to see Cecil about the recipe.

What can you say?

The galactic formula and the ancient recipe were really very different.

The former described amounts of herbs in numbers up to three decimal points, while the latter generally only used ratios to express the amounts. (Ed/n example: 2 parts thyme to 3 parts mint)

Yi Ti: “…”

Suddenly, she remembered watching cooking shows where they added the “right amount” of ingredients without giving amounts. Maddening!

In order to be more prepared if the bought herbs matured, Yi Ti decided to practice first using common earth herbs.

Yi Ti decided she would make one of the recipes out of the ancient book.  The original recipe was for "Rejuvenation Elixir".  According to the book, as long as the injured person had breath left in their body, if they drank this elixir, the body"s wounds would disappear leaving no scars.  Because her master was unable to find most of the herbs, he had tried changing the formula.  The final result was that although the elixir had a healing effect, it was much worse than the original and so he lazily called it "Small Rejuvenation Elixir".

Yi Ti found several of the herbs she needed in the medicine field of her s.p.a.ce.  Instead of going to cut them up or dig them out, she sat cross-legged next to one of the plants and took a deep breath.  She then held her outstretched hand above one of the herbs and focused on the herb.  A drop of green liquid gradually floated up from the plant leaving the plant looking wilted and not nearly as healthy.  That was because she had removed the essence of the plant, leaving the plant still alive.

This  was the philosophy of the Plant Divine Spiritualists; take the essence of the plant but not its life.  This also gave the plant the chance to recover so it could be "harvested" again.  As long as there was enough Aura, the plant will always recover.  The problem was the amount of time it took.

This was probably the reason why people who have the divine spiritualist talent are particularly favored by the plants, they never want to deprive the plants of their lives.

But to be honest, Yi Ti felt that any person who could clearly perceive the emotions of these plants would find it difficult to kill the plants. Now that she could, digging them up seemed to be a bit rude.

After taking several herb essences, Yi Ti studied the various colored drops floating in the air.  She recalled the formula that she had read only to realize she didn"t actually have to think about it.  Somehow, she could feel what was needed.  Driven by that feeling, Yi Ti gently waved her hands.  Each drop split into smaller drops and various amounts of these drops melded together in front of her.

Yi Ti felt the drop in front of her was more of a "hodgepodge" and she frowned slightly.  It just didn"t feel right..

Subconsciously, she flicked her fingers and a drop emerged from the concoction and went back to it"s original essence drop.

Her brow furrowed as the concoction in front of her mixed together.  Suddenly, it exuded a refreshing scent of medicine. At the same time, the original clear green color gradually turned white.

During this process, Yi Ti could feel less and less Aura in her body..

Finally, she felt the depletion stop.

She took out an empty bottle left by the master, hooked the finger toward the concoction, and watched as it spontaneously flew into the bottle. While she was bottling the elixir, the unused bits of essence returned to the plants they had come from.

Yi Ti readily put the drug to the side, and began the breath training. The Aura of the s.p.a.ce was so rich, that soon her dantien was filled again.  Finished with that, she went to check on the plants whose aura she used.  She generously gave those plants several drops of pure Essence.  Yi Ti had to repeat the breath training several times before she finished and even though she was tired in spirit, seeing the plants perk up again and feeling the joy they sent her made it worth it.

After doing all of that, she picked up the elixir she made and a bottle left from the master.  She couldn"t find any difference between the two.  Yi Ti ran to find Cecil who confirmed that she had been successful.

This made Yi Ti have peace of mind.  It seemed she did have a bit of talent.

But even so, she still couldn"t easily try refining 1st Grade Elixirs, because she is, after all, a novice.

After that day, Yi Ti dove into crazy amounts of refining to increase her skills.  Every day,  in addition to eating, taking care of flowers and exchanges with Cecil, almost all of her time was spent in the s.p.a.ce.  The constant focus on the elixirs and high-frequency of breath training exhausted her to the point that as soon as she hit the bed, she was asleep with no dreams.

Until one day –

“Little Ti.” Cecil suddenly stopped Yi Ti.


“Don"t you celebrate tonight?”

“Celebrate?” Yi Ti stared, “What is the special day today?”

“August fifteen.”

“… Pfft!”


“Cecil, you are confused.” Yi Ti squatted down to look at Cecil.  He was sitting on the sofa with.  Each tentacle held a tool and it made him look quite like a scientific madman jelly star.  "The Mid – Autumn Festival is set according to the lunar calendar."

Cecil quickly retrieved the information collected before, and found the magic of the calendar. A country"s people with two calendars and they are not completely chaotic or something… the Earth really was not simple.However, this …

Yi Ti watched the dejected big pudding, and suddenly reacted saying: “Cecil, are you trying to get me to…take the the opportunity to rest a night?” No matter how she thought about it, as an alien, he wouldn"t suddenly become interested in earth festivals. And if he really was interested, how could he mistake the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar?

Blue jelly trembled slightly, and again issued a “Xiu Xiu Xiu -” sound, it seemed there were signs of him melting again.

“We will celebrate!” Yi Ti quickly shouted.

“But it is not Mid-Autumn Festival today.”

“But we can celebrate something else.” Yi Ti pointed out, “Like we have known each other twenty-two or twenty-three days?”

Cecil: “…”

“Come, let"s celebrate it!” Yi Ti patted the palm of her hand, “First, we need to go buy food. Recently I did not buy things properly…and then buy some drinks. Oh the moon cake should be for sale now. Cecil, want to go see?"

“But …” Cecil evidently hesitated, “You said, holding a rag doll in the summer would make you look like a crazy person.” Although he really wanted to go out with her, he was afraid it would bring trouble?

“I"ll be a freak,” Yi Ti bent down and held out her fingers to his tentacles, “I haven"t done anything bad so I"m not afraid. Cecil, go with me to the supermarket.”


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