I Heard You Are an Alien

Chapter 2 – Rude Boy

Chapter 2 – Rude Boy


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In any case, since then she didn’t say anything, the security officers couldn’t say anything. Besides, in this building, only the doors and elevators were monitored. In the absence of any probable cause, they couldn’t rush into the room of the owner.

  Finally, after the two security officers left, Yi Ti shut the door.  When she turned, she found no trace of the alien.

  ”Alien, where are you?”

  ”I’m Sultanahna,” he said in a solemn voice as his transparent, jelly body squeezed out from under the couch. She could see a little dust covering him.

  ”That name is too long.”

  ”You can call me …” Then he uttered a wonderful word that sounded like “Cecil”, and said, “In your language it means “Blue Star”.

  Yi Ti tested it out: “Cecil?”

  ”Yes …” The alien from Sultanahna said.

  ”So Cecil.”

  ”… if you insist.”

  Yi Ti was aware that this guy’s voice was slightly reluctant but decided to ignore it. She had studied p.r.o.nunciation and knew she was saying it right!

  ”This isn’t the point,” she continued. “You don’t know how to recover your energy. What can I do for you?”

  Cecil was silent for a moment, then in his still mechanical and blunt voice revealed a sense of loss: “I do not know … … just, my body seems to have no special place attracting me.”

  Yi Ti hesitated, and finally replied: “Sorry, I think that’s not a good reason.” Normal people know what they need to eat…this alien shouldn’t be any different.

  ”… I understand. Sorry to have disturbed you.” His slime jelly-like body trembled and slightly curled up.  At this moment, Yi Ti clearly felt his dejection. Then, he moved toward the door.

  Yi Ti watched as Cecil, now a mulberry color with worry, struggled to burrow under the door to leave.  She couldn’t take it any more and shouted, “Wait!

  Yi Ti had many heartaches from an early age because of this characteristic of hers.  Even when her brain told her to leave something alone, her heart, in the end, wouldn’t let her do so.

  Cecil only had two organs, eyes and a mouth.  With half his body under the door, he looked at Yi Ti with a puzzled expression: “What else?”

  ”You won’t hurt human beings?” She asked.

  ”Of course.”

  ”You promise?”

  ”I guarantee.” Suddenly, a finger thick tentacle moved towards Yi Ti from Cecil’s body.

  ”What are you doing?”

  Cecil replied, “When I landed, I saw some Earth people doing this when they made a commitment. If they broke the agreement, they would become Earth dogs.”

  ”… … Pfff!” Yi Ti couldn’t help laughing.  This guy…where did he get his common sense ah?


  ”Nothing.” Yi Ti stretched out her right hand, wrapping her pinkie around the small tentacle to pinkie swear.

  How did it feel?  Imagine something warm and slightly slippery.

  Yi Ti fingers hooked with the tentacle for a moment and then the tentacle retracted back into Cecil’s main body.  In a very good mood Cecil then said “Earth female, thank you for your help . “

  ”… … Don’t c
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all me an Earth female.  We are friends and it sounds strange.”


  ”Call me Xiao Yi or Xiao Ti.  Either is fine” In short – don’t call her Yi Ti!

  ”Xiao Yi or Xiao Ti. Either is fine, thank you.”

  Yi Ti: “… …” Is this guy joking?

  Although ten days ago that miraculous night had pa.s.sed, Yi Ti still kind of felt that she was dreaming.  After all, this was really incredible, and if you told other people that it happened of course they wouldn’t believe you!

  Then again, aside from his strange appearance, the alien was actually quite easy to get along with.  For instance –

  ”Xiao Ti, what can I do for you?”

  Cecil said, while he emerged from a giant foam doll he was hiding in.

  Because of the move, Yi Ti temporarily made Cecil a “coat”, after all, no one could be allowed to see him. And she couldn’t put him in a box because he could get hurt on the b.u.mpy roads.

  Yi Ti clearly remembered, the look on the mover’s face when they saw the big doll.  They looked at her a bit strangely and had some trouble trying to load it into the van.

  Finally, they managed it.  When she went downstairs, the two security guards looked at her strangely as well.  The one on the right still thought she was the victim of a crime while the one on the left thought something strange was going on.  Yi Ti tried to keep her heart strong.  She knew it looked like they were moving a body from a murder scene.  There was no other way!

  Forget it, it was all in the past.

  Yi Ti looked at the boxes placed in the living room of her new house. Thinking of all she needed to do, she asked Cecil: “Can you help me to open them all?”

  ”Of course.” He replied.

  The voice faded, as Cecil’s body stretched out numerous tentacles. Faster than the eye could see, they wrapped around the boxes and in a moment, the original stacked boxes were spread out and all opened.

  Yi Ti watched it all with wide eye and could only say “Awesome!”

  After being praised, the alien trembled and turned back into a pool of liquid.  He then raced toward the bottom of a cupboard to hide.

  Yi Ti: “……” Is he shy?

  Because it had been cleaned ahead of time, the house looked really nice.

  The front of the house was the flower shop, filled with all kinds of flowers. Because of lack of care, some of the flowers had withered and some merely wilted.  The first thing Yi Ti did after moving in was to give them water and now they looked pretty good.

  There is a door behind the store, which opens into a ten square meter courtyard.  There are many flowers planted in the courtyard.  Luckily, they were not damaged by the lack of care when no one was there.  The remaining three sides of the courtyard are two walls and the house. A total of two rooms and one hall make up the house.  Although the place is not large, Yi Ti lived there alone, so it was plenty of room.

  With Cecil’s help, Yi Ti spent an afternoon unpacking all the boxes and arranging everything.

  Around six o’clock, Yi Ti looked around the well-organized house.  It gave her a feeling of unspeakable joy. This feeling was similar to filling in a piece of white paper with their own color .  This, was her home.

  Suddenly, Yi Ti heard a noise from the shop in front.

  Yi Ti realized that she had been so engrossed in unpacking that she forgot that the store was still open!

  Is there a customer?

  She quickly went over and had just opened the door when she heard someone shouting: “Old man, you were gone so long … Who are you ?!”

  Yi Ti could see that in the shop was a teenager.  He looked about 15 or 16 and was wearing a simple white shirt with black pants and running shoes. This boy looked quite handsome.  What made him more attractive was that he had brown hair and green eyes.  Could he be a half-breed?

  Before she could speak, the juvenile’s nose suddenly shook and his brow furrowed. His eyesight was very poor: “Strange smell…who are you? Why are you in the old man’s shop?”

  Yi Ti: “… …” It appeared that he was the acquaintance of the old man. She quickly waved and replied, “You are mistaken. I am not a suspicious person.”

  ”Why are you here?”

  ”Because Grandpa Xu gave the shop to me.”

  ”The old man gave the shop to you?” The boy listened to Yi Ti’s words, staring at her, “Where is he?”

  ”He … …” Yi Ti’s voice paused, “has died.”


  The atmosphere stagnated for a moment.

  Yi Ti moved her lips, but didn’t know what to say. It appeared that the relationship between the boy and the old man was good.  What could she possibly say to make him feel better? ‘I’m sorry for your loss?’ Weak words!

  ”Is it dead?” The teenager put his hands in his pockets, making a light ‘tut tut’ sound.”So that human … …”


  ”Nothing.” He directly turned around and opened the door ready to go out.

  The bells on the door rattled.

  ”Please wait.” Yi Ti suddenly stopped him, hastily grabbing some flowers bunched into bouquets. “I know the burial address of Grandpa Xu, do you want to … …” Yi Ti handed over the flowers to the teen.

  When Yi Ti had decided to accept the house, she had determined that she would regularly visit the old man in the cemetery.

  The teen watched her for a moment, then suddenly with a light chirp said, “Who needs this kind of thing?” Then he dropped the flowers on the ground and walked out. After a few steps, he stopped and turned to look at Yi Ti, “Do not misunderstand, I and the old thing from beginning to end only had a trading relationship. He died and so now we have no more relationship.  In fact, he would have been happy if I had died!”

  ”… …” This person…what could she say to something like that?

  Yi Ti, watching the retreating back of the teen, quietly picked up the flowers from the ground. She gently brushed off the dust and re-inserted them back into their original place.

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