I Heard You Are an Alien

Chapter 6 – The second encounter

Chapter 6 – The second encounter


It had been morning when they had gone into the bas.e.m.e.nt.  When the two emerged, it was after 1:00 pm.

  Yi Ti put Cecil on the sofa, and gave him a worried look.  Although he said he was all right, no matter how she looked at it he wasn’t all right. In the end, how could she help him to add energy?

  Now that she thought about it, her own energy was a bit scarce as well.

  ”Gu -” the bell sounded to remind her that she had missed lunch by a long time.

  At this point, Yi Ti thought: “Cecil, do you have any special things you want to try?” They had tried electricity and other things, but unfortunately they had no effect.

  The melted jelly star trembled, seeming to think, and then said the name of several energy supplements.

  ”According to the information I got online, they all seem to be full of energy.”


  ”The product description was written – “Full of all the energy required for life, just eat one and you have enough energy to live for three days.” Cecil repeated the statement pa.s.sionately.

  Yi Ti: “… …” Isn’t that the red fruit advertising? Saying that this ad is too Kaopu it! But… “I’ll buy it for you.” What if it’s useful? She stood up and said, “I’ll just go buy a lunch.” Anyway, she wasn’t in the mood to cook her own food.

  Then she ran back to her bedroom to change out of her pajamas. Yi Ti put on a white dress, brushed her hair into a pony tail, grabbed her wallet and started to leave. She stopped when she saw her alien roommate trying to burrow into the foam doll she had made for him.

  ”What are you doing?” Yi Ti hastened to go over and put Cecil back on the couch. “That’s it, just take it easy.”

  His blue jelly body quivered, and then he looked at her, puzzled as if a little aggrieved and said: “… … you aren’t taking me with you?”

  ”……”How to put it? She wanted to pinch him! No…she must hold back…she can’t be rude.  Yi Ti sighed and said, “It’s too hot outside.  Also if I walk around carrying a giant doll I will look like a freak.  Right now you are too weak to go out.  Just stay home obediently and help clean the house okay?”

  Cecil gently nodded his head.

  ”Good.” She patted his head.

  Accidentally, she didn’t hold back. Well, it should be said, she seems to have completely found the “owner” feeling.  Like with a pet.

  ”…” hot, hot, hot …

  Yi Ti: “… …” She reluctantly watched as he once again began efforts to burrow into the sofa.   If he never came out, he would really blame her.

  ”Then I’m leaving.”

  Cecil did not answer, only waved a blue transparent tentacle from out of the sofa. Yi Ti smiled, grabbing the tip of the tentacle and rubbing it gently.

  With that “shy little animal” farewell, Yi Ti went out.

  The house had only one exit, the door to the store. For security and other considerations, there was a “door within a door” setup.  There was a large shutter that could open up the entire front of the store and built into the shutter was a smaller, separate door that could be opened.   The first time, Yi Ti looked at it for quite a long time with interest.  Although she had seen doors like this in pictures, it was her first time seeing one in real life.

  However, there is no doubt that such a door will be much more convenient.  Constantly having to lift and close the shutter door every day…she would soon look like a muscular female warrior.

  Although this street itself wasn’t busy, if Yi Ti just walked a hundred meters, she would find herself on a very noisy street. The reason for that was a secondary school, subway station, jewelry stores and restaurants.  In particular, the taste of the latter are mostly good. After all, if it is not good , there’s no way it could attract the majority of the students.

  Yi Ti happened to note that day, a restaurant called “Good to Eat Fried Food” was doing pretty good business. Although the name was a tacky point, the customers seemed to be enjoying not just rice! In fact, the name was quite suitable for what the restaurant was serving.

  Not only was it summer vacation, but it was after 1:00 and the restaurant still had customers.  Yi Ti opened the door, feeling the blowing air and smelling the food aroma that made a person feel they had survived. She looked around and found that although the restaurant was small, it was fully equipped. Also, the place was very clean giving off a strong sense of rest a.s.sured.  So, she found an empty table, sat down, and looked at the menu.

  ”What can I get you?”

  After a little while, a waiter came to the table and asked.

  Yi Ti raised her head and said: “The minced meat eggplant and Mapo tofu, I want to go … …”

  Then, they both froze.

  For no reason, they had met again.

  Yes, waiting on her is none other than the brown haired boy from yesterday. Today, he was wearing a green and white striped T-shirt and brown shorts with a pair of black slippers on his feet and a white ap.r.o.n with “Good to Eat” printed on it. The ap.r.o.n had a big chest pocket, which held a white towel and he was holding a pen in hand that he probably took from the pocket too.

  The first one to respond was the teen.  He lifted his chin and seeing her shock smugly said: “What are you doing here?”

  Yi Ti: “… …” She came to the restaurant of course to eat ah! However, since she was so obviously “unwelcome”, she really didn’t want to stay any longer. Anyway, the street had so many restaurants, she could easily find another one. So she stood up, walked around the waiter and went out from the other side.

  ”Hey, you … …” He saw her heading out and opened his mouth to say something else when suddenly from the kitchen someone called –

  ”Good morning, come on in!”

  ”You know!” The boy answered, and said to her, “You wait here!” And then turned to the kitchen.

  Yi Ti froze.

  Good morning?

  It isn’t right?

  This person is old  and probably can’t help saying ‘good morning’.

  Although she knew he and the old man must have known each other, but when she thought about the discussion they had that day… …

  Really she just couldn’t…ah.

  Surprised by the situation, Yi Ti’s hand on her wallet slipped and it fell on the floor.

  Yi Ti quickly bent down to pick it up, but someone else’s hand beat her to it.

  It was clearly a hand belonging to a man, but it was very beautiful – slender fingers, knuckles clear, and fair complexion. It seemed like a jade carving work of art.

  She took a look at her hand and looked at herself, and in her mind she was a little ashamed.


  ”Ah,” Yi Ti recoiled from the self-pitying emotions and took the wallet. She stood up and thanked the body, “Thank you.”

  ”You’re welcome,” said a twenty-five-year-old black-haired young man with a handsome face.  He was wearing a purple short-sleeved shirt and black trousers. Yi Ti thought it was a slightly feminine color to wear, but on his body, it looked good. Or, when you looked as good as he did and had as nice a body, you could wear whatever you want.  

  He said, “It ‘s a gentleman’ s duty to serve a lady,” with a warm smile on his handsome face.


  Yi Ti felt a deep sense of violation and….

  How do you say?

  The other side seemed to be very particular about the details of his dress.  Whether it was hair, cuffs, b.u.t.tons or trouser folds, every detail was taken care of to perfection. She could even smell a faint fragrance coming from him. Of course, the fragrance matched him as well. But still, such a manner of speech and action was just like the people in some opera.  It happening in a restaurant, it didn’t seem right.

  As if Cecil was put into the refrigerator instead of the washing machine … … No, this a.n.a.logy seems a bit … …

  Hesitantly, the other party again spoke: “This lady, may I have the honor to know your name?”

  ”Me?” Yi Ti was preparing to answer when a rude voice interrupted –

  ”What are you doing here?”

  The young waiter, named Liang Chen, was back.  She didn’t realize he had returned from the kitchen.  He turned to the beautiful man and said bluntly, “You are not welcome here.  Get out!!”.

  Yi Ti: “… …” It looked like they not only know each other, but it seems that the relationship between them was poor ah.

  Faced with this argument, the youth did not get angry, but raised his hands and made an “I lost” gesture: “Don’t get excited. Look, you scared the young lady.” Then, he smiled at Yi Ti saying, “Until next time.”

  Finished, he simply turned to leave.

  With the beautiful man’s departure, the terrible atmosphere that seemed about to explode gradually dissipated. Yi Ti was relieved until the juvenile snappily said: “How can you be so frivolous? As long as he looks good do you let any man be so casual with you?”

  ”Ha?” Yi Ti was angry.  What was he talking about? Compared to the face, temper is key!

  ”Whatever, but next time I won’t save you.”

  ”Who wants you …”

  Before Yi Ti could finish, he shoved a plastic bag into her hand. “Here”, he said and then directly pushed her out the door, “This is the last time I’m going to remind you…if you want to live for long, stay away from suspicious guys.”

  Before she could react, she was standing outside the shop.

  She looked down at the bag in her hands and found a few disposable lunch boxes, which were clearly packaged meals. Yi Ti quickly opened the door, and shouted inside: “Hey! This … …” Although she got her food, she hadn’t paid ah.

  The boy turned to glance at her and waved: “Those are leftovers.  Eat it or don’t.”

  Yi Ti: “…”

  At that point, another male waiter wearing the same ap.r.o.n smiled: “Did you just give out leftovers? You really wasted food.”

  ”Shut up!” the juvenile kicked the other waiter’s legs, “Get to work, didn’t you see the guests waiting for you?”

  ”Do not know who the guests are that get free food… …”


  Yi Ti closed the door, staring at the lunch in her hands.  She didn’t understand what kind of person that boy named Liang Chen was. But, although he has a rude mouth, it seems like he isn’t such a bad guy.

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