Isekai ni Kichatta – 19



Lulu the slave girl.

After waited for a while, Mia-chan was returned to the room while brought a small pouch. I think perhaps the money was inserted inside that pouch.

Nonetheless, if you could get a considerable amount of money with just by offering an information like this, didn’t that means you may still be able to get money even with a false information? I asked Mia-chan about it but, she said that there was a magic tool to detect lies. It seems it was used to detect any false information. Well, since that was something considerably expensive, so it seems that wasn’t a magic tool which used everywhere.

That means, the guild which has this magic tool was able to easily cla.s.sify any information. Whether it was true, or false.

“Then, this is the purchasing money. Is that all the information you have?”

“Yes. I certainly accept it.”

“For now, I’m going to report it to the guild leader, we are going to immediately send an intelligence unit to confirm whether “Red Night” was still inside the forest or not. Thank you for offering us the information.”

Mia-chan then bowed her head, and opened the door. Maybe that means I should leave right. I with Finia-chan at my shoulder, stood up. Since I have received the money, let’s buy a slave like what I have said to Finia-chan. If possible I want it’s to be a girl but, as long as it understood the common sense of this world, If that the case, a man is also okay.

Nonetheless, I don’t know whether slavery is accepted at this world or not. What should I do, I know that enslavement isn’t a crime but…. Let’s try to ask Mia-chan.

“Say, Mia-chan.”

“What is it?’

“Does this country is approving enslavement?”

“Let’s see… it didn’t approved but, it didn’t prohibited either. You are permitted to employ a slave but, the master must provide the minimum living necessity for the slave. When you treat your slave harshly, you might receive a punishment from the knight of this country.”

“I see.”

It seems we are allowed to buy a slave in this country. I also don’t have any intention to oppress someone either, since I’m confidence that I may lose to even a kid after all. Attack power wise.

Nonetheless, different with this country, there may be a country which prosecute slave. Well, I’ll think about that later.

Well, I don’t have intention to leave this country soon anyway, when I leave this country, let’s just prepare it that time. Since I’m weak after all, I might just stood still if I was glared by an influential people or a high leveled adventurers after all.

“Do Kitsune-sama are going to buy a slave?”

“Yes, I could buy a food at the inn but it would cost quite a sum after all. If that’s the case, doesn’t it would be cheaper to just hire someone who able to cook? So I thought to buy one.”

“Do Kitsune-sama couldn’t cook?’

“I can but… ah that, since I would be exhausted when I returned after finished a quest, I won’t feel like make it myself right?”

“I see….”

Since Mia-chan somehow look at me dubiously, I adequately swindle her. Since I was used to trick Shiori-chan by told her a lie, so I was quite fond to it. Since there was already no magic tool around, my lie won’t be exposed.

Or rather, Mia-chan’s expression is somehow meek but… she didn’t use the magic tool right? It’s alright, right?

Returning through the entrance, we returned to the usual lively hall through the counter. The adventurers are somehow gazing dubiously to us but, it is nothing like you’re thinking you know. If you’re too obstinate you might turn into charcoal you know, by Finia-chan. You won’t be forgiven you know, by Finia-chan!

“Then, I’m leaving. It seems I won’t have any time to take a request today.”

“Yes, then I’ll wait for your next visit again.”

“See you later Mia-chan! Please don’t get angry again!”

“I am not angry.”

Finia-chan, don’t say some unnecessary thing. Didn’t Mia-chan’s eyes aren’t smiling at all again. Don’t summon it back, good grief.

Ah, by the way, regarding “Right Night”, since the search party couldn’t find it at the discovery place, so they tried to search at another place, and it seems they didn’t demand for the information reward. That is what I heard.

But well, since my business is finished here, let’s disperse, disperse.

After left the guild, firstly we went to search for a slave dealer’s shop. We go to the place where we encountered a fierce-looked man who carried a slave some time ago, and after we aimlessly searched for it around there, we finally found it. There was the cart which used to carrying the slave outside a certain building. Since this country wasn’t approving enslavement, so that’s why they won’t open the shop at the main street right.

When I tried to check at the background area somehow I found a slave shop-like building. It seems like being hidden but, we could easily find it if we turn to the back area, I think you couldn’t say that it was hidden right?

But, I’m grateful to that. I hope I won’t become its first costumer though.

“Excuse me.”

“Oh, welcome. What kind of business do you have here?”

When I tried to enter and checked the surroundings, there was a lobby-like wide room with a counter, like at a hotel at my original world. I couldn’t see any slave there. Well, since the one who come here were at least a knight-sama level after all. As expected they sure thoughtful with that.

“I want to buy a slave but, may I?”

“Yes, of course! What kind of slave you wish for? s.e.x slave? Labor slave? Or perhaps battle slave?”

Uwah, he is obviously a suspicious man. His expression immediately changed when he know that I’m a customer. How scary, very underground organization-like. Well, I don’t like with how he is always staring at Finia-cha but, since our current position are merchant and customer, let’s let him be.

“Well, I won’t inquire the appearance, I just want a slave which healthy physically and able to work immediately. My budget is around one gold coin.”

“I see… if that’s the case, let’s see… it would be faster by seeing the slave directly right, please come inside?”

Opening the counter’s door, he invite me toward the inside. It looked very shady, different than with Mia-chan. Well, whatever though.

I walk through the counter as per his invitation, and I was being lead to the inner part. How should I say it, at my original world—

–it feels like a pet shop.

Is there no concept of gla.s.s? There are some animal’s cage-ish thing which are neatly arranged, the slave who are confined inside are wearing a miserably tattered cloth, their expression are looked so gloomy.

The slaves who line up neatly, they have shackles at their arms and legs, it seems so that they won’t make any havoc. There are various slaves here, a male human with a strong looking tight muscle, a beautiful female human with a good figure and even a bigger than Mia-chan, boys and girls youngster with a promising future, there are also some other than human, like cat eared and dog eared beastman, a trained low cla.s.s magical beast etc. it seems there are many kind of it.

I’m feel like vomiting, here.

“Since every slaves here had been properly trained to be obedient to their master, so after you buy them, they would immediately obey you.”


“But, for such a trained slave… one gold coin is a bit….”

This man sure underhand. For a merchant that is something natural but, as expected even if just a bit he want to squeeze out every possible sum right. But well I have the budget, for now let’s try to ask about how much money he want. The negotiation start from there.

“Approximately how much is it?”

“Let’s see… Perhaps, around three gold coins.”


He splendidly guessed my budget, this man. As expected from a merchant, his experience is by far different than an amateur like me. Nonetheless, I don’t mind to pay it if it’s just at three gold coins. Did here supposed to pay it at full? Even if I try my poor price negotiation, my eloquence won’t stand a chance against him.

“Then I’ll buy that big beautiful woman at three gold coins.”

“Since slave like her is popular so it is around ten gold coins….”

“…Then I’ll buy that macho muscle at three gold coins.”

“Since he is a valuable manpower so it is around eight gold coins….”

“…Then I’ll buy that young girl with promising future at three gold coins.”

“Since she has promising future so she is at around seven gold coins….”

What’s the meaning of it. This man didn’t has any intention to sell them at all, at least he didn’t have intention to sell a human. If that’s the case then the beastman girl huh… nonetheless beatman’s livelihood are similar like human but, it seems their treatment are greatly different… how complicated.

Thereupon, the slave merchant man is asking me with a complacent smile.

“If you are troubled with the money, then how about it? Why don’t you sell that fairy over there?”


“Oh dear, these days, since there were many customers who fond with fairies, I would buy it at twenty gold coins, how is it?”

This man, what is he talking about? Is he an idiot?

—Selling Finia-chan you say?

“Don’t get too”

I’ve greatly understand it, this man is my enemy.


I can feel that 『Eerie Const.i.tution』skill is activated. But I don’t mind, this man is an enemy. I don’t mind to blow away this place, by Finia-chan.

But, in the end I’m just a customer who come here to buy a slave. I want to refrain from any conspicuous act. So that I won’t kill him.

“A…. ka…!?”

“That beastman girl, I could buy her at three gold coins right?”

“…! …!”

I judge that it doesn’t matter even if she is a beastman. Moreover, I don’t want to overstay at this kind of place.

When I said that, the slave merchant man was shrieking without any voice and vigorously nodded. It seems since my level had raised, the effect of 『Eerie Const.i.tution』is also increased. When 『Coercion』was activated, his face was become very pale and looked like he may fainted any moment. What a good sensation.

“Then, please.”

“Haa…! Haa…!”

After canceling the skill, I returned to the counter just now by myself. Finia-chan is looked very mad, to the point I could clearly see magic is gushing out from her body. It is the first time Finia-chan is angry like this.

But, she excellently endure it. Since it would be bad if we make a ruckus here.

“Thanks Finia-chan, to endure it.”

“Yes… but, I hate that kind of people. Kitsune-san won’t sell me right?”

“I won’t, since Finia-chan is my one and only partner after all.”


Since Finia-chan is floating a sunflower-like smile, I could calmed down myself like this. Because I love that smile.

After that, Kitsune was safely buy the beastman girl slave from the frightened slave merchant man. Whether it was a custom, the man hand over a contract choker to Kitsune. With a magic tool named 『Slavery Choker』, it seems by attaching that choker, the master and servant relation would be established. It seems it was intended so that the slave who use the choker can’t attack the master who attach it.

As for Kitsune, he take the choker but, he has no intention to attach it. Even if she’s a slave, he didn’t has any intention to treat her like one.

“…Then, wear it first.”

After they left left the store, Kitsune give the school uniform which he wear to the girl who he just bought. Since looking at her wearing a tattered cloth isn’t very pleasant after all. Kitsune was crouching and carefully give the cloth.

Previously, he was just buy that girl without any thought but, when looked closely, that girl was quite well-featured.

A light brown hair which extend to her b.u.t.tock, a dog like ear at her head, and also a tail which covered by hair. Her eyes were lack of energy and looked like a dead eyes but, it were a jade like beautiful eyes. Her ages perhaps around twelve years old, her height, whether she was given a minimum food since she was a slave, I think she is quite small for her ages. Her body was looked very frail.


Being given the school uniform, the girl was gazing at Kitsune with bewilderment but, as expected there was no energy at her eyes. But, since she obediently follow him when he lead her by hands, for now Kitsune was going to return to the inn. He thought that he may need to rent one more private room.

“Ah, that’s right… you, what’s your name?”

“…Lulu Soleil.” (ルル・ソレイユ)

“Lulu-chan right, it’s good and easy to call.”

Kitsune didn’t say anything further. The difficult thing, they should just discuss everything of it at the inn. Now he was just walking while holding a hand with a girl named Lulu, leading her toward the inn.

But, Kitsune was didn’t know it yet. That by buying that girl, it would lead him into his despair at the future….

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