I Really Am Not The Lord Of Demon

Chapter 137: Entrustment

Chapter 137: Entrustment

Li Shouyi turned his head to look at the owner of the bookstore.

He was wearing ordinary casual clothes, a pair of cheap sandals, and gla.s.ses.


Li Shouyi thought of an article.

A mountain needn’t be high. It is famous so long as there is a deity on it. A lake needn’t be deep. It has supernatural power so long as there is a dragon in it.

Where he was, it would be the immortal mountain, and it would be named!


In the future, would this place, and even the streets nearby, become a Holy Land?

Just like the famous mountains and lakes in the world today?

“Is it not to your appet.i.te?” He asked with a smile.

“No!” Li Shouyi quickly came back to his senses. “It’s very delicious!”

“Then, sir. Have some more!” He reached out his chopsticks, picked up a steaming mouth-watering crayfish, and put it into Li Shouyi’s bowl.

The mouth-watering crayfish was wrapped in oil, and it was watery. Every strand of crayfish meat was as transparent as crystal.

Li Shouyi looked at the crayfish, and he recalled the ancient maxim: Keep quiet during meals and bedtime.

So he lowered his head and carefully tasted his food.

He knew that he was a hindrance to the owner of the bookstore!

Li Shouyi thought about it and felt that if it were him, he would also be angry.

The table was filled with supreme treasures, matchless G.o.dly food, and precious medicine.

It was prepared by the owner of the bookstore for his family.

Chu Weiwei was able to come because she had basked in Li Anan’s glory.

But he was here by force, shamelessly taking advantage!

Although he wasn’t considered an evil guest, it wouldn’t make the owner happy either.

It was just that…

Eating the sweet and delicious prawn meat, feeling the boiling of the bone marrow and meridians all over his body. Then, taking a bite of rice to dispel all the restlessness. At the same time, disintegrating the toxins that had sunk into his body due to the boiling of the bone marrow and meridians.

Sweat dripped from his skin and pores.

He felt refreshed and comfortable all over!

It was even better than the sauna he went to when he was young!

Li Shouyi only wanted to say: This was good!

If he had such an opportunity next time, he would take advantage of it again!

What was reputation in front of so many benefits?

… … ..

Ling Pingan held a bowl and chopsticks and sat at the side. He looked at the old gentleman beside him, chewing slowly and eating with great grace.

He could not help but sigh. “As expected of an old man who studies ancient cultures!”

“Just this bearing and grace is something that most people can’t learn!”

He raised his head and looked at his aunt and the lucky one.

He could not help but frown slightly.

These two people had completely abandoned their so-called image.

With a prawn in their left hand and a piece of meat in their right hand, and their mouth on the edge of the rice bowl. They were like a starving ghost that had not eaten for three years as they wolfed down on their food.

Of course, the kitten, Bastet had the worst image.

It was obvious that it was stuffed.

Its small belly was bulging, but it was still desperately hugging a prawn and eating it with big mouthfuls.

That made Ling Pingan suspect that his pet was not a cat, but a dog.

Fortunately, Ling Pingan knew that the delicacies he made had a very special advantage, which was fast digestion!

Basically, it wouldn’t cause any burden to their stomach.

Therefore, he ignored it.

… … … ..

Half an hour later, all the crayfish and meat on the table were gone.

Half of the barrel of wine he brewed last year was also drunk.

As for the rice…

Even the rice was eaten clean by Li Anan, and Chu Weiwei, not a grain was left.

At that moment, the two foodies patted their round bellies and laid out on the sofa. They shouted in satisfaction, “Delicious! Delicious!”

They were slightly tipsy and were about to fall asleep.

“Aunty!” Ling Pingan put away the bowls and chopsticks. When he returned and saw the two of them, he could not help but remind them, “Get up! Don’t sleep yet. Go take a shower. Take a bath…”

Li Anan patted her belly and shook her head. “Little Pingan, let me rest first…”

Although she was completely drenched now.

Sweat stuck to her clothes, and it was very uncomfortable.


She just didn’t want to move.

If possible, she wished that she was a lazy person, and it would be best if she could lay down and didn’t need to move.

Beside her, Chu Weiwei was even lazier than her.

Now, Chu Weiwei felt that her brain was empty from being stuffed.

She did not want to care about anything. She just wanted to lie down.

Ling Pingan looked and shook his head. He picked up a wine gla.s.s and poured it fully for the old geltleman opposite him. Then, he said, “Sorry for the scene in front of you…”

“My aunt has always been like this since she was young. She’s carefree and doesn’t obey any etiquette…”

Li Shouyi took the wine gla.s.s and took a sip. As he took the time to sip, he thought, “Is he asking for privileges from me?”


“With his ability, if he wants captain Li to have any privileges, he doesn’t need to beat around the bush…”

That was for sure!

He probably only needed to send a monster under him to act, and that captain would have all the power unknowingly.


What did he mean?

Li Shouyi thought about his words.

Careless… no etiquette?

“Is he making a request?” Li Shouyi thought.

After all, the bookstore owner was obviously unable to do anything for his aunt in front of her?

Thinking of this, Li Shouyi probed, “Researcher Li usually works very hard in the inst.i.tute…”

“She has completed many tasks very well!”

“Of course…” he chuckled, “She still needs to improve on her work!”

“The inst.i.tute has tried to promote her several times, but he had not yet met some of the standards!”

When Ling Pingan heard this, he immediately said to him, “Sir, I don’t know much about your work…”

“But… I can guarantee that Aunty loves this job very much…”

“So, Sir, you can set high standards and be strict…”

“She’s still young. It’s only right for her to train more and work more!”

That was a standard answer.

In Ling Pingan’s understanding, since this leader of Aunty had personally come to visit her…

That meant that her unit still had high hopes for her.

Otherwise, why would he come to visit her personally?

On the other hand, that also meant that the unit was prepared to put her in an important position.

It was great if they put her in an important position!

Ling Pingan was happy to see that happen!

If his aunt was addicted to her work, then no one could urge him to get married.

He could continue to be carefree and happy!

When the old man heard this, he revealed a satisfied and gratified smile. “Since you have said so…” he said, “We will study it carefully in the inst.i.tute…”

Since it was his request, Li Shouyi felt that the Blackguard had to go all out to complete this mission. To train the captain named Li Anan into the strong person he wanted to see.

Didn’t he say it?

High standards, strict requirements!

That was a formal entrustment.

And entrustments were usually paid.

Li Shouyi was now looking forward to what kind of reward the federal empire would receive when they completed this commission for him?

Thinking of this, Li Shouyi couldn’t help but stand up. “I leave you and your family to the reunion…”

“I have a meeting in Jiangcheng city in the afternoon…”

“I’ll send you off!” The owner of the bookstore stood up.

“It’s okay!” How could Li Shouyi dare to let him send him off?

“Please don’t be polite!” The owner of the bookstore said stubbornly, “You’re up to age. It’s very inconvenient to go up and down the stairs…”

“Oh…” Li Shouyi thought of something and nodded, “Then I’ll have to trouble you!”

Ling Pingan supported the old man and slowly walked to the stairs.

At this moment, Li Anan and Chu Weiwei, who had been lying on the sofa, also stood up.

“We’ll send you off too!” The two girls said in unison.

However, they had drunk too much wine, and their bodies were swaying.

“There’s no need!” Li Shouyi smiled as he looked at the two of them. These two were blackguard members who still did not understand what had happened.

“Researcher Li. Researcher Chu…” he said, “There’s a mission in the inst.i.tute that might be handed over to you…”

“Are you confident?”

Li Anan and Chu Weiwei looked at each other and immediately said excitedly, “Yes!”

Ever since they entered the Blackguard, they had been waiting and heard the call of the commander-in-chief.

Now, their wish had finally come true.

… … ..

Li Shouyi got into the car.

He watched the bookstore owner wave at him at the door.

It was already 12:30 in the afternoon.

The noon sun was roasting the earth.

Even under the air conditioning, it was as if he was in a sauna room.


He did not feel the slightest bit of stuffiness in the bookstore just now.

He picked up the pen and wrote a sentence in his notebook: We still talk about what he knows…

Then, he changed his tone: but it can be confirmed that the target has at least two forms.

Normally, he was in the human form, but he still had an unpredictable status and supernatural power.

In the thick fog, he was in the divine form (or part of the divine form).

The form of the bookstore was closely related to his form.

Li Shouyi’s eyes suddenly lit up when he wrote till there.

So, he wrote down the conclusion in his notes: As far as we predicted, the bookstore had a direct connection with him.

It was possible…

The bookstore was a part of him.

It was also possible that the bookstore was affected by his radiation.

After he finished writing, he closed his notebook.

Half leaning against the car seat, he slowly felt the changes in his body.

He ate very carefully during the feast just now, and he knew his limits.

However, it still provided him with a great benefit.

Li Shouyi could clearly feel that his body was gradually regaining its youth.

It was likely that the white hair on his head would turn black the next morning.

The problem that had troubled him for ten years was now easily solved.

The solidified psionic energy had become active again. Countless variables and possibilities had appeared in his body that had not changed for ten years.

“Within three years, I will have a glimpse of my divinity, and I will know what the path ahead is!” That made him extremely happy, but he was immediately filled with emotions. “Just a meal and I have a glimpse of the path ahead, getting rid of all the old problems, and regaining a new life!”

“Just what kind of terrifying and high-dimensional existence is the owner of this bookstore?”

That made Li Shouyi took out the manor that had already been read through countless times.

He flipped to the folded page.

“The Emperor of the North Sea, Yu, and the Emperor of the South Sea, Hu” he muttered these last words.

The story was obviously hinting at something.

It was also saying something.

Unfortunately, there were too few clues!

“The Ling family didn’t leave only this hint!” Li Shouyi thought, “They must have left other hints…”

“If I can find it, I might be able to guess the truth…”

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