I Really Am Not The Lord Of Demon

Chapter 219: The Terrifying Tributary (3)

Chapter 219: The Terrifying Tributary (3)

The thick fog filled the doorway.

In the depths of the thick fog, one terrifying and powerful monster after another could not wait to let out all kinds of shrill cries.

This was a threat, but also an intimidation.

Of course, there were also pleas for mercy and flattery.

But the little cat Bastet ignored everything.

She had sufficient confidence!

Finally, she watched as time pa.s.sed by bit by bit.

The opening time of the tribute channel pa.s.sed by bit by bit.

Some people couldn’t hold it in anymore.

A ball of light-like creature appeared at the door.

His fluorescent tentacles fell into the door.

Each tentacle had a shiny thing wrapped around it.

This thing was a star essence, a product of a supernova explosion.

It was also the key to the birth of a new star.

Although the star essence handed over by these tentacles was far from enough to give birth to a new star.

However, it was enough to become the strongest material in the divine kingdom.

Bastet immediately accepted these star essences happily.

Then, she made way for the pa.s.sage at the door and allowed him to pa.s.s.

Thus, this luminous spherical creature immediately waved its tentacles in grat.i.tude.

Then, it rushed into the bookstore impatiently.

Its body easily pa.s.sed through the gla.s.s of the door. Behind it, one luminous spherical creature after another followed closely!

They pa.s.sed in front of Bastet and went straight to the deepest part of the bookstore, the Silent Abyss.

At this moment, the door of the Abyss had slowly opened.

Like asphalt, the material that was slowly flowing at the edge had flowed to the floor, forming a narrow but safe path!

The glowing spherical creatures lined up and walked along this path to the bookshelf that Ling Pingan had renovated during the day.

Their tentacles stood up one by one.

Then, they connected with each other, forming a circular ring that was connected from head to tail.

At the corner of the bookshelf, the pages of a book opened automatically at this moment.

Tentacles stretched out from the pages of the book.

Each tentacle was covered with ferocious mouthparts.

They all opened up, making a terrifying sound and also producing a huge spirit strength.

The glowing spherical creatures, the tentacles that were connected to each other, trembled in the siphon.

Little by little, things floated up from their tentacles.

These things slowly became the shadows of strange-shaped creatures.

They slowly represented the past of a species.

From the wilderness, the ancestors looked up at the sky.

The two suns alternated to shine on the earth.

Thus, they announced that they were the eternal children of the Sun.

As time pa.s.sed, these self-proclaimed children of the sun lived and multiplied on the planet.

They quickly mastered the use of fire and molten metal.

Then, they discovered the secrets of spirit power.

The children of the sun began to learn the strength of the sun to temper themselves.

This made them stronger and stronger!

Slowly, people began to cross the starry sky with their physical bodies and travel through the celestial bodies of their own solar system.

Slowly, they began to understand the world more thoroughly.


At that moment, they made a mistake!

A fatal mistake!

Looking at the empty universe, the lonely sun’s children sent proof of their existence to the distant stars.

A signal that mimicked gamma rays in the form of psionic power, announcing their existence.

And that became the source of their disaster.

The civilization’s predator had descended!

But in a flash, this civilization that believed in the twin stars and even began to gradually plasticize their physical bodies became extinct.

And this civilization’s special spirit power cultivation method became a tribute.

The spherical glowing creatures fed all the knowledge they had absorbed about cultivation with star psionic power to the tentacles that stretched out from the pages of the book.


In less than two minutes, all the knowledge was sucked clean!

The pages closed.

Flames lingered in them, and the light of the stars shone from them.

On the pages, shadows appeared one after another.

They were once the most powerful individuals among the sun’s children!

However, they now only had the most basic instincts left. They had become simple imparting of knowledge, becoming words for others to a.n.a.lyze and study.

This was their tragedy.

Because their civilization should have gone further.

Perhaps they had a chance to become a superior race.

Become predators that ran amok in countless universes!

But this was also their luck!

Because their civilization’s inheritance had been paid here.

Here, their civilization would be recorded eternally, and there was a chance for them to be reborn in the future!

This was the ultimate pursuit of countless civilizations!

The spherical luminous beings that had completed the mission of paying tribute lined up along the asphalt path and left the abyss.

Their bodies floated.

When they merged into the gla.s.s door from Bastet’s side.

A faint halo fell into their bodies.

This was a proof!

Proof that they had completed a great tribute!

And this was indeed the purpose of their tribute!

For this proof!

This proof seemed to be of no use.

But all the races and G.o.ds who knew its use would pay any price to get it!

Because, with this proof, it was like livestock in a pasture that had been marked with a quarantine mark.

When someone was preparing to clean the universe.

This proof was the evidence that determined life and death!

It lived, but it didn’t die!

It was that simple!

The glowing spherical creatures pa.s.sed through the gla.s.s door and walked towards the fog.

Their tentacles fluttered one by one, obviously in a good mood!

Seeing these guys who had completed the tribute.

And watching time pa.s.s by.

Finally, someone took action.

A huge deformed piece of flesh violently crawled out of the fog.

His terrifying body was emitting endless evil and blasphemous light.

As the source of evil, it symbolized the filthy foreign G.o.d.

This terrifying G.o.d directly sent several people flying.

Then, he stretched out his body and dug out something.

Using a tentacle, he carefully handed this thing to Bastet.

It was a black crystal filled with numbers.

The demonic inequality!

This was a treasure that all the devils and demons in the world dreamed of!

As long as this inequality was solved, one could ascend immediately and become a subordinate ruler of the past!

Bastet looked at this thing.

But she was not very satisfied!


She meowed softly, indicating that this crystal was too ugly and that she did not want it.

The huge lump of flesh began to twist.

In her terrifying body, the evil light of blasphemy surged up like a tide.

But Bastet looked at her without fear.

Her amber cat eyes were filled with disdain.

The blue flame next to her swayed gently.

A green vine wrapped around the cat’s head.

Master was upstairs.

This was Bastet’s greatest reliance!

The huge body screamed and uttered a terrifying evil whisper.

But in the end, she had to lower her head.

The great ruler was here.

There was still his scent here.

It alarmed him..

The meatball did not want to slap himself out of time and s.p.a.ce to keep those unlucky fellows company.

There was no other way.

He could only lower his head!

So, he thought for a moment and countless tentacles stretched out.

b.a.l.l.s of spiritual light began to gather.

Finally, three things appeared in front of him.

His tentacles rolled up these three things and handed them in through the gla.s.s door.

One was handed to Bastet.

This was a crown, gorgeous and sacred, a relic belonging to a divine empress.

One was handed to the little flame.

This was a burnt chip, a relic belonging to a central computer of a silicon-based civilization.

One was handed to a green vine.

It was a bunch of green soil from his nest, the Ikua Cave.

It was the essence left behind by the ancestor of the demons, the descendants of the source of the unclean, after being devoured by him for countless years.

It was the most suitable soil for the tree of life to grow!

Bastet, the little flame and the little sapling happily accepted the gifts.

Then, they let go of the path!

The huge foreign G.o.d immediately squeezed through the gla.s.s door impatiently!

Even if it was a foreign G.o.d, it needed to be favored by the ruler!

Because all foreign G.o.ds were the good fortune of his dream!

In other words, if he did not like it.

There was no need for this idea to exist.

Therefore, the foreign G.o.ds were more eager to pay tribute than any other existence!

The great ruler only opened up one or two opportunities to pay tribute in each reincarnation!

The compet.i.tion for tribute was extremely fierce!

He had to seize the time to pay tribute a few more times!

But he didn’t have so much free time to waste!

At a corner of the bookstore counter, the Little Taotie stuck its head out and looked at this scene with envy and desire.

It really wanted to become one of the three.

Even if it had to be a lackey by the side.


Taotie sighed and started to feel sorry for itself.

At this moment, a bit of star essence fell into Taotie’s mouth.

It immediately opened its mouth and swallowed the bit of Star Essence.

Then, it carefully looked at Bastet, its master’s pet.

Then, it jumped down from the counter and jumped behind Bastet, nodding and bowing obsequiously like a lackey who followed its master’s evil servant!

Bastet’s cat eyes glanced at him.

The cat G.o.ddess’ thoughts were bright beyond compare.

There could only be one pet by the master’s side, and that was her — the cat G.o.ddess Bastet!

So, he had to prepare for a rainy day!

Unite all the strength that could be united!

… … … ..

Walking along the asphalt road, Ran Bing followed the directions on the map all the way forward.

She followed the safety road marked by the umbrella, crossed the bridge, and crossed the river.

Finally, after about an hour, she arrived at the foot of the pyramid.

She raised her head. The huge pyramid was made of some kind of green stone bricks.

Its height was at least five to six hundred meters.

However, the entire wall was extremely smooth. It did not look like a man-made building. Instead, it looked like a natural stone.

On the wall, the huge Kabala Tree of life pattern was vivid and lifelike.

Looking at the huge tree pattern that was inlaid on the four sides of the pyramid with some kind of technology.

Ran Bing fell silent.

Because she knew that this so-called Kabala Tree of life might be the true source of all disasters.

The Kunyang people came to this world because of it.

The umbrella was willing to let the old world collapse because of it.

And now, she was going to face the umbrella in this pyramid.

Of course..

Ran Bing knew that this might only be a branch of the umbrella.


She raised the rifle in her hand and pulled the bolt.

She pushed the bullets in. In the spiritual light, the bullets were all switched to high-explosive bullets!

Her eyes looked at the pyramid and saw the figure in the pyramid.

“The slaughter begins!” Ran Bing said coldly.

… … … … … … ..

The strange fish pulled the sailboat to the sh.o.r.e.

In less than an hour, the sailboat had reached the beach of the archipelago.

Han Li jumped from the sailboat to the beach.

Then, she turned to look at the strange fish.

“You!” Han Li said, “Wait Here!”

The strange fish didn’t dare to disobey!

Because its soul was in the hands of this terrifying human woman.

As long as it was willing, its eternal life would come to an end today!

Han Li ignored the monsters.

The superior demon recorded in the Lower Abyss Research Report: the bottom-dwelling Devil Fish.

Speaking of which, this demon was also related to a potion.

The so-called slavery potion was refined by using its heart as the main ingredient and mixing it with the demon crystal and the marrow of pain.

Any demon that consumed the slavery potion would become the Alchemist’s slave!

This kind of control was from the soul. It was almost equivalent to grasping the other party’s real name!

However, this potion was not very useful to Han Li.

Her biggest wish now was to complete this great tribute!

Thus, Han Li walked to the hinterland of the islands without turning back, the territory of the demons!

The murmurs by her ears came rustling.

“Very good! We have smelled the sacrifice…”

“Don’t let him run away!”

The book, spiritual sacrifice of the deathwalker, was beating like a heart.

The strength of the Deathwalker was being determined using this book as a coordinate.

Yellow Lines started to appear on the cover.

An inexplicable terrifying strength was slowly interweaving.

An ancient and evil incantation sounded in Han Li’s ears bit by bit.

“Coronation of the magnificent crown…”

“Wearing a yellow robe…”


“In the hymn, I call your honorific name…”


“In the hymn, I call your strength…”

“Those who have no name…”

“Distant celebrants…”

“Lord of the Deep s.p.a.ce Sea…”

“Immortal king of Kaiser in yellow…”

“Please descend!”

“From the Divine Territory of the Pleiades star cl.u.s.ter…”

“From the gentle breeze…”

This was the call of the death walker, and also the Chant of the Death Walker!

Following this call, Han Li gradually sensed that a will was descending upon her through endless time and s.p.a.ce.

Something was quietly lurking in her shadow.

It was obvious.

Han Li knew that she was becoming a bait.

A bait to entice the fish to take the bait.

The moment the hungry little fish took the bait, it would be the day of its death!

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