I Really Am Not The Lord Of Demon

Chapter 275: Bug Swarm vs. Aliens (4)

Chapter 275: Bug Swarm vs. Aliens (4)

Dragging the octopus alien injected with paralytic toxin.

The remaining kamikaze members pa.s.sed through the dense swarm.

They reappear at the exit.

Here, a dozen flying insects, apparently larger than the others, are already waiting.

They are the Queen’s guard.

These flying insects were more than twice the size of their own kind.

There were no poisonous thorns all over their bodies. Instead, they were very smooth.

However, there were bulging tumors growing on their abdomen.

These tumors were their weapons.

Mixed with poison, under the catalysis of psionic power, they flashed with a fatal halo.

Each of these tumors was a bomb!

Once they were launched, they would immediately explode and form a poisonous fog under the catalysis of psionic power!

This poisonous fog could even pa.s.s through the skin and enter the body of a living creature.

It would also immediately attack its immune system and cause organ failure.

This was also the most powerful elite of the current insect swarm.

It was the sharp blade of the Queen mother!

It was also the pinnacle of the insect swarm’s evolution in earth-blessed realm!

Other than the Queen mother, it was impossible for the insect swarm to have an individual that was stronger than them.

These flying insects grabbed the octopus with a different surname and immediately flew towards the mossy ground where the Queen mother was.

The kamikaze squad returned to the battlefield.

The Queen mother’s will was transmitted through the info element network.

Destroy all enemies!

This was the only order!

It was also the highest order!

The Queen mother needed everything that this shameful and despicable swarm of insects had.

And now, all the swarms of insects that were thrown into this battlefield were tools used to exhaust the enemies!

The Queen mother knew that for the time being, the insect swarms that it hatched did not have the ability to fight against those things.

But it did not matter!

It had sufficient energy reserves!

The dimensional stone energy that the Queen mother had acc.u.mulated day and night was enough for it to launch more than ten waves of attacks on such a scale!

… ..

Dense insect swarms drove straight into the pipeline.

As individual insects, these worker ants and flying insects didn’t have any will.

The Queen mother’s orders were everything to them.

Therefore, they quickly followed the orders of the info element network and formed more than ten torrents, moving in and attacking together, closely cooperating to rush towards their targets.

Those who had finished molting and were using them to pa.s.s through the tubes.

A group with a similar network of info element.

Fourteen in total!

All the workers and flying insects could smell the enemy in the air.

Their bodies were filled with the smell of corrosive blood.



The insects moved through.

One by one, the alien creatures stopped.

They heard the vibrations and sounds in the pipes.



These things were confused. They knew instinctively that they were facing a group of enemies that far outnumbered them.

But it didn’t matter!

These enemies were very weak!

So, they didn’t even bother with them — as long as these fragile simple insects didn’t disturb them, they wouldn’t bother with them.

In the bodies of those insects with simple structures, there wasn’t much meat except for corrosive liquid and keratin-like skeletons used for movement!

Even if they were all killed, the total amount of meat wouldn’t be more than the contribution of a mammal.

Therefore, their focus was on the three aliens walking in the pyramid.


The sharp tongues of the abnormals gathered strength in their mouths.

They were ready to ambush at any time.


The Queen’s order was also transmitted.

One after another, egg-holding bugs were waiting behind the pipes and the narrow stone slabs.

The Queen wanted to capture these things.

Their genes could hatch even more powerful offspring!

… … … … ..

More than ten flying insects returned to the queen mother’s side with a paralyzed companion.

They flew down and delivered their prey to the Queen mother.

The giant Queen mother’s body trembled.

The Queen mother, who had no mouth, eyes, or nose, relied on a network of psionic power and info element.

It sensed the OVA being delivered.

Under the psionic power, the underground mucus began to wrap around the thing.

The mucus secreted by the queen mother quickly secreted the digestive liquid that its owner had given it.

The liquid could decompose and immediately identify the genes of all organisms.

It was like a large computer.

The Queen mother felt the gene fragments of the prey.

Parasitism, hatching, molting, evolution, growth..

This was a species that was born purely for hunting.

It was also a species with a hive structure.

Unlike the Queen mother..

After the Queen died, a new queen would be born from the remaining individuals of this race.


Their re-development and growth were also very good..

No wonder master would praise..


The Queen mother’s psionic power began to vibrate.

Now… your genes are mine..

So, master will love me even more..

As the psionic power vibrated, an follicle slowly bulged.

The Queen began to try to produce a brand new species based on the genes of her enemies and opponents!

… … … … … ..

Inside the pyramid.

Three aliens walked vigilantly among them.

They tried the mothership again, but this time, they couldn’t even find the signal of the mothership.

It was as if they had already left this s.p.a.ce zone.

A shadow began to appear in the hearts of the aliens.


An octopus alien jumped up from the corner of a pipe and jumped toward an alien.

The alien didn’t even turn his head and directly raised his hand.

The metal darts in its hand were thrown out and nailed to the wall.


This was only the beginning. Dozens of octopus aliens jumped up from every corner.

What was even more terrifying was that as they jumped up.

At least five preys that had already reached the peak state charged out from the pipe and the wall.

They closed in quickly!

The three aliens, however, did not panic in the face of danger.

On their shoulders, missile launchers began to fire missiles.

At the same time, the weapons in their hands also began to fire!

One after another, the octopus aliens exploded in mid-air.

The five peak states were also directly paralyzed from the attack.

They were just about to celebrate their victory.

The sound of vibrations appeared in the tunnels one by one.

It was as if something was surging out of them like a tide.

The aliens had no choice but to stand in a triangle.

At the same time, they pulled out the weapons on their arms.


They roared and threatened these uninvited guests.


The swarm of insects that surged out of the tunnels ignored their threat.

The will of the Queen mother was transmitted through the info element network.

Kill all living things!

Anyone who stood in the way of the swarm would die!

The aliens immediately fired at the tubes.

The weapons in their hands shot out lasers.

The portable missiles on their shoulders kept firing and exploding.


The swarm of bugs numbered in the hundreds or thousands.

And their ammunition was limited.

More importantly, these bugs were mixed with extremely agile flying bugs.

These things were quite agile.

Under the cover of the other bugs, they quickly flew out of the pipe.

Then, they aimed at the three aliens and shot out poisonous needles!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The aliens waved their weapons and relied on their armor to block.


They forgot that there was another strong enemy at their side!

Right at their feet!

The five peaks were not completely dead!


While the formation of these aliens was disrupted.

The five peaks that were already paralyzed on the ground suddenly jumped up.

The tongues in their mouths shot out forcefully.


The incomparably sharp bone tongue pierced through the armor of the three aliens!

It lifted them up high!


In the next second, the swarm of insects that slanted out densely pounced on the majestic peaks.

The allies of a second ago had now become mortal enemies!

The vanguard of the swarm of insects pounced down from the wall and landed on the bodies of these monsters.

The bulging bags on their bellies immediately exploded.

Corrosive liquid dripped onto the skin of these alien creatures, causing green smoke to rise, causing them to scream.

Following that, the flying insects that rushed over shot out sharp poisonous needles.

These poisonous needles were densely packed and rained down on the alien creatures’bodies.

The neurotoxin was immediately released, causing the alien creatures to scream even louder.

At this moment, the alien creatures that were still conscious opened their eyes and saw even more insects crawling out from the tubes.

They looked only the size of a fist.

However, there were thousands of them!

The dense swarm of bugs swallowed everything on the ground in an instant.

They opened their sharp mouths and bit open the surface of the humongous peaks.

Even if they were completely dissolved by the corrosive blood of these things, they wouldn’t hesitate!

At the same time, they pounced on the dead octopuses.

Dragging these things, they immediately retreated towards the pipeline.

However, they did not care about the aliens that were close by.

They completely ignored their existence.

“These things…” the three aliens struggled. They thought of a terrifying possibility. “Behind them, there is a highly intelligent individual like the Queen!”

“And that individual has his eyes on the queen that we have nurtured here…”

“This is a life-or-death battle between two species!”

The leader immediately pressed the b.u.t.ton on his wrist frantically. He wanted to inform the mothership of this news.

This was a major discovery!

This meant that the race might be able to find a new target to hunt.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he pressed, it was useless.

The mothership did not respond. The mothership’s signal had already disappeared!

He was stunned.

How powerful was the mothership?

He knew that the weapons and personnel on the mothership were enough to destroy this primitive, elementary planet.


Who could make the mothership disappear?

He looked at the bugs.

They were densely packed, with cuticle exoskeletons on their bodies, bulging bellies, and things like sacs.

There were also some flying individuals.

These bodies were like a hodgepodge.

They had the characteristics of a variety of arthropods.


A crazy thought appeared in the alien’s mind.

“They are not natural species!”

“They are war weapons created!”

Just like these alien creatures!

And the person who created this species..

Destroyed the mothership!

This was the only reasonable explanation!

Crazy, but reasonable!


Who was the existence or force that created such a simple but crazy species?

The alien’s body trembled as he looked at the bugs. They were simply and brutally cutting up the bodies of the male peaks.

They dragged pieces of tissue, pieces of bones, and even the bugs desperately held onto drops of the corrosive male peaks’ blood.

Even if they fell off the wall, they wouldn’t hesitate.

They were crazier and crueler than the peaks!

The aliens couldn’t help but think of a legend from a superior race in the universe.

The legend said that the vast galaxy, the vast universe.

Was a dark ocean.

In this ocean, there was an unimaginably powerful superior civilization.

They destroyed planets, they ignited stars, they shaped everything in the universe.

And their goal was only one — to make the universe quiet!

Anything that was not quiet would be destroyed!

The reason was very simple..

Above the surface of the ocean, there were fishermen.

If the fishermen knew that this dark ocean was rich in food.

They would swarm over until they ate up all the food that could be hunted in the entire ocean!

This was the legend of the universe.

It was also the underlying logic of their race, which had remained silent for thousands of years.

The elders in the temple.

The Empress in the palace..

They all believed that this legend was true.

Be careful!

Be careful!

They could not make any noise and let the fishermen who might pa.s.s by on the surface of the ocean discover the prey that could be hunted in this area!

Those fishermen were existences that fed on civilization.

Their great names were recorded in the temple!

They were G.o.ds!

Powerful G.o.ds that were born in the nebula and even the laws of the universe.

The rulers of the past, the ancient creators and nightmares.

People worshipped them and feared them.

The aliens remembered that in the temple of their home planet, there was a legendary fisherman named ‘beast’ who was worshipped.

The n.o.bles and priests of their home planet believed that this great G.o.d had descended into this universe in ancient times.

He was unintelligent and barbaric.

But he was also omnipotent and omniscient.

The coming of age ceremony of their species was to pay tribute to this G.o.d.

To worship his powerful strength and bow down to his omnipotent great strength.

The entire race dreamed of receiving his favor.

In the past, this alien had always thought it was a legend and mythical grade.

But now..

Looking at those bugs.

Simple structure, primitive structure, but..

Their advanced and powerful were unimaginable.

The aliens could even sense that there was a powerful network-like thing connecting these bugs.

It was a kind of network that was almost undisturbed and could even ignore distance.


The existence that created such a species could only be the legendary fishermen.

Those terrifying existences that fed on civilization, but at the same time, created species to help the creators build a civilization!

Only they had such an ability!

And only they could quietly make the mothership of the mother planet disappear from the orbit of this primitive planet.

Thinking of this, the alien closed his eyes in despair.

Because, in the legend, when the fisherman appeared.

All civilizations in the universe would be tested.

They would hunt as they pleased.

The order of the universe and everything would be reshaped!

No one could be an exception!

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