Chapter 283: Hope

Ling Pingan looked at the numbers on the screen.


It was already 11 p.m.

So, he had gained seven collections that day!

He scratched his head. “This response should be good, right?”

He wasn’t quite sure.

It was because it had been almost a year since he had published a new book.

As for the disguise, it was his first time using it.


He wasn’t very sure!

So, he took his phone, opened the QQ Group, and clicked into the authors’ group.

The authors’ group was most active at that time of the day.

A large group of people was bragging.

Ling Pingan carefully typed and asked, “Everyone, how many collections notice normally does a new disguise account gets on the first day?”

After a while, someone answered.

JulyNewbie: I don’t know… What is a new disguise account?

Real Lily: A disguise account? Did you open a disguised account to publish a new book? I need some materials about the sacrifice to heaven…

Chippeja: How many collections do you have now?

Ling Pingan ignored the previous two jokers and answered: 12

Chippeja: Terrifying!

JulyNewbie: Terrifying!

Real Lily: Terrifying!

A series of the same comments flooded the screen.

Ling Pingan was satisfied when he saw that.

The response to his web novel must be good since everyone said that!

Thus, he turned off his phone in satisfaction.


The kitten stood up gently and acted coquettishly towards its owner.

Ling Pingan carried it and walked to the door.

Then, he gently put it down on the towel.

Then, he pulled down the shutter and locked the bookstore.

The beautiful day was over, and he could look forward to tomorrow.

“In the Spring and Autumn period, Gou Jian lived for ten years, acc.u.mulated for ten years, learned a lesson for ten years, and finally destroyed the Wu Kingdom!”

“This is the at last 3000 Yue soldiers could destroy the Wu kingdom!”

“I should follow suit! Rest for a week, acc.u.mulate for a week, exert my strength for a week…”

“One month later, I’ll be able to climb to the top of the ranking list!”

That was his great plan!

It was just like the great plans in the previous books!

He turned off the computer with great ambition, turned off the lights, and walked up the stairs as he thought of this great plan.

Creak, creak, creak. The old stairs seemed to be unable to bear the burden.

“I’ll take a look tomorrow… I’ll fix it myself if it doesn’t work…” Ling Pingan thought.

He could hire someone to fix that.

But the problem was that it wasn’t like last time anymore.

It was difficult to find people to repair and maintain old stairs like this!

After all, now that everyone used the elevator, there weren’t many old stairs like this left in Jiangcheng City.

Every year when Ling Pingan returned from vacation from the university, he would be responsible for repairing the stairs and checking the tiles on the top floor at the same time.

Fortunately, it wasn’t very complicated at this time. He would just knock and mend it if it were broken.


Han Li walked into the castle built on countless bones, following the mysterious demon lord.

The interior of the castle was gorgeous.

Countless crystal chandeliers hung densely.

The floor was made of some transparent stone.

Countless figures of monsters and evil spirits were carved on the huge pillars.

And under these pillars stood petrified statues.

These statues looked like a fat, deformed maggots.

Each of them was about three to four meters long, and each maggot held a staff or a scepter-type weapon.

Han Li noticed that the maggot’s lower body was similar to some tree root.

That made her curious.

The upper body was a maggot, and the lower body was a tree root?

What did these statues mean?

“They’re alive!” Little Ai’s weak voice came from the lapels.

“Alive?” Han Li’s hair stood on end.

“Yes…” Little Ai seemed to be very scared. It hid in the lapels and said, “Those statues are alive…”

“I can sense that there are twisted and evil souls inside those statues…”

“They will come back to life once they are stimulated!”

Han Li listened, and her eyes were in a daze.

Those maggot statues seemed to come back to life in front of her.

They crawled and wriggled.

Holding the scepter in their hands, they shot out… beams of holy light…

Countless abyss demons and other things had died at the hands of these monsters.


They could not be killed.

They would be resurrected from this terrifying castle after death.

That was the reason why the ancient castle of the mother of demons had become the most dangerous place in the multiverse.

These remnants of the Multiple Dimensional Universe were enough to block most threats and attacks.

The mother of demons would not die if the bone fort were not destroyed!

The only fortunate thing was that these things seemed to be something that even the mother of demons could not command.

They were the guards left behind by a certain existence.

They would only carry out the orders left behind by their master here. Anyone who entered without permission would be killed without mercy!


A Holy pillar of light?

These twisted and deformed worms could cast holy words and spells?

This world was too crazy!

Following the demon lord, they walked through the long corridors of the castle.

Han Li and Little Ai were brought up a flight of stairs that seemed to have no end.

The stairs were like a Mobius Band.

Circle after circle, they were embedded in the inner layer of the bone castle.

Han Li walked in the middle. She could only see the figure under the veil walking slowly in it.

A step after another. It seemed as if they had been walking on the same spot.

However, it directly told Han Li that they were moving at an incredible speed, far away from reality.

One circle after another.

After an unknown amount of time, not knowing how long they had been walking in this strange staircase.

The demon lord finally stopped.

The staircase in front of them also suddenly began to extend forward one step at a time.

It became a corridor in an instant.

Han Li looked up and saw the end of the corridor.

There was a flame that seemed to grow out of thin air.

Anger and hatred were the fuel of this flame.

It was burning fiercely.

That meant that its fuel was endless.

The demon lord walked in front of the flame. He stared at the flame as if he was recalling something.

After a long time, he said, “My master asked me to lend you this…”

The Raging Flame was the flame at the source of the Nether River.

There, the raging flame burned eternally, burning everything.

He found it and brought back some raging flames from the source of the Nether River after the chaos.

She used it to dissolve the souls of the humans who had fallen at the beginning.

Thus, she used these dissolved fallen souls to create the first Tanar’ri Demon after the chaos.

It was Demogorgon, who had now been stripped of his t.i.tle as the demon prince!

But at that time, she thought that his first creation had failed after the chaos.

So, she continued his experiment.

Thus, she used the desire to create Succubi, and jealousy to create Glabrezu…

A new demon race was rapidly perfected.

The era of the Tanar’ri Demons began.

That was the past of the Abyss.

The origin of the rise of the Tanar’ri Demons.

And this ball of raging fire was the remnant fire that created the Tanar’ri after the chaos.

This remnant fire fell into the hands of the mother of demons.

It became her greatest helper in researching and creating new demons.

To protect it and not be known by others.

The mother of demons hid it there.

That place was created by her master.

It was a place that even the Nether River could not discover.

Looking at this ball of fire, the mother of demons said, “You still have ten days!”

So, she slowly took out a storage ring and took out some things from it.

She handed these to Han Li. “These are all things that I have…”

Han Li took them.

It was the flame demon’s pith and the succubus essence!

“Thank you!” Han Li said seriously.

It would probably be difficult if she were to search for these two things.

Because the flame demon’s pith only existed in the powerful flame demon’s bone marrow.

The powerful upper-level succubus was needed for the succubus essence!

And those things were all the strong demons of this abyss.

Especially the superior succubus…

They were either the concubines of the powerful demon lords or the subordinates of the Succubus Queen.

Facing one of them directly was equivalent to facing a powerful demon lord directly.

And Han Li only had the potential to become a succubus overlord.

She still had a long way to go to become a real succubus overlord.

Unless she was willing to fall!

The Nether River would immediately cheer for her as long as she fell.

The strength of the Abyss would allow her to directly cross those obstacles and directly become a powerful succubus overlord!

Even the Queen of the Abyss!

The most powerful demon in the history of this world!

But how could she be willing?

“There’s no need to thank me…” the demon overlord under the veil said faintly, “I’m willing to do anything for the master!”

It was all thanks to her great master that she was able to have this day.

Little Ai, who was in Han Li’s clothes, was stunned when she heard it.

The fierce reputation of the mother of demons was enough to stop a child from crying at night, even in Heaven.

This terrifying demon lord had created countless evil and crazy terrifying things.

Moreover, whether it was the strongest demon Miska, the Wolf-Spider that she created after the chaos, or the later Demon Prince Demogorgon, they were all helpless against this powerful Obilis demon.

They could only let it be.


The mother of demons had a master?

Who would even believe it if this secret were to be revealed?

More importantly, this human, this strange human that it accidentally met, could talk to the mother of demons on an equal level?

The mother of demons was even willing to work for her!

The entire Multiple Dimensional Universe would be shocked if these were to be spread out!

Little Ai could not help but gulp.

She was extremely afraid now!


She knew that the mother of demons would never allow such a secret to be spread around.

The only way to keep it a secret was, of course…

She was so scared that she was trembling.

But to Little Ai’s surprise…

The mother of demons did not lay a hand on her.

She even opened a teleportation door and handed a scroll to the strange human girl.

“Go…” she said, “Remember, you only have ten days!”

“The Nether River will notice your existence after ten days!”

Such an opportunity would not appear usually.

Because the strength of the Nether River in the Abyss was infinite.

But the big explosion of the Well of Darkness not long ago damaged the origin of the Nether River.

So much so that the will of the Nether River had to take back the t.i.tle of Demon Prince.

It seemed to be a punishment, but in fact, it was a form of self-protection.

The Nether River was shrinking its strength in a large area!

At the same time, it was desperately absorbing strength.

The b.l.o.o.d.y battle from the Ten Thousand Abyss Plains had suddenly intensified. Many demon lords had personally descended, and even Graz’zt had been forced down.

The Nether River was in a special state.

The explosion of the Well of Darkness had undoubtedly hurt it.

That was why the mother of demons had dared to accept this human’s visit.

She had used her strength to cover the Nether River’s gaze.


The cover could not be effective for a long time.

Moreover, she had to leave enough buffer time to deal with the crisis.

Therefore, the human could only stay in the Abyss for another ten days!

That was the limit!

She had to be sent away after ten days.

Otherwise, the Nether River would notice. The Nether River would take action once it noticed them.

At that time, unless the master descended or the unknown existence that destroyed the Well of Darkness took action.

Otherwise, this human’s fate would fall unalterably.

Han Li took the scroll, nodded, and walked into the portal.

Little Ai looked at everything in disbelief from her lapels.

The mother of demons had betrayed the Abyss and the Nether River!

How shocking was that?

For countless years, only the Abyss had eroded others.

When had the Abyss itself been eroded by others?

The ancient legend slowly emerged in Little Ai’s heart.

It was a legend pa.s.sed down from the old days in the Palace Court of Stars.

It was also a secret of taboos recorded in the Book of Cyric.

… … ..

The gift of Ebdon.

The most important stronghold of the Heaven in the Abyss.

It was like a ball of swirling and flashing holy angels, with its holy wings hanging down.

The figure of the fury of whirlwind slowly spread out.

His eyes looked back at the sky.

The great prophecy of the Queen of Stars shone in his eyes.

Little Ai’s shadow shone there.

The shackles on the direct bloodline of the Queen of Stars were breaking down.

She would be free from that terrible bondage! That Evil Curse!

She would eventually become the new queen of the future.

The brave flower of kindness in the fields of Olympia!

The Fury of Tornado lowered its head and looked at those divine beings from Heaven.

“Our empire will eventually succeed!”

“Little Ai is walking on the right path of her destiny!”

“The crown has been prepared for her!”

“She will be our new queen!”

The beings from Heaven listened to Fury of Tornado’s instructions.

They cheered.

Was that almost eternal war coming to an end?

Were the sacrifices of countless years finally going to be repaid?


There was a shadow that could not be removed from Fury of Tornado’s eyes.

It was because the prophecy was vague.

Even the G.o.d of prophecy could not accurately predict the future.

Even the most powerful prophecy spell could only glimpse a random wave in the river of time in the future.

So, what was Little Ai’s future?

No one knew.

They could only be sure that she would break free from that seemingly eternal curse.

She would become the hope of the Palace Court of Stars!

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