I Really Am Not The Lord Of Demon

Chapter 176: Emperor’s Syrup

Chapter 176: Emperor’s Syrup

Tap! Tap! Tap! Ling Pingan walked up the stairs.


The lights on the third floor were turned on.

Ling Pingan pulled out a small oven from the corner.

The oven was bought from a street stall and only cost a few yuan.

In fact, it was welded with just an iron sheet.

But the quality was not bad. It had been used for many years and hadn’t even rust.

It was just that it hadn’t been used for a long time, and there was some dust on it.

Ling Pingan took out a brush and brushed all the dust out, then poured it into the garbage bags.

“I’ll throw it away tomorrow morning…” Ling Pingan said, “Put it in the garbage together with the charcoal ashes from the barbecue last time…”

After cleaning the barbecue stove, Ling Pingan took the barbecue grill, and put it under the tap to clean it. He wiped it clean with a cloth, then lit up the charcoal to roast the mushrooms.


The Kitten, Bastet, impatiently crouched in front of the grill.

Ling Pingan shook his head and took out a mushroom from the basket.

“It’s quite big!” Ling Pingan looked at the mushroom and weighed it with his hand. It was about half a catty.

Therefore, he walked outside and washed the mushroom under the tap.

Then, he took out a chopping board and placed the mushroom on it.

He raised his head and looked at the starry sky.

The moon was bright, and the stars were numerous that night. The starry sky was vast and extremely beautiful!

Looking at the starry sky, Ling Pingan was stunned.

“Where has the thick fog just now gone?” He was puzzled. “It dispersed so quickly?!”

However, the truth was right before his eyes. The thick fog just now had quietly dispersed at an unknown time.

The moonlight shone on the earth. It was white. Even without turning on the lights, one could see the entire flat floor of the top floor and the tiles on the roofs of the surrounding houses.

Dots of things that flickered like fireflies hovered on the roof.

“It’s so late, and there’s still someone playing with a drone?” Ling Pingan didn’t quite understand, but he still waved at the drone hovering above his head. “h.e.l.lo!”

He guessed that it must be someone nearby who was operating it.

It might even be someone he knew.

Therefore, he didn’t think too much about it. He directly picked up a kitchen knife and began to slice the mushroom under the light.

After slicing it, the fragrance of the mushroom gushed out.

“This must be a top-grade wild mushroom!” Ling Pingan couldn’t help but drool when he smelled the fragrance.

He carefully picked up the freshly sliced mushroom.

Since he was going to roast the mushroom, he cut it a little thicker.


“It’s so beautiful!” Ling Pingan couldn’t help but exclaimed as he picked up the mushroom.

The mushroom slice in his hand was completely silver-white.

The mycelium was delicate, and the meat was soft.

Most importantly… with a light pinch, a kind of fragrant and sweet juice flowed out like grease.

He didn’t even need to brush a layer of oil on it. He just needed to roast it directly!


The little kitten, Bastet rubbed against Ling Pingan’s pants.

She was about to drool.

“Little fella, don’t worry, wait for me to cut it and roast it!”

… … ..

Situ He looked up at the screen in a daze.

“What is he doing?” Situ He asked the person next to him.

“He seems to be cutting something!” The staff in charge replied.

“I know!” Situ He was anxious. “What is he cutting?!”

The target on the screen had his back to the surveillance camera.

However, the drone camera above his head captured the thing in front of him: A radiant body that was flowing with five-colored psionic light, magnificent and resplendent, and sometimes hidden in the nothingness.

The knife in his hand cut open the thing.

Under the high-definition camera, a golden, oily liquid that looked like top-grade honey flowed out.

He cut it little by little.

Soon, pieces with the unknown golden liquid that sometimes flowed out and sometimes disappeared into nothingness were neatly arranged on the chopping board in front of him.

“It seems to be some kind of mushroom!” Finally, someone concluded through careful identification.

Hearing his words, Situ He also nodded. “It’s a mushroom!”

But the problem was…

Where did the mushroom came from?

No one knew!

And no one would know!

And the target hadn’t left the house since the day before.

The surveillance showed that the target had closed the store yesterday.

He only opened the store after 10 o’clock this morning.

What did he do during this time?

No one knew!

That was the most fatal thing!

“The rainstorm and typhoon in Nanyang suddenly stopped this morning…” Situ He thought to himself and guessed, “Could it be related to the target?!”

“Also, the strange phenomenon on Mopan Mountain this afternoon… could it be related to him?!”

Situ He didn’t know, but he could only try his best to guess and connect the dots.

If it was all related to him…

Situ He knew that it was going to be a big deal.

Because it showed a fact: As long as he was willing, even if he sat at home, he could influence and control the fate of the world!

The screen continued to play.

Pieces of ‘Mushroom Slices’ interweaved between nothingness and reality were placed on the grill of an oven by him.

Flames rose.

The faint blue color was especially dazzling under the lens of the drone.

As the mushroom slices were grilled, the color quickly changed.

Gradually, under the lens, they turned into pieces of shining star-like divine objects.

He happily picked up a piece with his chopsticks and threw it into his mouth.

Crack! Crack!

The golden juice exploded from the high-definition camera.


The little black kitten next to him was given a piece of mushroom!

The little kitten bit the mushroom and started to chew it.

But obviously, she could not eat cleanly like her master.

She could only eat bit by bit, carefully.

While she was eating, a thin vine stretched out from G.o.d knows where.

On the camera, everyone saw that the thin vine was surrounding the kitten, picking up the crumbs that fell from the corner of the kitten’s mouth.

No one could see clearly how the vine was eating.

Because its speed was beyond imagination!

… … … ..

“Delicious!” Ling Pingan chewed the mushroom slice in his mouth, his mouth full of sweetness.

When he took a bite of the mushroom, it produced a flavorful oily substance like meat!

That was really a pleasant surprise!

It was much better than eating meat!

Therefore, he couldn’t stop at all.

Pieces of roasted mushrooms that were fragrant, golden, and crisp were continuously thrown into his mouth.

Soon, there was nothing left on the grill.

“I’m done eating!” Ling Pingan patted his stomach.


Bastet, the little kitten, also let out a purr as if it had not had enough of it.

“Little fella, we’ll use the rest of the mushrooms next time when we cook something…” Ling Pingan stroked the little one’s head. “Now…”

“Let’s each take a mouthful and taste the customer’s rice wine…”

He walked into the room and picked up the bottle of rice wine that was placed on the slow grill. He opened the cork and poured about five milliliters into a cup.

Then, he gently put it to his mouth and took a sip.

The taste was refreshing. There was no spiciness at all. Instead, there was a strong fragrance.

The fragrance was very strong. In an instant, it occupied the entire mouth.

The best part was that the moment it entered the throat, the entire body felt as if it had become lighter!

“Good stuff!” Ling Pingan drank up the entire cup of wine in one gulp.

Thus, he poured himself another cup!

This time, it was a large cup. It was at least twenty milliliters!


The Kitten, Bastet, was at his feet and began to beg anxiously.

“Little darling…” Ling Pingan squatted down and picked up a disposable cup that was placed on the slow grill. He gave poured half of the cup of wine for Bastet.

Bastet immediately leaned its head over, stuck out its tongue, and started to lick.

“My kitten not only likes to drink tea but also likes to drink wine…” Ling Pingan looked at it, raised the wine cup, and took a sip. “How interesting!”

He felt a little tipsy.

His cheeks started to turn red, and his body seemed to be swaying a little.

It looked like the wine was very good.

But it was very intoxicating!

Ling Pingan held his wine gla.s.s and walked out of the door,

He shook his head and turned off the lights outside.

He looked up and saw that the drone seemed to have flown back above his head.

“My alcohol tolerance…” Ling Pingan shook his head and drank up the wine in his hand in one gulp.

Then, he walked back into the house, picked up his pet with one hand, and walked down the stairs with the bottle and the mushrooms in the basket in the other hand.

… … ..

Looking at the tightly closed door on the roof.

Situ He swallowed his saliva.

“What did he drink just now?” Situ He asked.

But no one could answer.

Because the liquid that he drank was definitely not something that humans could understand.

Although it was only a glance.

But that olive-like dark green light flowed, and endless golden threads hung in it.

Just a glance was enough to make people unable to forget about it!

Especially the transcendent being that saw the scene, they all felt an impulse that came from the depths of their souls!

“Does no one know about what that is?” Situ He asked.

To him, the most painful thing was that he did not even know what his target was eating and drinking!

That made him seem like an ancient person who had transmigrated to the present world from hundreds of years ago.

Looking at the tall buildings, planes, and ships, he thought that he had come to heaven and witnessed the world of Immortals and G.o.ds.


He must be an ant. After painstaking cultivation, he had finally gained sentience.

Thus, looking at how humans ate, wore, and spent, none of them could understand what were they doing.

He instantly felt endless inferiority!

Because it finally knew that the things it had worked so hard and risked its life for in the past were nothing but garbage that humans had discarded and abandoned.

That was the feeling!

It was the shock of facing a hyper-dimensional life form!

Everything about it was not only mysterious to Situ He.

It was also full of a new and subversive understanding!

“I think…” Finally, a staff member raised his hand weakly. “The target probably drank the legendary Emperor’s Syrup just now…”

The legendary Emperor’s Syrup was a first-cla.s.s divine object in the world!

Even if it was a plant, just a little bit of it could activate spiritual intelligence!

Situ He replayed the amazing glimpse he had just taken.

Then, he nodded. “Let’s name this item after the Emperor’s syrup!”

“File it and make it a top secret!”

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