

It nearly hit me! That was closed.

Right now, I"m facing a wild boar that is bigger than me, its razor-sharp tusks are quite long, its left eyes have a scar, the legs have a muscle that used for charge attack, its back skin is thick and has a fur that looks like a needle, dark brown color, it has a tail probably 1 meter long, the hoof is making the ground getting a mark of its feet. Just by the look of it, the boar is around 280-300 pounds, it"s a male. That"s sure is heavy.

I quickly close to a tree nearby and looked at the wild boar, the boar hackles up and started to chomping its mouth, the boar then ready it"s feet to start charging.

The boar"s head is strong, it"s head can break your bones, skull, if you got hit by it. Not just its head. The boar"s sharp-razor tusk is dangerous too. So, you should be careful and don"t underestimate a single boar.

The boar started to charge towards me, by using timing and patience, I wait for the boar to come closer to me.


The boar made a high pitch tone and lower its head a little, when the boars was about to hit me, I jumped to avoid its headb.u.t.t.


The boar hit the tree, it produces a loud noise the birds got startled and started fly away. It startled all the small living beings even half of the forest was in shock.

Holy s.h.i.t, forget about broken ribs, if I got hit by it, I would have died!

it"s tusks pierce through the trunk and the boar forcefully trying to pull out its tusks to the trunk but fail to do so.

Now, sling won"t work on this monster, I took my hunting knife and get closer to the boar.


The boar’s eyes looked at me, the monster tried to get out but it"s tusks pierce deeply at the trunk, I should kill it now, it"s back is thick and it"s hard to pierce, I can only stab the boar at its stomach, but I want to kill it quickly. Now what is the soft part of a thick head? A soft part where it also connected to its brain a bit. The answer is.

"it"s eyes"

I stab its eyes and when the knife pierce at its eyes, I rotate it and move it upward then stab it more deeply.

The boar gave a dying squeak noise and then died.


I lifted the body of the boar, it"s incredible how my strength increase. I can even lift a wild boar alone. Now.

When I was fighting the wild boar, I actually release some shadow clone near at my field of vision, the reason is to distract the boar, used it as a decoy. Also, as a guard, if there was a situation that I am fighting a monster, then suddenly another monster came and also attacked me, I won"t able to survive.

So, as a safety measure, I put 5 shadow clones, they"re still small same as my height, 135 cm. What"s incredible is that I manage to learn to used it as an eyesight. I actually don"t know how I manage to do it, but I just learn about it. My shadows don’t have eyes but it feels like I have multiple eyes that I can used at an advantage at field work.

I should experiment my dark magic to learn more about it. Shadow magic said that it was the lowest and weakest dark type magic. But isn"t this powerful? I read it on the book That it can"t kill a person nor lift something because shadows don’t have physical bodies because it"s only a two-dimensional silhouette. Or a reverse projection of the object blocking the light.

But, is it really? Maybe the past "me" s world it"s impossible but how about in this world?

Where defying the law of physics?

I have seen lots of strange where my common sense doesn"t work, so I think it"s not impossible that a shadow can "kill", "touch", etc. In this world, anything is possible, you just have to find a way to prove it and used it.

It might be easier because I"m only saying this but this might be hard, well. It"s better to try than not doing it right.

While going home I was thinking about my dark attribute, I made a tiny shadow clone using my own shadow, I tried to control the tiny dark clone just to pa.s.s the time, it"s also a practice for me and also to increase my mana capacity.

I create two tiny dark clones at my own shadow and imagine that they are fighting, hmm how should they fight... Just fight like a martial artist I guess... But how?

While thinking this, he didn"t even realize that the two tiny clones started to fight, fist, kick, jump kick, elbow, rotating punch. Block, parry.

The two clones were exchanging each other"s attack simultaneously as if they"re fighting to death, while he was thinking how to fight them with each other, he didn"t notice that the two clones are now reaching to its climax.

I look at my own shadow and raise my eyes a little, because I create two clones but right now only one clone I am seeing right now, also it looks like the one tiny clone is Injured its left arm, hmm?

Do shadows receive injuries? Do they also have lives? Hmm never mind.

I ward off the idea and continue walking going home, by controlling my magic, I turn off my magic. Because I am now at our home.

"I wonder what"s Lyn doing..."

Maybe she is practicing her magic? Maybe she is cleaning a part of our house?

Thinking this, I found myself that I love my sister so much, now that I think about it, she"s actually not my sister, she was just taken in a slum by that fat guy, also her hair is blonde no maybe platinum blonde? And her eyes are purple, you can actually see that we are not actually related, well. Am I also a child of that house? By this appearance of mine?

I"m happier that I didn"t get their genes, this is the first time I"m thankful about my appearance, well. I didn"t hate my appearance in the first place.

I let the boar to the dismantled area and run towards the door of the house.

"llyyynnn!!! I"m hommee!!"

"hic... Brother.... Hic..."

It"s not loud and it"s not close either but I heard my little sister is crying and calling for me, I run where I heard her crying voice. It was in the kitchen. When I open the door at the kitchen with a "BAGANG!" sound, I widen my eyes because I saw a b.l.o.o.d.y head at the floor.

It was the man who attacked Lyn and I few weeks ago, no. Maybe it"s already a month?

His hair is brown and it"s disheveled, its eyes is so wide as if he was looking at you, but it"s lifeless eye lens can tell he suffered a lot, his mouth was open wide as if he wants to breath, no he is longing to breath, it was a terrifying appearance that it makes me want to puke.

I covered my mouth and I started to sweat, in coup d’état situation, I didn"t mentally look at the dead bodies. No, I just don"t have time to do so. But this... Euughh....

I wiped my forehead and started to look at my little sister, I didn"t look at the head.

"in this world, you need to kill to survive, for survival you need to get used to this and learn from it, or else you won"t be able to survive in this harsh world."

I even forgot that this was an Otome game.

The game was only at the school but it didn"t talk about the outside world. It"s a school life genre.

"... Hic... Brother... Where are you.... Hicc.. Uuhh.."

I heard her voice again; she was hiding at the corner of our table. Cowering in fear, she was trembling a lot. It must be a shock from her... But what happen?

"... Lyn!"

I quickly get closed to her, she raises her head, her eyes were so swollen, a great tremor overtook her, tears race down to her cheek, she clumsily hugged me, as her fear manage to drown her.

I also hug my little sister, I waited for her and waited more until she relaxes herself.

When she was already okay at least. I ask her.

"what happen?"

My little sister shuddered.

"bro.. Brother... The t-thing is..."

Her voice is quaking but she slowly explains every detail of the situation, while I"m patting her back gently and listen carefully.

"I see..."

"so that"s what happen", I said while thinking, it looks like she really accidentally killed the man in robe back then, and while she manages to used storage (wow my little sister) she put a plate inside of it then let it go after a while, she tried to take the plate and pulled it. But what she actually took was the head of that man. Holy s.h.i.t even me will be shocked.

She might not realize it; no, she really did not realize that she used s.p.a.ce magic back then. Now, if my guess is correct the body of that man is still in her s.p.a.ce...

"are you scared?"

I asked my little sister if she was scared, she nodded and she gripped my shirt.

"I see..." I said while patting her head.

"brother... Magic is scary..."

A conclusion that I know that will happen, now then... What should I do? I don"t know how to comfort someone. h.e.l.l, I can"t even comfort myself. May be ill just say what I can say. It might be stupid because you need to speak carefully but...

" so, give up using magic?" I said while saying it gently " I don"t mind if you don"t want to used magic anymore, I can still protect you." I said while smiling.

She looked at me, and as if she got p.i.s.sed at me for some reason, she pouted her head and spoke.

" if I don"t used magic, who will protect you brother? "


Fufu, I chuckled at her, it looks like her determination is because of me.

"I can protect myself you know? Also, you said magic is scary right?"

"yes, magic is scary, but brother is trying his best to make us some living, to protect me..." she said then she lowered her eyes a little then said " but who will protect you?"

She surprised me there.

"I can protect myself you know?"

"brother, I know your strong. But that doesn"t mean you can protect yourself all the time, including me."




I started to laugh because of my little sister, she quickly recovered because she saw me, and quickly manage to move forward.

" why! Why are you laughing! "

Her face flushed due to embarra.s.sment but.

" nothing, it"s just that I was happy to exposed yourself with a mature mind and stopped acted like a sweet loving little sister to me..."

"wha... Wha wha wha wha!!"

Ah, she might be thinking I didn"t know her true nature, but when I was looking at her in the window back then, when she came at that mansion, our first eye meeting, I knew that she is brave, and has a sharped tongue.

But I am thankful she acts as if she was really my little sister...

"also, I know from the start that you are not actually my little sister, but I enjoy your little sister act so... Sorry... Pfft... Haha..."

She started to hit my chest using both of her hands lightly, her face is full red and she was pouting, she looks like a squirrel whose mouth is full due to the number of nuts inside of its mouth.

" haha, sorry sorry, are you okay now? "

She stopped hitting my chest then she slightly nods.

"magic is scary but... That doesn"t mean I"ll stop... To protect my SO called Brother, I have to be strong."

"yeah, that"s right... You need to be strong MY little sister." I patted her head then "because not all the time I"m there for you."

"hmm.. I know. And I need to get used on killing... I always seeing a situation where I can see dead bodies but this is my first time killing... Even if it"s accidental."

"yeah, in this world it"s kill or be killed but..."

She looks at me seriously looking forward at my next word.

"don"t let yourself get drown in depravity" I pause a little and said " because every action has a consequence."

"... Bro- Rafael what is depravity?"


I am happy that she called me using my name but IT"S pains me more for not calling me as her brother...

"uu.. Ugh- t-he meaning of depravity is umm is the quality or state of being corrupt, evil, or perverted."

She looks at me surprisingly and making a face of "what!? Perverted!?"

"yo-you see Lyn, some people enjoy killing and having a pleasure killing a person by hearing their screams, blood, despair of their victims like that."

She was making a face as if she was terrified, but I"m telling the truth though.

Let"s change the subject.

"now now!" I said " how about you help me clean this and make a grave of that man? Also, I should clean the boar that I manage to hunt."

She nodded at me and stand up. She looked at the head but I grab the head carelessly as if it"s nothing, she was surprises by my act. But for me, I"m uses to this, no I need to get use to this. Well, I wonder why I don"t have reaction.

" also, Lyn, can you open your storage again?" I said while holding the head.

"yeah sure, but why?"

Hmm, oh well. She should be fine.

"well, if this man is in your s.p.a.ce, doesn"t that mean his body is also there?" I said "so you should help me took his body parts, albeit, his body might be cut into shred."

"eh? *dumbfounded face*"

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