Ah s.h.i.t.

Yeah, s.h.i.t to the finest shortness...

I woke up in an old bed its dirty but not that dirty. And Lyn is sleeping with me. So cute...

Anyway, it’s really s.h.i.tty, this is irritatingly ridiculous ultimate f**king annoying yet satisfying but still BULLs.h.i.t.


I just Remembered my past life, yeah, a person who reincarnate, commonly in some manga this happen, those isekai-ish thing that a protagonist reincarnates into another world? Yeah, that"s it.

And yep, Me who died in my previous world, died and reincarnate in this world where sword and magic exist.

I don"t know how I died, I was a healthy average high school dude who"s still a virgin and a f***king Siscon. If I remember correctly, I don"t have a sister in my past life.

Then, why did I turn into siscon?

I don"t know, my past life memory is not clear, what I mean is I don"t remember much of my past life memory. It"s only a little bit of fragmented memory that I remember.

Hmm? Why am I so irritated that I feel like I"m cursing that I reincarnate?

No, no no no no.

I"m actually thankful you know? Yeah, I reincarnate, what"s more in my previous life I"m a Virgin, I don"t know how I died but at least I was given a second life.

IT"S irritating because this world I live right now is a world of Otome game I played.


Why am I playing Otome game in my past life?

You see my friend; curiosity can make you curious. Get that? No? Then don"t understand it, I don"t care whether you understand it or not.

Just listen to me okay?

Now this world is an Otome game I know aight?

If I remember correctly, hmm that game called "maison fleurie"? (A/N: Its language is french and if you translate it on english it"s called Flower house) Dunno.

And it"s a typical love story in a academy where the heroine captured every target blah blah blah, there’s a villainess that the heroine will encountered and hindered their the so called love.

Reminder. I.DID. NOT. FINISHED. The game. There"s only one route I finish and it"s to a commoner person that turns out a marquis lost heir. And even if I said I finish its route I don"t remember much because I"m not good at remembering anything... just like now.

Anyway, that’s also a part of my Irritation but what I"m irritated the most is that...

MY SISTER, is one of the villainess’s entourages. And she also got punish of execution when she did not do anything just standing at the back of the villainess. Right? That"s bulls.h.i.t right? And I heard from my Girl+friends in my past life whether if it’s a happy ending nor bad end the villainess and her entourage will still die.

What the heck?

That’s plain bulls.h.i.t right?

Isn"t it the villainess fault? No in the first place, IT"S the heroine"s fault for stealing a person who already has A fiancé’s, also that b.a.s.t.a.r.d who got charm by that b.i.t.c.h pheromones. Tch.

No, wait. Isn"t it the users’ fault who"s playing and stealing someone"s fiancé in the game? No, isn"t it the creators fault? Eh? It"s just game? But for me that game became a reality though? This is not a game for me, anymore right? What the h.e.l.l are you thinking?

AAHHHH ANYWAY, nothing will happen if I continuing scratching my hair because of irritation.

This world setting is a medieval type period, I think? With a little bit of modern technology. Hm. Hm.

Thank G.o.d this world, no, the world that I live in, has a toilet. thank G.o.d... Also, this world has this so called "Refrigerator" to freeze the food or what is it. I know it also has it in my previous life... Hmm... At least there is a toilet that"s what I"m glad right now.

Eh? I should follow the game? What? What are you talking about? Follow? The game? Eh? What? Are you dumb?

Why should I follow that?

First of all, my little sis will die if I follow the game, Second, I don"t remember much of the game, Third I didn"t even finish the game, Fourth, I don"t care, and last and FINALLY, the fifth, I. DON"T. GIVE. A F**K, Okay? Understood? Great!

Now... oh s.h.i.t... My little sister is so cute... her sleeping face is so adorable owh mah gawd!

So, this is the case huh... I"m Rafael Evans but also an 18 years old virgin guy in my previous life. If I say so myself, I"m still Rafael Evans but I got influence by my own, my previous life memory. Some att.i.tude of mine came to my past life, like being a siscon and right now the way I act. But I"m still Rafael, but also that guy... eh? Wait I"m confused... what? Eh?


Let’s just say the guy in my previous life is on my memory. I am me and that guy in my previous life is dead and "his" memory came to me.. that"s why the "me" from my past is inside of me which influence a little bit of my att.i.tude.. i guess that"s the case...

Where am I anyway? When I look everywhere, this place is so old, the ceiling is already broken, the floor is also too old. The smell, is the smell of an old woods, the cold air that I"m feeling, it looks like this house is made on woods and if I try to remember what happen...





I panickily wake Lyn by Shaking her desperately, that"s why she angrily woke up. Because I suddenly disturb her.

"LYN! are you okay!? What happen!?” I said “Where is that man?! Are you hurt!?"

"Brother take it easy...we"re safe see?"


Yeah... we"re at this place of who knows where is this... I act rashly... Well, this place can"t be h.e.l.l... I lost my consciousness when Lyn was about to get killed after all.

"So... what happen?" I asked with a worried expression" what happen to that black robe man?"

".... I don"t know..." Lyn lie her head and grasp the sheet of the bed that started to get some wrinkled." The... Man, suddenly...he suddenly disappeared......"

...... Hmmm... I don"t know what happen but my little sister seems she doesn’t want to tell what really happen...

"We should move out..."


I carefreely caressing Lyn"s head while smiling at her... I don"t want to tell to her that, the one who wants to kill us is one of that fat guy"s knight... It"s just a hunch but the way that fat guy(father)act, and think... he is the worst...

He is probably the one who plan of coup d’état, How I know this? When I was still in that mansion, that day at night I secretly sneak in his office. Why? I was planning to escape in that mansion together with Lyn.

then I saw a letter from baron...uhh forgot who is it... but they were planning of coup d’états. Probably that fat guy knows that, that plan will fail that’s why he gave this information to royal family. of course, those royalties are greatful at him for saving the royal family also the kingdom. then, why did he do that? To gain power. More power. and to cover all of those s.h.i.t plan... that dude plan a coup d’état on itself. to prove that those rebels want to revenge from him, and of course he will win, by sacrificing lots of people to gain more authority and power.

Now, yeah that man with beautiful sword back then where the handle of the sword is gold and the blade is crimson red, I remember that sword. it’s from his attendant. To cover his own crime and plan... heeh... he sacrifices lots of innocent people for his own gain... He doesn"t even care about his son... and wife...

Um. Maybe that wife of his already know it.... Hmm it’s just my way of thinking. and I think, I think too much that it"s almost impossible. But that dude is sure is s.h.i.t ehh...

but if that is true... That"s pretty unreasonable right?

I don"t see any merits at all. what I can only see full of demerits on everything.. what"s the point of killing innocent people just to proved that you are innocent? I won"t get it no matter what ...

Anyway...... We need to survive...

"Lyn" i said and look at her with seriousness" we will leave this kingdom... will you follow me?"


Lyn was surprised but she eventually nodded. great...

"We need to leave quickly"

Lyn was making a puzzled expression, can"t be help. We need to get out of here, and go to "that" kingdom..

After all...

This Kingdom is already done for.

Full of corrupt officials, even the royal family… huh... I never thought that Lyn as a entourage of the villainess has this kind of harsh life... no wonder in the game she always hiding in the shadow....


ah.. I said to her that we should get out of here... but we are still small.. we need to take care of ourselves first and learn how to survive.. I won"t rush anything.. if I rush, I might put my little sister to danger...



If Lyn was the entourage of the villainess then...

What about me?

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