I Sell Tantric Amulets In Thailand

Chapter 11 - Spring Dream

Chapter 11 - Spring Dream

After separating from big sis Luo, I returned home.

While watching TV at night, I suddenly received a call.

It was from Lao Liu. As soon as I heard him I felt unhappy. But for the sake of maintaining a cordial relationship, like a professional businessman should, I could only hold it in.

Once I picked up, I heard Lao Liu"s excited voice. "Boss w.a.n.g! The thing you sold me really works! In just a few days, my luck in love suddenly went up by leaps and bounds! I really owe you so much!"

After hearing what he said, I felt curious, so I asked him what had happened.

Lao Liu animatedly said, "Boss w.a.n.g, you wouldn"t know this, but last night when I was patrolling the hospital, I suddenly saw two drunkards about to rape a woman. You may laugh at me for this, but normally, if I run into this kind of situation, I would turn around and calmly walk away like nothing was happening. After all, safety first right? But strangely, last night, I have no idea how it happened, but I managed to muster up some courage and become the "hero that saves the beauty". Even though I got beat up, I still managed to get them off her back. At first, I didn"t think too much about it, but guess what happened next…"

"What happened?" I asked.

Lao Liu suddenly laughed out loud, "The girl said she greatly admired brave people like me, and that she wanted to treat me to a meal. What was even more unexpected, was that the girl is the hospital"s vice-president"s daughter! So tell me, did I or did I not get a peach blossom?"

After hearing what he said, I became puzzled. Wasn"t there a p.i.s.sed off female spirit in the yin amulet? How come, not only did nothing happen to Lao Liu, his luck had started to turn around?

Even though it was strange, it was still a good thing in the end.

I warned Lao Liu, "In the future you need to stop messing around with people, work harder, be more sincere, be more careful and do many charitable things. But above all, you must remember the risks I warned you about, otherwise something bad will happen."

Hearing my words, Lao Liu gave me his agreement. He even said that if things went well, he"ll treat me to a meal.

His words went in one ear and out the other, without even pa.s.sing through my brain. Chances are, he"d probably cause another "I"m treating, but you"re paying" incident.

Although Lao Liu was a detestable person, it had to be said that his luck was quite good.

After about a week had pa.s.sed, he gave me another call. This time, he was even more excited and animated than the last time. He yelled, "Success! Haha! I did it! I really succeeded!"

Without waiting for me to ask, Lao Liu eagerly explained the latest situation to me. He practically spat out his entire brain.

Apparently, after that "hero saves the beauty" scenario, the girl sprouted some good feelings towards Lao Liu. Everyday, she would proactively seek him out and treat him to a meal. And Lao Liu, if nothing else, had thick facial skin, so he had naturally always accepted.

Eventually, the two actually consummated.

Lao Liu"s colleagues were envious to no end. No one could"ve expected that someone with no money, looks, or family background like Lao Liu, would get a beautiful, soft, and well off girlfriend.

Most importantly, was their age gap of about ten years. The girl was in her twenties, so it wouldn"t be an exaggeration to say that Lao Liu was old enough to call her father "brother".

If it was only dating, than that"s that, but who could"ve predicted that within a few days, those two people would get engaged. The marriage was even set at the end of the month.

After hearing this, I became extremely shocked.

Even if it was a flash marriage, this was still way too quick! Not even a month of knowing each other, and they"re already getting married. Just how rushed were they?

I felt it was strange and asked Lao Liu, "Isn"t your marriage coming too soon? Are you sure nothing happened?"

Lao Liu laughed loudly. "What do you know? This is what you would call true love. Being a man, my charm is something that only a woman that truly loves me can understand. Boss w.a.n.g, I really owe you a lot for this. Don"t forget to come to my banquet at the end of this month!"

Seeing Lao Liu continue to act as if he was full of swagger, I grew too lazy to care about him. So, I just randomly blessed them and hung up.

For a period of time after that, Lao Liu kept calling me.

It was mostly to say how happy he was and how grateful he and his wife were towards me. He even sent me a couple of photos.

After seeing them, I also felt quite envious. After all, Lao Liu"s wife"s features were gorgeous and her skin was so white. Her standing next to Lao Liu, it was like looking at a white swan standing next to a toad. In the picture, the two of them were openly expressing their affection.

After getting married, Lao Liu stopped working and went on a honeymoon with his wife. Occasionally, he would send me a few honeymoon photos. In the photos, his wife was practically glowing, whereas he was…essentially emitting a black-like aura that devoured his wife"s light, to say the least.

I guess he didn"t have any friends, so he wanted to show off in front of me.

To begin with, I didn"t have a good impression of him. This was only made worse by all of our continuing interactions. So, I got annoyed and straight up stopped paying attention to him.

After about slightly over a month had pa.s.sed and I had finally cut off contact with Lao Liu, he suddenly called me again.

This time, his tone was strange. "Boss w.a.n.g, tell me something, do you have a tantric amulet that can, ummm, you know, help out in bed? I want to buy one."

I found it funny so I said, "What happened boss Liu? Weren"t your days filled with abundance and joy? Could it be that you are unable to cope with it anymore?"

Lao Liu said in a depressed tone, "I don"t know what happened either, but after our marriage, her libido shot up to ridiculous levels. We have to do it so many times a day. Even though I like it, my body can"t keep up. So, I wanna ask, is there any tantric amulets that can help me give a formidable performance? The price isn"t a problem, as long as the effects are good."

When I heard his words, my heart remembered our grudge and I said, "Of course there is! But, you have to cough up the money before I send over the goods."

Lao Liu seemed desperate, so when he heard my words, he immediately agreed.

At the time, I just so happened to have a Penetration Swallowing tantric amulet[1]. It cost me 1000, but I directly spat out a price of 6000.

I originally expected Lao Liu to start bargaining. There was no way in h.e.l.l I could"ve expected that he"d actually be so strangely straightforward and directly send over the money. So, I saved him the bulls.h.i.t and wrote down the mantra, the requirements, as well as the dangers on a few pieces of papers, before mailing it to him along with the Penetration Swallowing tantric amulet.

After a few days, Lao Liu gave me another call, his voice was obviously tired. "Boss w.a.n.g, why isn"t the tantric amulet you sent to me working? These past few days, her appet.i.te has only been getting larger and larger. I"m at the point where I"m about to break down."

I was a bit speechless. "It"s not like tantric amulets are v.i.a.g.r.a. You won"t see the effects as soon as you put it on. Moreover, you"re not exactly young you know? If you can"t take it, then just slow down for a few days. Being obsessed with s.e.x all day, everyday, isn"t exactly helping you know? If you"re going to be like this, then don"t even talk about tantric amulets, not even the G.o.ds and the immortals can help you."

Lao Liu sighed again, "I won"t hide anything from you, every night I rely on medicine too. But even with all this help, I still can"t satisfy her. Boss w.a.n.g, you don"t understand my situation. Even if I want to rest, she just won"t let me!"

I found it quite funny, so I replied, "Could it be that she"s tying you up and forcing herself on you?"

"Even if I said that, you probably wouldn"t believe me. Every night when she wants it, I try to the deny her. Even though my body has a reaction, my heart is extremely unwilling. Whenever the time comes, my body would start to move against my will. This feeling is really strange."

After saying that, Lao Liu let out another sigh. "Moreover, I don"t know what"s going on, but recently, my body seems to be getting worse and worse, and I would constantly get nightmares. Even if it was a normal dream, it"d end up being a spring dream[2].

I suddenly thought of something, so I asked him, "What kind of spring dream?"

[1] Apologies for bad naming sense. 燕通佛牌 is the item. Here"s a

[2] 春梦 Apparently can also mean transient joy or an illusory dream.

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