I Sell Tantric Amulets In Thailand

Chapter 2 - Ever Tyrannical G.o.ddess

Chapter 2 - Ever Tyrannical G.o.ddess

"Are you serious? This isn"t something to joke about you know." I couldn"t believe it.

"Why would I be lying to you? If you don"t believe me, then head to hospital and take a look. His mother is still lying unconscious on the hospital bed!"

When I heard those words, I was dumbstruck. But back then, I didn"t think too much. After getting the address, I rushed straight to the hospital.

By the time I reached the hospital, Li Fan"s mother had already come to. But her face was especially pale, and she was lying on the hospital bed, silently crying. Luckily, the injury wasn"t life threatening.

At the time, Li Fan was squatting in a corner of the room, holding his head in his hands, and crying unceasingly. His father, unable to restrain his anger, was shouting at him all the while.

He called Li Fan a beast that, for the sake of a vixen, didn"t even care about his own mother anymore.

After listening in on his father"s screaming, along with additions from a few relatives in the area, I more or less understood what happened.

Apparently, last night was Li Fan"s mother"s birthday. So, Li Fan brought Zhang Li along and  went to their house for dinner. At the start, nothing happened. But when she was about to start preparing the food, Li Fan"s mother wanted Zhang Li to help out.

Only Zhang Li was just sitting down, watching TV, and after calling her a few times, she showed no reaction. Although Li Fan"s mother was bit unhappy, she refrained from saying anything.

When it was time to eat, the dishes on the table, which were made with a lot of effort, were snubbed by Zhang Li, "this dish is too hard to stomach, that one has no taste. Simply incomparable to the kind at restaurants in big hotels." And drove Li Fan"s mother up the wall.

After the meal, the family got together to watch TV. At the start, it was quite harmonious and peaceful. But then, the cat which Li Fan"s mother was raising, rubbed against Zhang Li"s leg a few times.

Who would"ve thought that Zhang Li would lose her cool and kick the cat flying, all the while screaming and cussing at it.

When she heard the cat scream, Li Fan"s mother"s expression became especially ugly, and she said a couple things about Zhang Li.

When she heard those words, Zhang Li didn"t back down. Instead, she said, "Isn"t it just an animal? Do you really need to care about every little thing?" In the end, the two went from having an unhappy conversation to a full blown argument.

Then, Zhang Li suddenly pushed Li Fan"s mother. This was followed by Li Fan"s mother completely losing her temper and directly slapping Zhang Li.

Who would"ve thought that as soon as he saw Zhang Li get hit, Li Fan would go berserk. His eyes turned red and he aggressively ran to the kitchen, took a knife, then rushed back and stabbed his mother. His actions caused everyone to be dumbstruck.

If Li Fan"s father hadn"t reacted quickly and forcefully held him back, the situation would"ve been a lot more serious.

Afterwards, Li Fan seemed out of sorts, like he was completely oblivious as to what happened. This was right up until he saw his mother collapsed on the floor, pressing her stomach. Only then, did he snap out of his daze.

Luckily, nothing happened when she was being sent to the hospital.

After understanding what had happened, I was shaken. I never thought that Li Fan was capable of such things. But at the same time, something felt weird. After all, Li Fan had already lost it twice, and both times were related to Zhang Li. There was obviously something wrong with all this.

Making use of the time his father spent catching his breath, I promptly got the Li Fan"s side of the story.

Li Fan"s hands were pulling at his hair and his expression was pained as he talked. "I don"t know either. After I got together with Zhang Li, I"ve been extremely patient and tolerant towards her. No matter what she says or does, I can"t oppose her. Sometimes, even when I know she"s gone too far, I still can"t rebuke her. This feeling, it"s like everything she says is right, and if I don"t comply with her wishes, then I"m the one that"s in the wrong.

"If that"s the case, then why don"t you just break up with her?" I was mildly puzzled.

"I do want to break up, but whenever I try, the words get stuck in my throat and I can"t open my mouth. It"s as if someone is covering my mouth. You may not believe my, but all along, I"ve never liked her. But I just can"t deny her. And especially when someone hits her, my body loses control and my mind goes blank. I don"t want to be like this either, nor do I want to hurt my mother, but I just can"t control myself!"

As he was speaking, Li Fan started crying.

After listening to him, I felt both surprise and suspicion. Based on the current situation, Zhang Li probably did something[1] to cause Li Fan to be like this. But as to the specifics, chances are, only Zhang Li was clear on them.

Thinking up to here, I felt especially uncomfortable. After leaving a few comforting sentences for Li Fan, I got the keys to his new house and prepared to question Zhang Li.

When I reached his home, I noticed that the lights were still on, so Zhang Li probably hadn"t left.

At the time, I didn"t think too much about it. I just quietly opened the door and entered the house.

As soon as I went in, I heard some strange sounds coming from the bedroom. Feeling curious, I quietly sneaked over.

The bedroom door was slightly ajar. Peeking through the crack, I saw what was going on inside.

And what I saw, made me dumbstruck!

Because what I saw was Zhang Li comforting herself![2]

She was half sitting on the bed, stark naked, with one hand behind her to support her, and the other rampantly moving about her private parts. Most importantly, her legs were spread apart such that even that spot down below was completely visible.

And what was even stranger, was that while comforting herself, she actually had that effigy of a naked woman in front of her v.a.g.i.n.a.

The effigy was about the size of a palm, and it was in the same position as Zhang Li, both half sitting, with their legs spread apart.

While comforting herself, Zhang Li uttered some strange words that sounded like she was chanting a curse. Her expression was akin to that of drunks.

After climaxing, Zhang Li smeared the liquid on the effigy"s v.a.g.i.n.a.

Then, she began praying in a small voice.

As she was too soft, I couldn"t catch a majority of her words. I did however, vaguely hear things like, "good to me for a lifetime", "won"t stop loving me" and "protect me"

Seeing that she was about to finish her prayers, I immediately hid. Then, taking advantage of when she went to wash up, I quietly entered the room, took the effigy and ran.

Come to think of it, it was strange. When I grabbed the carving, my whole body felt uncomfortable. My chest felt stuffy, like I had car sickness or something.

Only after a good while did this feeling slowly subside.

Even though I didn"t know what this thing was, from the strange thing that happened just now, Li Fan"s transformation was very likely related to it.

Thinking of this, I gave Li Fan a call, and asked if he knew this thing"s origins.

It seemed like Li Fan hadn"t yet gotten himself together, as his voice sounded hoa.r.s.e when he talked. "I"m not sure either. I only know that that thing is a tantric amulet Zhang Li got from Thailand, and is supposedly able to keep us safe."

Noticing that his mood wasn"t exactly good, I didn"t question him too much. After comforting him a bit, I hung up.

Even though, back then, I didn"t know what a Thai tantric amulet was, I coincidentally had a female cla.s.smate that constantly went on holidays to Thailand. She could be considered experienced and knowledgeable in these things and might know.

Bringing along these thoughts, I immediately took a picture of the effigy, and sent it to my cla.s.smate, Xiao Ya, asking if she recognized it.

After a short while, Xiao Ya gave me a call. "This thing looks like a tantric amulet, but as for what kind specifically, I"m not sure. Hold on for a second, I"ll go give my second uncle a call. He"s an expert in this field."

Not long after I hung up, Xiao Ya called once again, "w.a.n.g Meng, my second uncle said it"s a yin amulet called "Ever Tyrannical G.o.ddess[3]". It"s one of those extremely strange ones, you better not f.u.c.k around with that stuff."

[1] Author could be making a pun here. The word used is 搞鬼. 鬼=ghost demon devil etc.

[2] Yes, it"s the perverted kind you"re thinking of.

[3] 依霸女神 Btw this actually does exist, and if you know the English name feel free to post it in the comments section, I"ll change it when I have time.

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