I Sell Tantric Amulets In Thailand

Chapter 8 - Wretched Lao Liu

Chapter 8 - Wretched Lao Liu

With the pa.s.sing of time and the efforts of my advertising, my tantric amulet business slowly got better.

However, I mainly sold proper amulets. Because, whenever someone wanted to buy tantric amulets, I would always tell them the dangers of a yin amulet in great detail. Most people who hear it would express fear, and will not dare buy them.

Towards my actions, Liu Fu described them with a single word. Stupid.

When compared to yin amulets, proper amulets don"t make that much money. But, they let me be at ease when I sell them.

Every time I told Liu Fu this, he would always, sincerely and earnestly, teach me by saying, "Anyone that can earn money but refuses to, is an idiot. Even if you scare away the customers, they"ll just buy it off of someone else. When the time comes, the end result will be the same."

Money given to others isn"t as good as money given to you[1].

As he was speaking, a fox tail popped up. He even said that if I don"t want to sell yin amulets, then I can bring the customers over to him.

Maybe it was due to Liu Fu"s influence, but ever so slowly, I started to leave behind the morals burdening me.

In the blink of an eye, half a year had pa.s.sed. Within this half year, my tantric amulet business only got better and better. I"ve earned quite a bit of money because of it. And best of all, nothing major happened.

This went on until that fateful day, a man with the surname Liu[2] contacted me.

The man called himself Lao Liu. He came from Changsha. As soon as he called, he asked me in a Sichuan accent[3], "Hey, is this boss w.a.n.g Meng? I saw your advertis.e.m.e.nt on the internet and wanted to ask you, do these things really work?"

Having sold tantric amulets for half a year, I could be considered as having learnt the ropes and being familiar with the craft. With regards to this type of customer, I could make a pretty good guess on what he thought. Most of these customers heard about how effective Thai tantric amulets are from their friends, and so they approached with the att.i.tude of trying their luck and seeing how it goes.

It"s troublesome to do business with these type of people, since when most of them hear the price, they instantly back away.

So, at the time, I didn"t expect too much from him and just randomly said, "Whether or not they"re effective depends on the situation. I mean, you can"t expect someone who"s never burnt incense or offered prayers before, to just randomly say a few lines from the scriptures and get Buddha"s protection just like that, right? Tantric amulets are like that too. If you want to reap rewards after praying for just a few days, then that"s simply not going to happen. Only after a long period of sincere, faithful prayer, along with your own blessings and many charitable deeds, can you attain your desired effect."

Lao Liu laughed as soon as he heard that. "Boss w.a.n.g, it seems that you are an honest person. I"ve already asked many people who sell tantric amulets, and they all say that the effects will be obvious. That I would, right after buying it, immediately see the results. But to be honest, I don"t believe it. After all, where would there be such a good thing in this world?"

After hearing his words, I was a bit speechless and asked, "What kind of tantric amulet do you want?"

Lao Liu awkwardly laughed, "I am currently over forty and still single. I want to find a suitable person. But, with my looks, chances are that not a single woman would like me. I heard that tantric amulets can make peach blossoms bloom[4], so I want to buy one and give it a shot. I don"t know much about this stuff so give me a recommendation will you?"

"If it"s just getting peach blossoms to bloom, and making you more popular, then I suggest you use a b.u.t.terfly amulet or a popularity bird." I said.

Lao Liu asked, "How long will these toys take to have an effect? You probably don"t quite understand my situation. I am in a huge rush right now.  I heard that the effects of yin amulets are better, so I want to ask, do you sell yin amulets?"

Hearing Lao Liu"s question, I was a bit shocked. This was the first time I saw a customer that proactively requested yin amulets. Moreover, it seemed like Lao Liu had some understanding regarding yin amulets.

I warned him, "Yin amulets are better than proper amulets in every way, but they come with a risk. If you don"t pray properly, you will very likely end up being very miserable."

"No problem! As long as the effects are there, I"ll definitely properly pray. But the price can"t be too expensive, at most 6000." Lao Liu immediately replied.

Seeing how badly he wanted a yin amulet, I was helpless. After all, when doing business, one cannot push away their customers.

Thinking of this, I immediately gave Liu Fu a call and told him about Lao Liu"s requirements; a great yin amulet which costs less than 4000.

When it came to business, Liu Fu was always very efficient. In a short while, he sent me a picture.

It was a tantric amulet called the "Tower of Virgin Blood Peach Blossoms[5]". It"s appearance was strange. It was shaped like an exceptionally long finger and there was a weird mark drawn at the top. On the sides was a light red liquid.

The price was exactly 4000, and the instructions for prayer, as well as the requirements for sacrifice, were below the picture.

Liu Fu typed, "This is the flagship work of a black-robed voodoo Azzan. It took him the virgin[6] and menstrual blood of nine women, as well as a special arcane enchantment technique to create this. There"s even a female greater spirit inside. The effects are definitely, remarkably potent."

After I received the picture, I immediately sent it to Lao Liu. But the price of 4000, I changed it to 6000.

When Lao Liu saw it, he just asked, "Boss w.a.n.g, how effective is this thing? Will women start falling for me after I use it?"

"Tantric amulets are not omnipotent. Even if it helps you make plum blossoms bloom, it needs to be complemented with effort on your part. You can"t seriously expect for a beautiful woman to come knocking on your door if you just sit at home all day, can you?" I replied.

When Lao Liu heard it, he felt it was reasonable and said, "Can it be a bit cheaper? I mean, 6000 for something like this? Isn"t that price a bit too high?"

I patiently explained, "Good merchandise costs good money. If you want something valuable, then the price is naturally going to be high."

After hesitating for a while, Lao Liu finally agreed, "Boss w.a.n.g, I don"t quite trust deals via mail. Can you deliver it personally? We"re not too far from each other anyway, it"ll just be a three hour ride by train. I"ll even pay the travel fees."

I thought that this person was quite troublesome, but thinking of the 2000, I still agreed.

After getting the goods off Liu Fu, I took the train to Changsha on the same day.

When we met, I saw that Lao Liu was a hospital"s security guard. He looked to be in his forties, he wasn"t tall and he was quite skinny. Frankly, he looked at bit wretched. It was coincidentally lunch time when I arrived, so after seeing me, Lao Liu enthusiastically expressed that he wanted to treat me to a meal.

On the road, I noticed that this guy"s eyes were roaming about everywhere, and constantly fixated on women.

He glanced at them from bottom to top, starting with their legs, then a.s.s, then chest, before finally their face.

Moreover, he was blatantly doing it with his naked eye. The only thing missing was his drool…… He was born looking wretched to begin with, so acting like this simply made him even more revolting.

When those women saw him, they immediately backed far, far away, as if they were running away from a pervert.

Just walking alongside him made me feel extremely embarra.s.sed. I could be considered a relatively good looking youth. But standing next to Lao Liu, everyone viewed me as a beast in human clothes……

It was bad enough if he only glanced at single women, but this guy even gazed at two women who were with their boyfriends.

As he was looking, his mouth let out "zeze" sounds. If it wasn"t for their girlfriends holding them back, the two young men would have long since beaten him into meat paste.

It was h.e.l.l just getting to the restaurant. But thankfully, after arriving, Lao Liu settled down.

I finally knew why this guy had always been single. With his undisguised wretchedness on full display, if I were a woman, I"d avoid him too.

During our meal, Lao Liu was obviously filled with a spirit that made him look like those heroes of legend. After ordering a table full of dishes, he told me to eat as I wished and even said, "If there isn"t enough food, just order some more!"

At the time I actually believe his bulls.h.i.t. Towards the end of the meal, Lao Liu suddenly let out a strange cry, "s.h.i.t, s.h.i.t! I was in a hurry this morning and forgot to bring my money along!"

I was immediately stunned. The waiter"s face was also extremely awkward, with a trace of anger. In the end, I could only bring the waiters attention to me.

Helplessly, I footed the bill.

Something that I could never have expected though, was that not long after we left the shop, Lao Liu very deftly bought a packet of cigarettes from a supermarket along the way. Afterwards, he even had the gall to smile at me. At the time, I was riled up to no end, and thought that this person really wasn"t your average miser.

[1] As an individual, not representing lesyt in any way shape or form, I wholeheartedly agree to this statement. So, please give me money in the form of patreon or donations. I promise you chapters in exchange. Money motivates me more than cursing, insulting or praising.

[2] Same Liu as Liu Fu but different people.

[3]操着一口川普问我。This can also be read as, he talked like Donald Trump as he asked me.

[4] Euphemism for being surrounded by women. In the lewd sense of the words.

[5] I probably butchered the name translation but this actually does exist apparently. Or at least something similar.  You can search it up yourself it"s called 处女血桃花塔固. Oh and if it works, be sure to tell me where you bought it.

[6] The one from the hymen. Anyone read GDK on etvo"s site? This voodoo priest be a bigger pervert than Gilbert was reputed as…

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