53 The Terrifying Scene at the Bottom of the Reservoir!

After reading his personal information, w.a.n.g Mang nodded inwardly.

It seemed that he still needed a few days to evolve again.

He could consider entering the reservoir to take a look.

However, it was almost dawn.

Then, tonight was naturally not suitable.

Therefore, w.a.n.g Mang decided to officially enter the reservoir tomorrow night. He could not delay any longer.

Originally, he had said that he would enter the reservoir to take a look when he reached 20 meters. Now, he was already 24 meters long.

Moreover, his skills had also been greatly improved. His defense was maxed out, his self-healing was maxed out, and his attacks were maxed out. He could even breathe underwater.

To be honest, w.a.n.g Mang really had nothing to be afraid of.

Tomorrow night, he would be able to enter the reservoir after eating his pigs.

After making up his mind, w.a.n.g Mang returned to the nest to rest.

w.a.n.g Mang slowly closed his cold eyes.

However, at this moment, w.a.n.g Mang vaguely heard a scream. He even thought that he had heard wrongly.

“I must have been hearing things, right?”

w.a.n.g Mang was a little puzzled, not sure if he was imagining it.

Without thinking too much, w.a.n.g Mang fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, w.a.n.g Mang had almost forgotten about the faint screams in the night.

When night fell again, w.a.n.g Mang went to the small farm again and ate the two hundred pigs that were sent over.

After eating the 200 pigs, he earned another 90,000 evolution points!

This got w.a.n.g Mang even closer to the next evolution!

After eating two hundred pigs, w.a.n.g Mang did not return to the nest immediately. Instead, he set off in the direction of the reservoir.

Yes, w.a.n.g Mang was going to enter the Huanshan Reservoir tonight to take a look and figure out if he could conquer it.

If he could, he would score a good hiding place.

After all, his nest was on land. As he grew larger, it was no longer safe.

There were even a few times when he was almost exposed.

Therefore, changing to another nest or two should be safer!

In addition, the reservoir was obviously easier to hide in, and there was no need to worry about the consequences!

After all, his reservoir had an area of 200,000 square meters, and the water was hundreds of meters deep!

Such an environment was enough for w.a.n.g Mang to hide for a long time.

In the past, he did not choose to use the reservoir as a nest because w.a.n.g Mang did not have the ability to breathe underwater.

Moreover, there might be creatures that could threaten him in the reservoir.

However, now that his size had reached such a level, w.a.n.g Mang finally thought of moving his nest.

Of course, the prerequisite for all of this was that w.a.n.g Mang could conquer the entire reservoir!

If he could not, there would be danger in the reservoir, so he would not choose to stay in it.

Of course, in w.a.n.g Mang’s opinion, with his size, he shouldn’t have many natural enemies.

If there were any creatures that could threaten him, it proved that the monster in the reservoir was simply too big!

Not long after, w.a.n.g Mang pa.s.sed through the forest and arrived at the sh.o.r.e of the reservoir.

At this moment, many animals that were active on the sh.o.r.e scattered in panic when they saw a huge creature like w.a.n.g Mang.

It was because w.a.n.g Mang’s body was truly too large!

He was 24 meters long, close to the thickness of three people hugging each other.

With such a size, any creature on land would be afraid of w.a.n.g Mang.

Then, under the respectful gazes of the animals on the sh.o.r.e of the reservoir, w.a.n.g Mang’s huge body slowly dove into the reservoir, causing ripples to appear on the surface of the water.

After entering the reservoir, w.a.n.g Mang easily twisted his body and found that his speed was much faster than on land.

w.a.n.g Mang guessed that his speed in the water was at least 1.5 times faster than on land.

Moreover, as soon as he entered his reservoir, w.a.n.g Mang realized how sumptuous the fish under the reservoir were. All kinds of freshwater fish swam in the water.

There were topmouth culters, carp, gra.s.s carp, and so on. Some were even half a meter long.

A fish of that size probably weighed dozens or even hundreds of kilograms.

Not only that, w.a.n.g Mang could even see a black catfish that was several meters long. w.a.n.g Mang was dumbfounded.

His reservoir was insane!

There were even black catfish that were three to four meters long!

Even before w.a.n.g Mang entered the deepest part of the water, he could already see a five-meter-long catfish!

This made w.a.n.g Mang very puzzled. Where did his reservoir get so many huge fish?

If it was a catfish, it couldn’t have grown so big, right?

This was what puzzled w.a.n.g Mang the most!

w.a.n.g Mang had seen large catfish on television before. They were found in the Amazon River.

What made w.a.n.g Mang feel even more incredulous was that he actually saw a giant arapaima!

Giant arapaimas that were five to six meters long could be seen everywhere in the reservoir. There were quite a number of them.

The thing was that most arapaimas were only found in the basin of the Amazon River in South America.

Why did his reservoir have these things?

Who threw these fish into the reservoir?

However, w.a.n.g Mang soon saw an even larger arapaima.

In the water far away, an eight-meter-long arapaima swam ferociously in the water.

When the other fish saw this behemoth, they retreated and made way for it.

Similarly, the gigantic arapaima came to a spot not far from w.a.n.g Mang and curiously sized him up.

This caused w.a.n.g Mang to be slightly stunned. Could it be that this fish had developed intelligence? Had it gained sentience?

When he thought of this, w.a.n.g Mang was even more shocked. An eight-meter-long arapaima! What kind of concept was that?

From mouth to tail, it was almost two stories tall!

The arapaima was one of the top three behemoths among freshwater fish.

They typically grow to 2 to 6 meters in length and their weight can be measured in tons.

This was also the reason why w.a.n.g Mang was so shocked.

This was because even in the Amazon River, it was very difficult to find such a huge arapaima.

However, he had only seen such a big fish on television in the past. Now he was actually seeing one in his own reservoir?

Not only that, but w.a.n.g Mang also saw all kinds of other huge fish.

Why were these fish so big?

Where did these fish come from?

How could even a gra.s.s carp be two to three meters long?

Of course, before w.a.n.g Mang could be shocked for too long, he saw an even more terrifying behemoth.

It was as black as ink. Its body was extremely huge, twice the size of the arapaima from before. Its length was about the same.

It was a huge black catfish nearly ten meters long!

In particular, its huge head made him shudder. There were six whiskers on its big mouth.

This made w.a.n.g Mang a little stunned. This was actually… a wels catfish!

What is a wels catfish?

It was also known as the giant catfish in Europe!

Its body length could reach up to five meters, and it was also known as the Giant Man-Eating Catfish!

But this giant catfish was too big. It was almost ten meters long!

Even w.a.n.g Mang felt his scalp go numb when he saw such a huge fish.

At this moment, w.a.n.g Mang finally realized how terrifying his reservoir really was!

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